That night, after the banquet, Liu taofang personally sent Sheng Tang and Ke Fei to the parking lot.

"See you tomorrow. Let's talk about the movie." Liu taofang said, "to your company or to our company? Or make an appointment? "

Sheng Tang thought of Gu shiting's words, and was curious about what he had done. He said, "let's go to our company."

After getting on the car, Kefei was silent for a while and drove out of the club. Then he asked Sheng Tang.

“…… The man, who is he In Kefei's voice, there was no blame. "If you have anything to do with him, you must tell me in advance. Your emotional life, never let the media know before your agent

Sheng Tang:

Ke Fei said again: "I know that Mr. Gu has paid off Cen, which is a bit At least on the surface, I don't know in private. If you two have an appointment, the relationship between you is open and free from one-on-one. I can accept it.

To be honest, this kind of relationship is very common in the entertainment industry, especially between two star couples. However, the risk of others is very good, that is, the broker is reliable.

You should trust me absolutely in this respect. You are so beautiful and young. Feige is not an antique and won't stop you. But if the media catches you, it's very difficult to deal with it. "

Ke Fei took out his heart and lung, which made Sheng Tang silent for a long time.

She didn't know how long she and Kefei would work together.

If he needs Ke Fei all the time, and even when he leaves Guanghong media, he is willing to open a studio with her, then he is absolutely her dependence.

The best collaborators need to be honest with each other.

Sheng Tang knows that many agents have a strong desire to control. In this regard, Ke Fei is very good and tolerant.

"He's my ex boyfriend." Sheng Tang said truthfully, "the relationship between Mr. Gu and me is not the kind of open relationship you imagine. However, President Gu knows him and doesn't mind if I meet him. "

Ke Fei:

He guessed it.

Ke Fei feels more and more that Mr. Gu and Sheng Tang haven't really slept, because he has been alone with them many times, and he feels that there is no intimacy between them.

Adult relationship, sometimes it is so clear, whether there is any substantive, over time, there will always be exposed.

"So, you and him..."

"I'll travel with him and two other friends in a few days." Sheng Tang said, "we try our best to separate and not be photographed by the media.

As for the rest, I can't say right now. Mr. Gu, if he asks, you can tell him the truth. What I can tell you, I told Mr. Gu.

And love knows that she has seen him

Ke Fei:

As a manager, he was the last to know such a big thing.

Sheng Tang's words are also very direct.

Ke Fei doesn't understand what is going on between her and Mr. Gu. Rao has a big brain, and he can't imagine that Sheng Tang and Gu always agree on love.

However, all kinds of things that destroy the Three Outlooks in the entertainment industry emerge one after another. Sheng Tang is absolutely a pediatrician. After listening to this, Ke Fei has no mood at all.

He no longer said anything, but told Sheng Tang to be careful of the media.

"When he touched your hair tonight, I found that two magazine editors had seen it. Maybe they'll send paparazzi to follow the man in the future Coffey said, "you have to be careful."

"I will." Sheng Tang said.

When the car arrives at Gu jiahuai's apartment, Sheng Tang gets off and leaves with Ke Fei.

This evening, Gu jiahuai is not at home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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