That day, Gu jiahuai finished his work early and returned to his apartment.

Sheng Tang is sitting in the living room playing games while Cheng Linchuan is busy in the kitchen.

Gu jiahuai sat down beside Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang moved his position.

"Your Kung Fu is as good as ever! Just met with Ke Fei, they directly pressed Fu qingcen. " Gu jiahuai said, "Ke Fei told me that he would choose you. Tomorrow you go to the company again and sign a new brokerage contract with Kefei

Sheng Tang Road is good.

Her reaction was normal.

"Not surprised?" Gu jiahuai glanced at her.

"As expected, it's not hard to take him. I can see at a glance that he is still ambitious. What he needs is not mediocre artists, but more than all the artists he has taught.

So, I painted him pancakes and blew a lot of cattle, which means that I want to surpass all Chinese female stars and become a legend, and he will be moved Sheng Tang Road.

Gu jiahuai said:

He looks at her, smile slightly next, "still so astute, how was the way of others at the beginning?"

Sheng Tang's face suddenly changed.

She also did not play the game, left the handle, a faint sigh: "made a mistake. Well, it's a bloody lesson to remind me not to do it again. "

Gu jiahuai then said: "if you don't make mistakes, you won't be able to sign a contract with me. Sheng Tang, this shows that our fate is doomed. "

Sheng Tang was stunned.

Then, with a charming smile, she put the corner of her lip at him and said, "you're right, honey."

Gu jiahuai said:

Cheng Linchuan came out of the kitchen and saw this scene. He couldn't help laughing.

"Come and eat!" He said to Sheng Tang and Gu jiahuai, "you two are so lazy that you don't have to help. You look at me when I'm busy."

Sheng Tang stands up with a smile.

"I'll set the dishes." She said.

Gu jiahuai took out a cigarette and planned to smoke on the balcony.

Sheng Tang yelled after him: "do you have some quality? This is home. You smoke up the stairs, or just go downstairs. Let's smoke your second-hand cigarette, will you

Cheng Linchuan also said, "come and eat! What do you smoke before dinner

Gu jiahuai said:

A little bit of emotion, they were all mixed up.

In the evening, Shengtang only eats boiled vegetables and chicken, both of which are directly cooked with a little salt and no oil.

This practice, this is Shengtang course Linchuan.

Although Cheng Linchuan thinks that she is too thin, he does not dare to persuade her to eat more. He knows that if a female star wants to look good on the camera, he must strictly control her diet.

It's also unprofessional to make yourself fat.

"When will you come back this time?" Cheng Linchuan asked Gu jiahuai.

Gu jiahuai: "not for the time being."

"You and Tang Tang don't stay at home. You ask her to go out and see movies or something." Cheng Linchuan said again.

Gu jiahuai glanced at Shengtang and saw that she was absorbed in eating boiled chicken with no taste. He said, "Tang Tang is going to be busy. Her agent will arrange work for her."

Sheng Tang nodded: "yes, really no time."

Cheng Linchuan looked at the two of them, always feel that they are in a temper.

After dinner, Cheng Linchuan instructs Sheng Tang to wash the dishes.

They usually do the same thing. When he cooks, Sheng Tang will rush to wash the dishes.

"You go!" Sheng Tang poked Gu jiahuai, "you also do something!"

Gu jiahuai was reluctant to go.

Cheng Linchuan took a cup and came out to drink water. He stood at the door of the kitchen and chatted with Gu jiahuai.

"You should be nice to Tangtang, and if you catch up, you will not take others seriously. This is not good." Cheng Linchuan earnestly taught, "you used to love her so hard, now you have to cherish happiness."

“…… Who is in love with her Gu jiahuai took a long time to answer, and turned on the tap, allowing the sound of water to cover the conversation in the kitchen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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