After the car stops, there will be a special park bus to pick up the guests.

Sheng Tang and Ke Fei are waiting for the bus.

She is wearing a gr black dress today, one of the two she bought last year.

She has worn this little black dress for the fifth time.

It's also sad to say that Sheng Tang, a leading actress of 3 billion, is very short of money.

The settlement of Zheng Weiwei's film has not been completed yet. The investors have to take the money first, and then they will give them to Sheng Tang and Wen Yu. In addition, Zheng Weiwei's compensation of six million yuan has not been paid.

Gu jiahuai account of the funds, Shengtang investment to the "gifted girl", the bank card became empty card.

And her remaining 600000 last year, after a year's spending, she has only a few hundred thousand.

It's not that she's going to spend money. She really doesn't have much to spend on the set.

During the last publicity period of "gifted girl", Sheng Tang's junior sister Ren Ying didn't have good clothes. Sheng Tang spent some money for her, and came to chufei for a year.

As for her advertising money, it is still in the company's accounts, which may be divided into several hundred thousand yuan. Sheng Tang has not asked for it yet, so she has to wait for the company to finish the process.

So, three billion female artists, a small dress, have been wearing it for the fifth time.

Sheng Tang thought of this and secretly laughed.

Kefei asked her what she was laughing at.

"Poor." Sheng Tang said with a low smile, "I am poorer than this time last year."

Ke Fei didn't understand her self mockery: "do you want money?"

"No, just sigh." Sheng Tang said, "I've worn this dress for the fifth time, and I don't have any decent jewelry. These should be bought."

Kefei looks at her.

“…… Tomorrow I can accompany you to buy clothes and jewelry, budget within two million, I can pay. "Gifted girl" is divided into two parts, I have to leave the company first, and then I will directly deduct this. " Coffey road.

Sheng Tang shakes his head: "say more."

What else does Ke Fei want to say? The people waiting for the park bus have recognized Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang has been in the limelight for the past year. They warmly greet her.

Soon, a new park bus came and several people got on.

Sheng Tang and Ke Fei are sitting in the last row. The two ladies in front of them still keep looking back and talking to Sheng Tang, as if Sheng Tang were deeply in love with them.

The car finally arrived at the meeting.

The venue was built with splendor and bustle.

Huatai pictures invited one of the most popular bands to perform on the stage, and thunderous cheers broke out.

The concert tickets of this band are always hard to get. Every time they are just launched, they will be robbed all within 20 seconds.

Now they come here to perform, can think of the enthusiasm of the audience.

Sheng Tang said with a smile, "it's so busy today."

"Huatai has always been rich and generous." Kefei said, "the movies that their family has entered into a billion clubs have always been a celebration banquet of this level."

"No way!" Sheng Tang Road.

At this time, a fat figure rolled out, with a spring breeze.

It's Liu taofang.

Liu taofang called Sheng Tang after a long distance: "teacher Sheng?"

"Liu Ge, I'm here." Sheng Tang responds, and then goes up and hugs him gently.

Liu taofang was very excited, and his face turned red again. He said to Sheng Tang, "come here, you are a distinguished guest today. Please come here. Lao Ke, you can sit anywhere you like. "

Sheng Tang couldn't laugh or cry.

Liu taofang took Sheng Tang to the chairman and sat down with Director Chen Zhi and senior executives of Huatai film.

"This is Mr. Sheng. Everyone knows him." Liu taofang took the initiative to introduce people for her.

At this time, there was a commotion at the door, as if a bigger brand had arrived.

Liu taofang took a look and turned to Sheng Tang and said, "our CEO of Huatai, Mr. Tang has arrived. Just a moment. I'll introduce you later. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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