Sheng Tang and Jiang Baochu looked at each other.

Jiang Baochu's abnormal color could not be controlled. She was afraid of sun Xiaojun to see what she pretended to be naive and asked, "do you mean the head teacher forced Lu Yuanyuan to death?"

Sun Xiaojun shook his head: "I don't know."

He never wanted to say that.

What if he just heard it wrong? Those words of the head teacher may not be what she said to luyuanyuan.

He has to take the school grants, offended the head teacher, he may suffer a lot, because his application form must be signed by the head teacher.

He can't bear the head teacher.

Recently, he met a girl in school who looked like luyuanyuan.

It may be that he thinks about Lu Yuanyuan day and night. He dreams about luyuanyuan several nights in a row.

Luyuanyuan committed suicide and dreamt of her. It might be bloody, but it didn't.

Lu Yuanyuan in sun Xiaojun's dream is still the beautiful girl at the beginning of school.

She was quiet and graceful, with low eyebrows. Every time he dreamt of her, Lu Yuanyuan asked him to pick up the ball on the playground, or in the classroom, Lu Yuanyuan copied English examples from the platform.

The scene is very warm. Warm sunshine spread on her face, her eyes seem to have broken awn, so quiet.

The more warm he was, the more desolate sun Xiaojun felt when he woke up.

He really didn't know who to talk to.

His ideas are the same as Lu Yuanyuan: in this school, if he can make the decision, he can speak up, which is his classmate Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang is Gu's girlfriend.

Although there are a lot of high-ranking children in the school, it is better for the county magistrate to be in charge now. It will be more convenient to attend to the family in Huishi high school.

"It's been nearly half a year since Lu Yuanyuan died. Do you still remember?" Sheng Tang also sighed.

"I don't have any friendship with her. I don't remember her on purpose. Even recently, I always dream about her." Sun Xiaojun sighed.

Sheng Tang said quietly: "I heard that Lu Yuanyuan was depressed. Adolescent depression has become a serious problem. Lu Yuanyuan turned around from the four, and she has been under great pressure. "

Sun Xiaojun seems a little disappointed, but also seems to be relieved.

After the meal, sun Xiaojun quickly asked for leave.

It's getting colder and colder. The windows are not open in the classroom. So many people are crowded in it. He can't stand it.

The head teacher also granted him no class.

Sun Xiaojun studied by himself in the dormitory and considered what to do during the winter vacation and where he would like to live.

He was not in the mood to worry about a classmate who had committed suicide for half a year.

After talking to him, he put down the heavy stone in his heart, and he did not dream about luyuanyuan any more.

Jiang Baochu was more and more worried about it.

"Sheng Tang, it's been more than half a year. Is there any result?" Asked Jiang Baochu.

Sheng Tang: "recently, brother song is very busy. He not only has to investigate this matter, but also helps a ting to bring an assistant and is busy getting married. I'll see if I can meet him at the weekend

She called Song Chen in advance.

About to see you at the weekend, Song Chen and Gu Shiyan originally planned to go on a date, changed at home.

Sheng Tang gets to the point and directly asks Lu Yuanyuan about the case.

“…… Is it all my conjecture? " Sheng Tang asked, "half a year has passed, and there is no result at all."

Song Chen's expression suddenly is very serious.

He sighed: "Tang Tang, I don't know how to say it, you will be more pleased. What I want to say, you may not be happy

Sheng Tang's heart cluttered.

"You're right." Song Chen continued.

Sure enough, Sheng Tang's heart sank.

Song Chen knows her. She would rather have guessed wrong than believe that Lu Yuanyuan had been tortured like that.

"There are not many victims. There are only four girls: Lu Yuanyuan, one in senior three, one graduated from last semester, and one from senior two." Song Chen Dao.

Sheng Tang pressed his heart.

There, there are bursts of pain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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