"Not yet asleep?" Sheng Tang answers the phone.

Gu shiting was silent for a moment, then said: "Tang Tang, today is very fierce!"

"Did you go to see it?" Sheng Tang smiles.

Gu shiting: "yes. But I was in the box. I didn't go down. Sorry.... "

" silly boy. " Sheng Tang said with a smile, "it's good that you can go and see it. I'm sorry."

Gu shiting: "he suddenly felt protected by Tang Tang.

For more than ten years, his family has been taking care of him. He seems never to be grateful, but to hide deeper. The delicacy of Sheng Tang arouses the softness in his heart.

"Tang Tang, I really want to hear that poem. Did you write it yourself?" Gu shiting asked.

Sheng Tang said yes.

"Can you read it to me again?" He asked.

Sheng Tang said yes.

She came with her mouth open.

Read to the last sentence, Gu shiting's blood seems to have fire, can ignite him.

"How do you translate the last sentence?" Gu shiting took a long time to ask her.

Sheng Tang said.

Gu shiting realized that her translation was similar to her own.

"It's a very philosophical statement." Gu shiting said.

Sheng Tang nodded vigorously: "it can be used as a famous sentence for thousands of years."

This is the truth.

Shelley's words have been passed down for a long time. However, there are a lot of philosophical and popular words in this era, but they don't have Shelley.

Gu shiting was smiling at the phone.

Unfortunately, Sheng Tang couldn't see it.

He liked Tang Tang's confidence, which he had never had before.

He has countless wealth in the world. His grandfather is very powerful, but he is not confident.

"Yes, it can be used for ages. Tang Tang, this is your talent. " Gu shiting said, "I'm glad you deserve the first place."

It is Shelley's Ode to the west wind.

But Sheng Tang took it: "thank you very much."

"Go to bed early, Tang Tang. Good night." Gu shiting's voice is soft.

Sheng Tang laughed: "good night, child."

Gu shiting:...

he shook his head helplessly. Sheng Tang had already hung up, and then he put down the phone.

At the weekend, Sheng Tang spent the whole day in the gym and was abused as a dog by his coach sister.

"I have practiced for 34 days today. I can weigh it." Said the coach.

The body fat of Shengtang decreased obviously.

And the biggest loss was her weight.

In just 34 days, she lost 12 Jin.

Sheng Tang was startled.

"Can't that work?" She worried and asked the coach, "it's going to hurt you!"

The coach laughed: "you're the only one I've ever seen who's worried about losing weight too fast. I still say that, don't worry too much. You have a big base, so you lose weight quickly. It's going to slow down

Sheng Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, there are traces of changes in her figure: her trousers have been much larger and her coat has become loose.

But, 150 kg and 138 kg, perhaps in everyone's eyes, the difference is not particularly much, we did not see.

On Monday, Sheng Tang's award-winning English speech set off a storm in the class.

The head teacher used to be very indifferent, but now she is happy. Her "performance appraisal" this year must be very good. I'm afraid the bonus will exceed 200000 yuan.

These are all won by Sheng Tang.

Huishi school is so rich.

She went to the classroom happily. Before class, she informed the students of this matter: "the first in the city, this honor can go on the honor wall of the school. This time, Sheng Tang won honor not only for our class, but also for the school. Give her a round of applause

Class applause thunderous.

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