Liu taofang didn't feel comforted when he heard Sheng Tang's words. Instead, he thought, "it's over. She doesn't have a point in her heart! She's just crazy, she's putting in so much money! "

Before, because of Sheng Tang's flattery, Liu taofang thought she was a confidant.

Now hearing her assertion, Liu taofang thinks that she is not. She is just a beautiful and brainless actress who dreams of the future and the box office.

Liu taofang is more nervous.

Sheng Tang saw his own words, far more than Liu taofang's cognition, and he was not very good.

She said with a smile: "I'll talk about it casually, brother Liu. Don't take it to heart. After the film is finished, the follow-up publicity is about to be launched. We should all put our hearts into our stomachs now. "

It's easier said than done.

Liu taofang said nothing more and sent Sheng Tang home.

Sheng Tang immediately calls Ke Fei.

Kefei met her in her busy schedule.

“…… Is it nearly time for the publicity period of "gifted girl" Kefei asked, "do you have any plans at present?"

"No, I just want to seriously promote the film." Sheng Tang said, "after all, this is a movie I invested in. I get 10% of the box office

Ke Fei laughed and said, "are you afraid now?"

"It's OK. I think I'll make money. Maybe I'll make my first pot of gold." Sheng Tang said.

Kefei laughed.

"Confidence is a good thing." Kefei said so.

Sheng Tang also smiles.

Kefei comforted her: "it's a small matter whether you make money or not. It's just a year's delay.". Recently, I will still receive countless scripts and project proposals for you. Your popularity is still there. "

Since the release of "who is afraid of whom in the workplace", Sheng Tang has been busy selecting and shooting plays. She is very low-key.

Sometimes a low-key will bring the past, but also may let the star's value preservation.

Shengtang belongs to the latter.

She has good acting skills and beautiful people. More than half a year is not enough time for her to be forgotten by the market and capital. I learned that she did not receive the same type of commercial films, so this kind of commercial films will continue to look for her.

Kefei is not so pessimistic about her future.

Of course, Kefei is not so optimistic about "gifted girl".

After communicating with Ke Fei, Sheng Tang's next major task is to run propaganda.

Publicity still gives Sheng Tang a headache.

She will attend various interviews and attend various business activities. What scares her most is still her participation in variety shows as a guest.

She has no sense of variety. In a variety show, she has to take the script given to her by the director group and make great efforts to play her role here. It's more tiring than filming.

And variety shows also need to run from place to place.

Sheng Tang met Gu jiahuai and Gu shiting respectively before the publicity began.

Gu jiahuai here is a business, Gu shiting there is a private matter, we have to deal with it.

"Let me tell you something. Pay off Cen's" high heels "will be promoted, and her movies will be released in the summer vacation Gu jiahuai said to Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang: "so fast? I remember I've been in the group for a month, and she only started it up there. "

"Her project has the original novel, well prepared, easy to shoot and easy to post produce." Gu jiahuai said, "everyone is in a hurry, taking advantage of the popularity of" who is afraid of whom in the workplace "is not over

Sheng Tang's voice.

Gu jiahuai added: "the company will vigorously promote her new play, and I may want to participate in two interview programs with her."

Sheng Tang's voice.

Gu jiahuai asked her, "do you mind?"

Sheng Tang: , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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