Sheng Tang lives in the hotel arranged by the crew.

That night, Gu jiahuai called her: "how do you feel?"

"It's good. The room is very clean." Sheng Tang Road.

"The day after tomorrow is a play reading, right?" Gu jiahuai asked, "I happen to be free to go to the exploration class."

Sheng Tang said with a smile: "OK."

She knew what Gu jiahuai meant.

This film is invested by Gu jiahuai's private money. The two male and female owners are also artists of the company. If they don't know that this is the private property of the boss, they are disrespectful to the less famous directors and are not afraid of the producers, they may not cooperate in the shooting.

Gu jiahuai specially came to see the script reading conference, which was to use his identity to put pressure on the crew.

He didn't come to see Shengtang on purpose, and Shengtang didn't refuse because he was sentimental.

They were all in the restaurant downstairs for dinner.

The restaurant is very simple, just like ordinary farmhouse.

AI Xiao, the heroine, said she lost weight and didn't come down to eat.

Having dinner with directors and producers is a kind of social intercourse. The heroine refused even the first meal, which showed that her attitude was very resistant.

Qian Zhelin, the hero, is quite sophisticated. He and Sheng Tang left the building early.

They don't see each other very much. Just a few days ago, Sheng Tang's news spread all over the company, and Qian Zhelin knew it.

Sheng Tang is the boss's girlfriend and an artist brought by Ke Fei. Regardless of her status in the entertainment industry, she is a kind of person who wants to flatter in the company.

Qian Zhelin is young and handsome, but he also knows social etiquette. He was polite to Sheng Tang and kept a certain distance.

"To be honest, I think your role is very difficult. Are you confident?" He asked Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang said with a smile: "I'm ok, a little nervous."

Qian Zhelin laughed: "me too."

Later, the director and producer came down to see Sheng Tang and Qian Zhelin arrive first. They were very happy. No matter how the heroine AI Xiao, at least Sheng Tang and Qian Zhelin are very cooperative.

Cooperation is a good thing.

On the dinner table, there are steamed cereals: sweet potato, corn and yam.

Like Qian Zhelin, Sheng Tang doesn't move his chopsticks to the dishes all over the table. He just eats some Steamed Yam and doesn't drink. He accompanies the director to chat with the producer.

The four were chatting together.

Sheng Tang even took out the character analysis she wrote: "Li Lan is a role I like very much. I want to play her well."

The director was a little surprised. He took it and found that Sheng Tang had written seven pages.

Qian Zhelin looked at it and smacked his tongue.

The boss's girlfriend has been very humble to act as the second girl, but she is so serious. Is there any mystery in this small film?

In this business, the most important thing is to have a look.

Qian Zhelin, like AI Xiao, was perfunctory in writing character analysis, and planned to write a few hundred words at random.

Now, he decided to go back tonight to work hard, read the script again, and spend the whole day tomorrow writing the character analysis.

Instead of writing seven pages, write at least five pages in response to any changes.

Over there, Sheng Tang talked to the director about the film.

In his last life, Sheng Tang, the director of this film, was a very serious middle-aged man. Later, he got many job opportunities because of the film.

Sheng Tang and he had two cooperation, both made good box office revenue.

Now the director, Wang Sheng, who is a bit like a mantis, is more amiable. Sheng Tang is also trying to get on with him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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