Xu Yun is 16 years old, and she is almost as tall as her family.

She was light, with only a schoolbag on her back. She was also very light. She was wearing white sweater, jeans and sports shoes, and her long hair was tied into a ponytail.

Sheng Tang picked up her bag and they got a taxi downstairs at the airport.

"You should tell me in advance, what if I'm not downtown?" Sheng Tang Road.

"It doesn't matter. You can find you everywhere. I have the money." Xu Yun didn't care.

Sheng Tang:

Xu Yun shook Sheng Tang's arm again: "find a place to eat. I'm hungry. The plane meal is terrible. I didn't touch it. Now I'm rebelling in my stomach. "

Sheng Tang laughs.

Instead of stopping the taxi, she went straight to their neighborhood.

There is a good restaurant near the community. Sheng Tang brings Xu Yun directly.

Xu Yun is careless, two people ordered four or five people's weight.

Waiting for a meal, she told Sheng Tang about the reason for leaving home this time.

"It's nothing. I quarreled with Xu again." She fiddled with the teacup in front of her, "I have to quarrel with Xu every other time."

Lao Xu means Xu Bingzhi, their father.

When Sheng Tang wanted to say something, Xu Yun interrupted her again: "it's not my fault this time. It's old Xu who is shameless and dishonest."

Sheng Tang:

I feel that Xu has no dignity in front of the three children.

Sheng Tang doesn't speak for Xu Bingzhi either. When she serves the dishes, she pushes them to Xu Yun.

After Xu Yun ate a few mouthfuls, she continued to ask, "why is he so old and not serious?"

"He talked about a girlfriend." Xu jundao.

Sheng Tang: "don't you say that he never lacks a female companion?"

It may be due to the environmental factors in the United States. The handsome and rich Xu Bingzhi is not only an ascetic, but his empty window period is not much.

He doesn't avoid his children when he talks about his girlfriend.

Of course, his girlfriends are not all young and enchanting, he is fastidious about feeling.

Especially in recent years, he has lived in China for a long time and his taste has improved a lot. Last year, I had a girlfriend who was a 40 year old university teacher.

Xu Yun had a natural hope for his mother and liked the teacher very much.

Xu Bingzhi is also very serious with her.

Later, Xu Bingzhi plans to propose marriage. The teacher himself is single and scared away.

Xu Bingzhi has been single for more than half a year.

Xu Yun and Xu Kai were disappointed.

A few months ago, Xu Bingzhi talked about a girlfriend again, and he was mysterious.

Until last night, Xu Bingzhi asked the children to eat at his grandfather's house, and then he took his girlfriend with him.

She is a girl about the same age as Sheng Tang.

His parents didn't say anything, but Xu Yun felt very uncomfortable.

Children are eager for maternal love, but they don't want a stepmother who is not much older than themselves.

When she went back at night, she had a fight with Xu Bingzhi.

"I don't like this woman. Why did you bring her back for dinner?" Xu Yun asked his father, "just like before, you can go out on a date? You bring it back. Who's disgusting? "

Xu Bingzhi seldom lost his temper. He said calmly to Xu Yun: "I intend to marry Jin Zhi."

Xu Yun recounted to Sheng Tang that he was just in his twenties, but he didn't want his money? Stupid, still want to get married. "

Sheng Tang didn't notice that she said a dirty word. Instead, he asked Xu Yun, "what do you call that girl?"

"Yan Jinzhi." Xu jundao.

Sheng Tang:

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