Sheng Tang has not been so nervous for a long time.

Since the award winners came on stage, her heart was beating wildly. She was so good at acting that she showed a little uneasiness at the moment.

When the camera reaches her, she smiles sweetly.

However, the smile is a little stiff.

People in front of the TV can see it.

Gu jiahuai silent looking at the computer screen, constantly rubbing his hands, he seems to have been infected by Sheng Tang tension.

Pay off Cen in the hotel saw, very funny: "what is she nervous about? Did she really think she would win the prize

Assistant exaggerates to laugh, also think is a joke.

Sheng Tang doesn't know other people's reaction. At this moment, she can't hear the voice of the outside world.

She clenched her hand so as not to let herself down.

The prize awarding guests first said a few words and praised all the nominated actresses in a humorous way: "although the flowers are beautiful, there are no green leaves, and some of them have lost their grace.

Supporting role, the achievement of the integrity of the film, it is the same as the protagonist, for the film glowing heat. These excellent actresses, the roles they create, add more interest to our life.

Now, I'd like to announce the winners of the blue and Blue Award for the best female match... "

He said this and slowly opened the envelope in his hand.

The moment he saw the envelope, the old actor's eyes showed a little surprise.

Just a little bit.

His voice is very beautiful, with the unique composure of middle-aged and elderly people, his voice was transmitted through the microphone throughout the venue, the live broadcast platform, and everyone's ears: "Sheng Tang, the road to the heights."

Warm applause broke out in the meeting.

Sheng Tang's high hanging heart suddenly fell to the ground. Her slight trembling before her was also calmed down in this moment.

She made it.

She made a change, let Gu jiahuai send the release version to rush the prize, she is actually not sure.

Now, she won.

This award proves her vision and judgment, as well as her good luck.

There were congratulatory voices all around.

Sheng Tang stood up and Qian Zhelin was very happy. He got up and hugged her.

Director Wang and producer Luo Yishan also shook hands with her.

Ding Ruifan's wife was sitting in front of her. Now she turned back and waved to Shengtang.

Sheng Tang showed a sweet smile.

She was very beautiful, so smile, added to her demeanor. In an instant, all the gorgeous colors in the whole meeting hall were forced back by her, and her whole person illuminated the whole audience.

Her joy and happiness enhanced her beauty.

Sheng Tang stepped onto the podium.

“…… Thanks to the jury. I really didn't expect that I would get this award. Thank you all for your encouragement. I will work hard to make a better film in the future.

Thanks to Wang Sheng, Luo Yishan and Qian Zhelin, the director and producer of "the road to the heights", I have the opportunity to stand on the podium because we made this film together.

Finally, thanks to the company and the boss for investing in the film. Thank you all. Drive forward and never forget your original intention

Sheng Tang's speech is well written.

At the moment, her mind was still a little confused, and she didn't play anything. She just recited those words by heart.

She felt that her face was going to be stiff with laughter.

After receiving the prize, she needs to go backstage for a simple interview before she can continue to return to her seat.

The staff at the scene gave her guidance.

It was not until he returned to the interview in front of the camera that Sheng Tang's normal thinking returned.

"I didn't expect that." Sheng Tang smiles at the camera. "I'm very excited. I'm such a newcomer. I'm so excited to be so sure." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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