Another day, "who's afraid of whom in the workplace" is going to be shown.

At present, the box office is over 2 billion.

This female oriented film broke the highest box office record for women's films, and also ranked in the top five of this year's total box office.

With the popularity of the film, Sheng Tang's fame has become more and more popular.

Similar fashion movies, career movies, and women's love movies have thrown olive branches to her. Liucheng invited her to act, not to audition.

Following the trend has always been very common.

Guanghong media's investment of 50 million yuan is not the decision of Gu jiahuai, but the decision of the venture capital Department of the company.

A female love play, with an investment of 50 million yuan, is almost a sole proprietorship.

"The company made such a decision, first, because the project is an adaptation of a best-selling novel, which has a huge fan base.

Second, director Huang Ying is the top female film director. Her films are all very popular. For example, in the previous years' Qingqing and me and the sugar of first love, the box office is very good.

Third, pay off Cen very much want to act. She hasn't received any drama script that makes her heart beat recently. She is not willing to make variety shows, so she wants to see it in the film industry.

For a queen of TV series like her, her transformation to film must start with love drama. " Gu jiahuai analyzed the company's decision to Shengtang.

Sheng Tang listened carefully.

“…… And most importantly, the company has you. You do very well in this type of film, you have box office appeal Gu jiahuai said, "if you participate, the company will not lose money."

Sheng Tang had no antipathy.

She is an artist in the company and should do anything in the interests of the company.

Gu jiahuai invested her debut road to the heights; when her popularity gathered, invincible life was also invested by the company, so she was qualified to participate in the audition.

Companies are not philanthropic.

Although they took most of Shengtang's income, it was stated in the contract.

Now, Sheng tanghong has only three years left in her contract. The company manager uses her to make profits.

This time, the company's purpose is very obvious: first, to pay off Cen, let her transform to the film industry; second, to make money.

Sheng Tang is the trump card of the project.

She supported the dining table on her elbow and looked at Gu jiahuai: "what do you think? It's not about the film, it's about me. "

Gu jiahuai said:

"Do you want me to do it, boss?" Sheng Tang asked him, "you know, I'm in the rising stage of my career. This film is the same as the role in" who is afraid of whom in the workplace ". I may be stereotyped by this kind of role, and it may be difficult to develop better in the future."

Gu jiahuai's face changed slightly.

Sheng Tang leaned forward slightly: "to be honest, I don't want to play. But I know that you signed me into the company just to help pay off.

Now, it's time for me to live up to my promise. This is very detrimental to my personal development. Do you want me to make such a sacrifice? "

Gu jiahuai was silent.

Sheng Tang also sat upright and his voice was normal: "I don't really want to play. I have an equal relationship with the company, just like you.

I will ask Feige to protest this matter. He's my agent and he should defend my interests. If not... "

She had a dramatic pause.

Gu jiahuai's eyes such as electricity, looked at her: "if not, how about? Do you want to terminate the contract? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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