After dinner, Sheng Tang takes the initiative to help his mother wash the dishes.

Mom said she didn't need her.

"I haven't done anything all night. Let me exercise. I've eaten too much tonight." Sheng Tang Road.

Old man: "do you still eat too much? I see you eat that bowl of boiled vegetables. You are not as thin as you look now. You used to be very good. "

"If you want to be on the camera, you can't help it." Sheng Tang smiles.

She had to exercise.

Sheng Tang washes dishes, cleans up the kitchen, and works like a model, although she doesn't usually do much.

The rest of the family sat in the living room, chatting and watching the party.

My grandfather even asked Sheng Tang, "you are so famous now, didn't the Spring Festival Gala invite you?"

Sheng Tang stretched out his head and replied, "no, it's estimated that it's not famous enough. Let's have a look next year."

Everyone in the family laughed.

Sheng Tang was busy, put the garbage in the door, and sat down to watch TV.

In the space of a sketch, she stood up and moved and said with a smile, "it's still a little bit of support. I'm afraid I'll gain a kilo today."

Her family can understand her excessive diet, which is helpful to her career.

When it was nearly nine o'clock, Sheng Tang said, "I'll go downstairs for a run."

Dad said: "take the garbage down and throw it away. Don't pile it up at the door."

Sheng Tang said yes.

The family did not suspect, only Sheng Brown vaguely understood what, looked at his sister, the eye had a little smile, and was afraid of being found by his mother, so he quickly collected it.

Sheng Tang goes out and calls Gu shiting.

Gu shiting is almost there.

"It's at the gate of the community. Don't come in." Sheng Tang said.

Gu shiting said good.

When Sheng Tang arrived at the gate of the community, Gu shiting's car had just stopped.

She got into the car.

"Drive a little farther away. Don't stop here." Sheng Tang said.

Gu shiting nodded.

The car pulled to the side of the road, and then stopped.

Sheng Tang subconsciously wants to turn on the interior light. After all, the former Gu shiting could not be in such a dark environment.

The car was very dim, only the orange light of the street lamp penetrated through the windshield.

Gu shiting untied the safety belt, leaned over and gently hugged her: "happy new year."

"Happy new year to you, too." Sheng Tang patted him on the back.

The embrace lasted half a minute, and Gu shiting released Sheng Tang.

He reached out again, plucked her hair: "is the house still lively?"

"It's very lively. My grandfather and the whole family are here." Sheng Tang said.

Gu shiting: "very good."

He brought Sheng Tang the pain, they finally survived, no longer sad.

Gu shiting sighed slightly.

He added: "we have an appointment with boss Zhou on the second day of the year. Are you free? If you go, we'll change the dining place to my home so that you won't be photographed. "

"The reporters are all home for the new year." Sheng Tang said with a smile, "however, it is still safe. You mean your apartment

"Yes, I'll cook." Gu shiting said.

He can make all kinds of delicious food.

He can also make Grandma's homemade dishes.

Such a light floating sentence, the temptation of Sheng Tang is great.

She nodded, "I will go."

"Let me tell Mr. Zhou that we can get together on the second day of junior high school and stay in my house in the evening. How many people do you want to play mahjong or video games? " Gu shiting asked again.

Sheng Tang:

She neither likes playing mahjong, nor playing video games.

All she had to say was, "whatever you want. Who else are you going to call? "

"I don't know. Boss Zhou said he took friends with him. It should be from his side." Gu shiting said, "his friends are trustworthy."

Sheng Tang nodded and said yes.

Her life, after more than six years, finally slowly back on track.

Family, Gu shiting, all returned to her life, as if never left.

And grandmother's trace, also slowly left only a little shallow. If you don't go looking for it, you can't see it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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