Sheng Tang revived.

She laughed and said, "do you remember?"

"Why don't I remember? The first bunch of roses I sent out was for you Gu jiahuai road.

Sheng Tang:

The man not only remembers, but also is so cheeky.

Sheng Tang wanted to fight with him and asked him if he knew how bad he was when he was studying!

She stood up and said, "are you OK to mention it?"

"Were you not happy then?"

"Happy fart!"

"Pay attention to the wording and think about how your blue and blue nomination came from?"

Sheng Tang:

Gu jiahuai looked at her eating shriveled, a little bad smile on her face, like a small mischievous success.

He asked her, "did you eat cake in the crew today?"

"No, I didn't tell the crew it was my birthday." Sheng Tang Road.

Gu jiahuai went out.

Sheng Tang stretched out his head and looked at it.

Then, she heard Gu jiahuai shouting in the living room: "come out."

Sheng Tang put on his slippers and walked out of the room.

Gu jiahuai put a small cake on the table.

Sheng Tang: "when did you buy it?"

"You said you would come back today, so you bought one." Gu jiahuai said, "if you don't want to eat, it's the same to make breakfast tomorrow morning."

Sheng Tang:

Why does he have to be so mean when he does something good? Is it so hard for him to say something nice?

She couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you." Sheng Tang said sincerely, "it's more than cake."

There are many more.

For example, the Blue Award.

Gu jiahuai exaggerated rubbing his arm: "numb! Come and eat the cake. "

He lit a small candle to show Sheng Tang to make a wish.

Sheng Tang's eyes slightly smoke: "can't you light more candles?"

"Just the form." Gu jiahuai refused to order, and began to turn off the restaurant lights.

The room darkened down, only the small orange light on the cake, spread out between the square inches, added a little warmth to the cold winter.

Sheng Tang stepped forward and closed his eyes slightly.

She didn't make a wish because she couldn't think about what she wanted most.

She wants to be with Gu shiting.

This wish, which she didn't promise as a birthday wish, should be buried in her heart. She even has to judge whether her idea is appropriate.

What kind of consequences will it bring.

Will mom break down again?

Sheng Tang pondered for a few seconds, like making a big wish and blowing out the candle.

There was a brief darkness in the room.

Gu jiahuai in such a dark, suddenly opened his mouth: "happy birthday, Sheng Tang."

His voice, for a time, is very gentle, like the tone he spoke to Yang Mingming and Fu qingcen.

He never said this to Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang wants to see what he looks like at the moment, and also wants to know whether he is sincere.

However, darkness enveloped everything.

Before she could thank her, Gu jiahuai had turned on the light.

The room was bright again.

Sheng Tang cut the cake and gave it to Gu jiahuai. She also took one.

They were sitting at the table.

Sheng Tang wants to eat a few mouthfuls, but she will attend the blue prize presentation party the day after tomorrow. She can't let her face swell these two days.

The cake is too hot.

Gu jiahuai ate two mouthfuls, raised eyes to see that she did not move, and then motioned with her eyes.

Sheng Tang: "I dare not eat. In fact, it's very disappointing to be an actor. "

Gu jiahuai pulled her cake over: "I'll help you eat it, just as you've eaten it."

Sheng Tang smiles.

There is no present for her birthday, but at least she has a birthday cake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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