Gu shiting is in shock.

After a long period of shock, his cardiopulmonary function had some problems, and he was not awake at present.

People are still alive.


Grandmother died on the spot.

Her whole son was hit by Gu shiting's car and whirled in the air. When she landed, her internal organs were broken and her head was seriously injured. She passed directly without suffering.

Sheng Tang and his parents are standing in the morgue.

The moment she saw her grandmother's body, the whole person knelt down.

Sheng Sidong wants to help her, and Fang Mengying is also soft, and issued a cry: "Mom!"

Her voice was so shrill that it seemed to tear her heart apart.

Fang Mengying never left her mother in her life. When she got married, her husband lived in their house. Although she bought a new house later, her mother moved with her, and she is still the backbone of the family.

She has always been naive, because she has never been in charge of the family, everything is run by the old lady.

The old lady is not that kind of ignorant woman, and will not manipulate her daughter and son-in-law, so people subconsciously rely on her, not against her.

Therefore, Fang Mengying's psychology always seems to have not been weaned.

For a woman of her age, her children are going to college. Some of them are almost related to their mother, but she is not.

If the old lady is ill, she will drag on for a year and a half. Maybe she has no filial son before her bed. If she is given time to prepare, she is not really unable to accept the old man leaving.

After all, it is natural law that people die of old age.

But the old lady went like this.

When she went out in the morning, her mother was still in high spirits. She said that she would go to cook for her old sister at noon. She also told her not to work too hard.

She had a meeting in the library at noon, still distracted, and what to eat in the evening.

She was also thinking that her daughter and son were going to start school. She wanted to buy clothes for them and new clothes for her mother. The old lady was very fashionable, and she loved to dress well.

Unexpectedly, a phone call suddenly pulled her from the world to hell.

Well, her mother was lying in the morgue, and she didn't even hear the last words.

Fang Mengying couldn't accept it. She kept holding on to the old lady's hand: "Mom, mom, say something! Mom

The old lady's hands are cold.

After death, the body will be stiff, and then it will slowly soften down.

The old lady's five fingers were stiff and cold. Everything meant that she was dead.

Fang Mengying is crying, crying heartrending.

Sheng Tang lies on the side with difficulty and goes to see her grandmother.

The bloodstain on Grandma's face was simply washed. Even if she died so miserably, her face was peaceful.

Perhaps, at the last moment, she did not know that it was Gu shiting, her favorite, who killed her.

She was probably still thinking about buying vegetables and cooking.

Sheng Sidong holding Fang Mengying can't let her more lose his temper, but he himself is also powerless.

He was around his mother-in-law when he was a teenager. For decades, the old lady was more than his own mother. The pain in his heart is no less than Fang Mengying.

He couldn't hold his wife. His eyes were blurred by tears. He choked in his throat, which was the same.

Two medical staff were watching.

They have seen many scenes of death and parting. They were numb at first, but their eyes were sour by the crying method of the three Sheng family members.

Three hours later, Sheng Sidong helped Fang Mengying out and sat down in the corridor.

Sheng Tang sits beside his parents.

Fang Mengying's tears are still flowing. She can't help it.

The police came up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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