Wang Si bought coffee and wanted some popcorn.

Chenglinchuan bought a bucket and two people carried them into the screening hall.

“…… To be honest, Tangtang and Zhao Beibei are really different. " "I don't know the heroine she plays this time, it looks like she is not like her," Wang said

Now many people talk about Shengtang, they will say Zhao Beibei, after all, it is her most famous role.

The character is particularly gratifying and makes people shine. She was so beautiful and domineering that she felt very cheerful.

"It shouldn't be like that." "You haven't seen any other films of her," Cheng said. Every performance of Tangtang will break through himself. Li Lan and Li Hong sisters were totally different from Zhao Beibei. "

"What is that movie? I haven't seen it. " Wang Sisi said truthfully.

The road to heights has only 200 million box office, and there are many people who haven't seen it.

Cheng told her that it was the film that Sheng Tang won the blue and Blue Award for the best girl.

Wang said he would like to go to the video website to see if he is free any day.

In the second scene of midnight, there was almost no one. Except chenglinchuan and Wang Sisi, there was only one other couple in the whole screening hall.

The film starts.

After putting the logo of the company, when there is no picture, the voice of narration is the first: "Yan Zi, Yan Zi?"

With the voice of the narration, the girl's sleeping face appears in the lens.

The curtain in the room was pulled open at once, the sunshine came in, and the girl's face was covered in the sun, especially white, like a light white glaze.

She slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were black and white, and the tail of her eyes rose slightly, with a different delicacy.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Wang Si called down.

She never studied Sheng Tang's face so close, but generally thought she was beautiful, but she didn't leave her eyebrow distance so perfect.

The voice of nagging in the narration rings, is Yan Zi's mother: "today is going to start school, you are still sleeping, and you will be late later."

Yan Zi sat up from the bed.

She had not woke up, her eyes narrowed slightly, and resisted the sunlight, and responded to her mother's nagging: "the report started at 9 a.m. and ended at twelve.

It takes me 20 minutes to eat, ten minutes to get from home to the subway station, and it's seven thirty. The last one is 8:05 and the second one is 8:10. It takes nine stops to get to school, that is to say, "br >

in Yan Zi's narration, the camera is not always on her body, but the picture of her standing up is not kept playing.

She is brushing her teeth and washing her face because of her inconvenient legs.

She changed her new dress and sorted her luggage.

Mother finally put the bag in her mouth, blocking her chatter.

Wang Si saw here, can not help laughing: "a little interesting, this woman nagging, and the screen does not delay."

Chenglinchuan nodded.

He was eating popcorn and was not interested in the comments.

However, the rhythm is very fast, Yan Zi's character is very gratifying. Although the legs and feet are inconvenient, the face is very beautiful, the clothes are also light and fashionable, the music is beautiful, the picture is gorgeous, and everything makes people happy.

Then Yan Zi came to school.

She went through the entrance formalities, is a boy, learned that Yan Zi is also a department of biology, very happy to shake hands with her, and then later found that she walked a little strange, and asked her: "what's wrong with your leg?"

"Disabled brother." Yan Zi has a relaxed tone.

The boy is embarrassed.

Wang thought that this place was handled very well, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

This shot is not long.

All the lengthy narratives, the film went very fast.

Yan Zi began her college life.

movie takes eight minutes to tell the whole tune, and the music is still beautiful.

It was not until Yan Zi was selected as a new member of the laboratory by the school, which slowed down and began to tell the story.

The story is all around Yan Zi.

How she has been standing in the lab step by step, how to deal with the relationship with her classmates, how to deal with the relationship with her parents, and how to get a biological contest for college students.

Finally, Yan Zi became the leader of the laboratory, successfully defeated two postgraduates' senior brothers, one doctoral senior sister and two senior three senior sisters, and became the most important person in this laboratory.

The plot is very refreshing, a little less real, Yan Zi is so versatile, but the plot is very smooth.

Unconsciously, time has passed by by most.

Yan Zi and the hero in the rain quarrel scene, let Wang Si a little return to the mind.

She looked at her cell phone, and then she found that the film had been in place for 70 minutes.

It's less than 30 minutes left.

It was so fast.

Wang Si gently relaxed, to Cheng Linchuan way: "ah, is this the male Lord? Does he have a relationship with Yan? "Cheng Linchuan's special input: "Shhh!"

It was the first time that he interrupted Wang Sisi's feelings. He was immersed in the film. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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