Sheng Tang's "invincible life" does not have many parts. She left the cast after one month's killing.

Her agent Ke Fei still keeps a good relationship with Ding Ruifan.

"There are also small groups in the film industry." When Ke Fei and Sheng Tang talk about Ding Ruifan, he slightly points out that "some are divided by regions, some are divided by schools. They are very united inside, and they will introduce each other when they have the opportunity."

Sheng Tang knows this.

In her previous life, she knew that her alma mater had a "drama academy" Gang. Of course, not every alumni could join.

This group, with no more than 30 members, develops new members every two years, one at a time, and selects new people who all recognize as "high performing skills, high achievements and high reputation".

They don't usually get together. They pay great attention to keeping the media secret. Fans don't know the existence of this group. Only the film industry knows it.

Their members, including directors, producers and actors, are excellent in the industry.

The reason why Sheng Tang knew was that after her second film was sold well, someone tried to develop her and bring her into the group.

However, she is very cautious and has many advantages and risks. She belongs to a certain group, and the behavior of everyone in the group may be branded.

After much deliberation, she turned down the group's invitation.

Her agent tried to persuade her to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"These famous directors, or well-known producers, will only leave the opportunity to their own people. They invite you on their own initiative. They value you. If you enter this circle, you can get a prize and a high box office The agent was very careful.

Sheng Tang insisted on being alone. The agent was very disappointed and soon parted ways with Sheng Tang.

That's not the worst.

Worst of all, the star who tried to pull Sheng Tang into the company thought that Sheng Tang didn't give him face, so he felt very ashamed and began to engage in Shengtang.

Shengtang background is not deep, where can withstand the bullying of such groups?

It happened to be the worst year for Shengtang after the total solar eclipse in the previous life.

Then, she turned over again because of an opportunity. There was no bad luck for five years, but only one year for the empty window. She did not fall back.

Seven years later, Sheng Tang heard that there was a big guy named Q in the group. He was sued in court, which made such a big noise that the film with an investment of more than 100 million yuan could not be released, which aroused the anger of the capital circle.

Birds of a feather flock together. All the people in that group were suspected by the capital circle to set foot in high-voltage power lines and did not dare to use them. For a time, they were in a mess and withdrew one after another. The group that had been operating for more than 20 years collapsed.

Sheng Tang always believed that her choice was right, and later proved her right. She saved a lot of trouble.

Therefore, she has no good impression on the group.

Now when he heard Ke Fei say "small group", Sheng Tang immediately became alert.

She hid her vigilance very well and looked at Kefei: "Feige, why do you say this?"

"I know that Ding Ruifan is a member of the s City Gang. He invited you to his home. I think what he means is that he wants to develop you very much. You are also from this city. " Coffey road.

Sheng Tang estimated his tone.

"What's your opinion?"

Ke Fei hesitated for a long time and then said, "I think the friendship between two people is better than that with a group of people."

Sheng Tang understood his words.

He thinks that Sheng Tang can make friends with Ding Ruifan, but once Ding Ruifan wants to pull her into a small group, he still doesn't care.

Sheng Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

Ke Fei also explained: "I know that within small groups, there are many interests. Just like Ding Ruifan, his appearance is not outstanding, his stature is not tall, and his family has no background. If he can make it to today, he can make a total of 5 billion box office. What does he rely on?

Of course, these advantages are attractive, but there are also many disadvantages. I think only those who are in it will know. I don't know. "

Sheng Tang said: "Feige, I don't want to enter any small group. More people, more instability. For example, I'm a member of the s City Gang. In the future, other film makers will hate a member of this small group, and they will also hate me. I will lose many and broader opportunities. "

Kefei nodded happily: "it's better for you to think so."

They have come to an agreement.

It's necessary to make friends with big people, but don't set foot in any group, and keep your own uniqueness.

Cooperation will be pleasant if we agree with each other.

Sheng Tang is very pleased that she has Ke Fei, the agent. He coincides with many of her ideas. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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