Gu shiting looks at Sheng Tang.

“…… Do you remember that summer vacation, I was going to work with my teachers and senior brothers and said I would come back with 20000 yuan? " Gu shiting asked her.

Sheng Tang will never forget that summer vacation.

That summer vacation, by grandmother's death shrouded, they all live in the shadow.

"I rushed to your house that day because I bought this ring and couldn't wait to give it to you. I just didn't expect... "

He was still looking at her and would not take his eyes away.

It's like he's going to lose her if he makes a mistake in his eyes.

He wants to open up the past and say that he will take on everything that should be undertaken.

“…… So, I keep it to this day. I don't mean to hurt you, but I can't pretend that grandma doesn't exist. It's the first time I've made money. It's a gift.

No matter how long in the past, I still bear the fault that I am sorry for my grandmother. This ring, I want to give it to you.

Not to remind you of anything, not to show off, but to be a witness. " Gu shiting said every word very slowly, "for the rest of my life, I try not to make any mistakes."

Sheng Tang's tears have come up.

She reached out and took the diamond ring from his palm.

The diamond ring is a little big. Sheng Tang can't wear it.

She put it in the palm of her hand and slowly folded her hands. Then she said, "I take it! I want to let bygones be bygones

Gu shiting moved to her side and hugged her.

Sheng Tang was left to him.

His arms, as always, are very warm.

Sheng Tang slightly closed his eyes, tears rolled down, in the heart called a ting.

Later, the phone call interrupted their direct embrace.

Sheng Tang picked up the mobile phone and Gu jiahuai called her.

She quickly got up and sorted out her mood before answering the phone.

"Did you go back to your apartment?" Gu jiahuai asked her, "my business is over, I'll go home right away. Do you want to celebrate?"

"I haven't gone back yet." Sheng Tang Road.

Gu jiahuai there slightly a Leng: "dinner is not over?"

"I'm out there. Something's going on." Sheng Tang said, "I won't go back tonight."

Gu jiahuai: "where are you?"

"I don't want to lie to you, and I don't want to say it." Sheng Tang said, "but don't worry, I didn't do anything against the contract."

Gu jiahuai said:

He knows that Sheng Tang and Gu shiting are together.

Hang up the phone, Gu jiahuai unable to sit back on the office chair.

Tonight, she should celebrate with him, but she returned to Gu shiting.

When she was the happiest, she just wanted to share the joy with Gu shiting.

Gu jiahuai sat alone in the office for a long time.

He couldn't tell what it was like, but he didn't want to go home.

Without Sheng Tang, the apartment seems very lonely, and the apartment after Sheng Tang left makes him unable to stay.

He would rather make do in the office all night.

He shouldn't accuse Sheng Tang of going to see Gu shiting. As he said himself, when he meets Yang Mingming, he even keeps ambiguous with pay off Cen.

In this way, Sheng Tang just saw Gu shiting, which was not a big deal at all.

Gu jiahuai's heart, but very cold.

A moment of cool wind, filled him.

He stood in the window, looking at the city's neon and lights, everywhere lively, but no one belongs to him.

No one will wait for him to go home.

On a cold winter night, he found no solace.

Gu jiahuai sat down and pressed his forehead to stop the pain in his temple.

He didn't move again until he fell asleep tired. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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