If only pay off Cen's films, Sheng Tang may gloat.

But with the company's investment, Sheng Tang can't say anything.

She may have no feelings for the company, but Kefei has deep feelings.

Kefei regards the company as his own with all his heart.

Gu jiahuai there, the mood is estimated to be not very good.

"It's over, Feige. I'm afraid I'll hate you if you pay up." Sheng Tang made a joke.

Kefei couldn't help laughing: "then be careful. But it's OK, Tang Tang. In a word, paying off CEN is not as smart as you are. "

What he meant was that Sheng Tang didn't have to worry about being paid off. He didn't have enough brains to pay off Cen.

Sheng Tang also laughed.

Ke Fei also agrees with Sheng Tang's words: the two actresses happened to be released on the same day. One broke the sign of bad singing before the release, and box office and word-of-mouth rose one after another; the other was favored, and the box office and word-of-mouth were both popular.

If you change who you are, you will not be in a good mood.

Even if you don't take the initiative to do something, you can't avoid remembering hate emotionally.

“…… I didn't expect "high heels" to be so miserable. " Said Kefei.

Sheng Tang: "I can think of it. I have told Mr. Gu before that the risk of novel adaptation is very big. It does not mean that you can make a successful film if you have a mature and popular novel.

The film needs the director to control the whole scene. The director should know how to shoot and how to shoot. If the director doesn't like the novel, or is not good at it, he may misinterpret the expression of the novel.

In the end, the whole thing is out of order and everything will be completely different. Sister Zheng is a female oriented film. The preparatory work is at least three years. If you want to copy her success, how can it be so easy? "

Kefei thought what she said was right.

"After that, we won't take on the adaptation project." "Cheke said," cheke said

"No, we have to meet the director if we have to. The director is the decisive factor. " Sheng Tang said with a smile, "if the project is good, I will take it."

Kofi nodded.

When the car arrived at Gu jiahuai's apartment, Sheng Tang saw his own house full of lights at a glance.

Ke Fei also raised his eyes and looked at his eyes, and then asked Sheng Tang, "general manager Gu seems to have not slept. Do you want me to accompany you up?"

"No more." Sheng Tang smiles.

She went upstairs herself.

Gu jiahuai did not sleep, he was in the study, as if to call someone.

Sheng Tang knocks on the door and goes in without waiting for his answer.

Gu jiahuai a pair of gentle, is facing the computer video, soft voice comforts what.

In the video comes out the woman's cry, is pays off Cen.

She has lost her voice.

Time is not early, Gu jiahuai and pacify her a few words, promise to take her out tomorrow to relax, this just hung up the video.

He rubbed his temple and looked at his watch: "just come back?"

"Yes." Sheng Tang said, "just paid off Cen?"

"Yes." Gu jiahuai has a headache.

"The movie was miserable, wasn't it?" Sheng Tang said again.

Gu jiahuai still nodded, pointed to the side, let Sheng Tang that take a bottle of water to him.

Sheng Tang handed it over.

Gu jiahuai took a deep sigh.

He cheered up: "Congratulations, you this movie word-of-mouth, estimated that the box office does not fall, but rise, you have another movie."

Sheng Tang laughed: "boss, have you forgotten? It's a quarter of your investment. It's our movie. "

Gu jiahuai laughed.

This smile, a bit sinister, Sheng Tang did not know whether he was mocking.

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