Sheng Tang finished reading and quietly called Ke Fei.

"It's more than 10 million at midnight and 80 million on the first day. The estimated total box office should be between 800 million and 1 billion." Sheng Tang said.

Kefei is in a good mood.

Although he lowered his voice, his joy could not be concealed: "I saw the word-of-mouth, and the audience at midnight gave a very high evaluation, which was in sharp contrast to the film critics.

Did you see the split? According to the box office statistics, the average score on the app is 9.8 points, and the other scores are above 9 points. "

Sheng Tang says she hasn't seen it yet.

Ke Fei said with a smile: "your estimated box office should not be bad. Tang Tang, you're going to make a movie again. Films worth more than one billion yuan are considered to be top ten at the box office this year

Sheng Tang also laughed.

They were on the phone, and Sheng Tang's door was knocked.

Liu taofang's excited voice came from the door: "Mr Sheng, Miss Sheng, are you asleep?"

Sheng Tang:

Listening to his excitement, he definitely saw the box office in the middle of the night.

I don't even read it when I've agreed?

Why are they adults, like children, unable to hold their breath?

In the past, when "workplace" was released, Sheng Tang really could not watch it.

Sheng Tang smiles and hangs up Ke Fei's phone. It is estimated that Ke Fei also hears a knock on the door next door.

When she opened the door, Ke Fei also stood at the door, and Liu taofang also said to him, "Lao Ke, have you seen the box office statistics?"

Kefei said with a smile, "I've seen it."

Mrs. Liu's hair was still wrapped in a water towel, and she also came upstairs: "I said that old Liu was not calm and woke you all up."

"How can it be calm?" Liu taofang's plump face was full of ruddy, his eyes were very bright, "it's over ten million at midnight, my ancestors! The first day box office will definitely exceed 80 million, and you can expect to break 100 million! "

His estimate for the film is 200 million yuan.

Over 200 million at the box office, he can keep his job and face.

Now it seems that it is definitely more than 200 million. How can he not be excited?

Sheng Tang also laughed: "we all saw that the first day box office can really look forward to it. Liu Ge, in addition to the box office in the middle of the night, word-of-mouth is also good

"Yes, yes, yes, I see the audience's comments. Those film critics, taking money and talking nonsense, scared me half to death, not as good as the audience! The audience is simple and direct, and they say it's good-looking Liu taofang's whole life was uninhibited.

Mrs. Liu saw that her husband was out of control and dragged him away.

She also forcibly seized Liu taofang's mobile phone and told him to go to sleep for a while.

"It's agreed that we won't watch the box office today, or why would you call Miss Sheng and her agent over here?" Mrs. Liu scolded him.

Liu taofang can't help it.

He couldn't sleep all the time. His mind was full of ideas.

Sheng Tang and Ke Fei are really tired. Moreover, with the 2 billion box office of "the workplace" ahead, Sheng Tang and Ke Fei are not excited about the current situation.

They both want to get some sleep.

At noon, Sheng Tang wakes up and knocks on Kefei's door.

The restaurant downstairs smelled the smell of rice.

After Sheng Tang went downstairs, Mrs. Liu and Liu taofang sat in the living room.

What are they talking about.

Liu taofang also wanted to watch his mobile phone, but Mrs. Liu stopped him. Liu taofang was a little anxious.

After lunch, several people set up the card table.

Liu taofang was absent-minded and lost a lot.

At dinner time, he strongly asked to use his mobile phone, but was still refused by Mrs. Liu.

Sheng Tang and Ke Fei's mobile phones are also in the state of power off. Several people have discussed that they must tolerate LingDian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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