Gu jiahuai's face was anxious, and he stretched out his head to explore Sheng Tang's forehead.

Sheng Tang's face was pale and sweaty. It didn't look like a fever.

She looked at him speechless.

And now he, a little flustered, and he usually very different.

Sheng Tang reluctantly laughed: "nothing boss, your money tree will not die, I am dysmenorrhea."

Gu jiahuai said:

At a loss, he sat by the bed and asked her, "are you going to the hospital?"

"You'll be laughed at by the doctor." Sheng Tang said, "it's the first time for me to check what I said on the Internet. What brown sugar water doesn't work. The best is painkillers."

"I'll buy it!" He set up his horse.

Sheng Tang nods.

She curled up in pain. After a moment, Gu jiahuai went upstairs again.

He was breathing heavily and his forehead was big and sweaty.

Sheng Tang looked at him, took the medicine and water cup in his hand and asked him, "did you run past?"

Gu jiahuai: "what so much nonsense? Take the medicine

Sheng Tang took the medicine.

Gu jiahuai takes out a mobile phone, estimate is also in check woman dysmenorrhea should do.

The most scientific way is to take painkillers.

As for the addiction to painkillers, it is mostly a rumor. The Chinese people are sometimes horribly ignorant and sometimes shrewd.

Sheng Tang lies quietly.

Gu jiahuai was sweating hard, and his back was sweating through.

"I'll take a nap." Sheng Tang said.

Gu jiahuai stood up and went out for a bath.

After washing, the air-conditioned room let his dry heat cool down, he began to think about what to get Shengtang to eat.

"Order a takeout." This is undoubtedly the best way.

Or call the housekeeper's aunt back and cook some porridge or something for Shengtang.

However, Gu jiahuai did not know how to smoke.

He didn't think it was enough to express his feelings.

This time, he took a vacation with his father's headquarters. He got a lot of inspiration, and formally paved the way for him to become CEO of the company.

Maybe, in five or six years, he will be able to enter his father's company.

After entering the company, two years later, he will be able to get the company's core secrets.

At that time, there could be revenge and revenge.

It was Sheng Tang's "gifted girl" that gave him this opportunity.

Both his father and the outside world think that "gifted girl" is his investment in Sheng Tang, and his eyes are sharp.

Those senior men, prejudice against women is engraved in the bone.

Sheng Tang is so beautiful, just a vase. What decision can she make?

They gave the credit to Gu jiahuai.

Gu jiahuai with the purpose, did not say, but in the heart is clear that he took advantage of Sheng Tang.

So he wanted to do something for Sheng Tang.

"Light." Gu Huai opened the refrigerator again.

Cheng Linchuan can cook. He goes home every night to cook a meal. This is his pleasure, so the food in the refrigerator is complete and fresh.

Gu jiahuai took out a baby dish, decided to make a vegetable dish, and then cooked a pot of porridge for Shengtang.

He still remembers Cheng Linchuan telling him, "porridge should be cooked with high fire. It's not delicious and has no soul."

In order to make porridge with soul, he took out the stew pot.

Gu jiahuai thinks it's just cooking. What's the big deal.

He began to wash rice and vegetables.

Sheng Tang fell asleep, and suddenly smelled the pungent smell of burnt paste. He thought that his house was on fire, so he jumped up.

She opened the door and saw the smoke in the kitchen. Sheng Tang immediately found the fire extinguisher.

"Is there a fire?" Sheng Tang asked anxiously.

Standing in the thick smoke, Gu jiahuai said: , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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