"I have my own discretion." A hundred Li Yi Road.

"The master remembers to bandage the wound, and the doctor will come right away."

"Well, you have a heart. You can have a rest after you finish this."

"Yes, master." Then Ze turned and left.

After a while, the doctor came, bandaged Bai Liyi's left arm and left.

Bai Liyi sighed and thought that he would not be able to leave tomorrow.

The next day, when master Lin knew about it, he sent someone to take tonic, strengthened the protection in the yard, and sent a lot of guards to come. The matter also shocked the magistrate. The magistrate only said that someone was jealous of the Lin family's property and wanted to retaliate. Of course, bailiyi said hello to the magistrate in advance.

As for Zhong Lijin, when she woke up and asked him about it, Bai Liyi only said that he was seeking revenge. Zhong Lijin naturally doubted it, but Bai Liyi didn't want to say it, and she couldn't ask any more. When she learned that Bai Liyi was injured, Zhong Lijin was heartbroken and worried. Zhong Lijin didn't let go until Bai Liyi promised that he would be OK for countless times, But now Bai Liyi was injured and had to stay with the Lin family for a while.

After a few days, Bai Liyi's injury was almost healed. The party left and went to the next place.

"Where are we going this time?"

"Go to the thirteen embroidery workshop and have a look. The clothes and business methods there will inspire you." Bai Liyi said with a smile.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something." Bai Li Yi said suddenly.

"What?" Zhong Lijin said.

"Qinghuan left yin'an temple. Now there is only Jing'an left in yin'an temple."

"Leave yin'an temple? Where did he go? " Zhong Lijin is curious.

"Remember when I told you that he liked a teacher?"

"Remember, did he go to teach?"

"I thought so, but dark Wei told me that he had gone to the capital. Maybe when we get back to the capital, we can meet him."

"It's better than staying in that small temple all my life." Zhong Lijin thinks it's very good. Since the man wants him to live, he naturally wants him to live well.

"In fact, Qinghuan is a very talented person. If he meets Mingjun, he will become an eagle flying in the sky, even a Kunpeng." A hundred Li Yi Road.

"So talented?" Zhong Lijin is a little surprised.

"The two most promising people in the Jin family are Jin Xuanye, whose business mind is unmatched in their family. The other is Qinghuan. No, it should be Jin mianye. He has a good set of ideas in governing the country. Many of his ideas are beyond ordinary people's imagination, not only in governing the country, but also because of a teacher, It destroyed a talent. " When it comes to the end, Bai Liyi is a pity.

"No, it's not a pity at all. If a person has a lover, he will become alive. Before he meets liankong, I guess that Jin mianye must be lonely and his life is the same every day. It's not until the teacher appears, then liankong appears and Qinghuan appears that his life is different."

Zhong Lijin is a woman in the end, many things will be more emotional when thinking, but Bai Liyi is different. He is a man and has spent so many years on the battlefield, many things will not allow him to think in a perceptual way,

So he must be rational. What he saw was Jin mianye, not Qinghuan.

"In that case, it is possible for Qinghuan to take part in the imperial examination next year." A hundred Li Yi Road.

"What did he do for the imperial examination?" Zhong Lijin is a little surprised.

"I don't know. He must have his intention. Maybe he wants to finish his career. Otherwise, he probably doesn't know how to live!"

In fact, Bai Liyi likes Qinghuan very much, but he can do anything, that is, he has a strong feeling and likes the teacher. I'm afraid he is the only one in his life. Without him, he doesn't know how to live.

"Anyway, we will always go back to the capital. Let's meet him then." Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

Bai Liyi stared at her smile and said slowly.


He suddenly remembered what Zhong Lijin had just said. He also came across Zhong Lijin, and the whole talent was alive! At the beginning, except for fighting and practicing martial arts, he seemed to be playing around the capital, and there was nothing that could make him happy or sad. Of course, except for the death of his parents, he always felt as if he had nothing special before. It was only when he met Zhong Lijin that he found that he could still have so many emotions and ideas, How could this man not be the one to make him alive?

Bai Li Yi looked at Zhong Li Jin's side face and suddenly showed a smile. With her, this life is enough.

After a day's driving, the carriage stopped in a small town, had a rest for a night, and then continued to set out.

When it comes to Yunzhou, it stops.

"This is Yunzhou, not far away is the thirteen embroidery workshop. You can see Fuxian immediately, and appreciate the different costumes and embroidery methods from the capital and Lanzhou." A hundred Li Yi Road.

"Well." Zhong Lijin replied.

In fact, bailiyi sent someone in advance to say that Fuxian didn't agree or refuse, but asked to see zhonglijin. Bailiyi had no choice but to bring zhonglijin.

Bailiyi and Zhong Lijin settle down in an inn and plan to go to Fuxian in two days. However, Zhong Lijin proposes to take a rest and go directly to the thirteen embroidery workshop. Bailiyi can't bear to refuse her, so he agrees. After lunch, they take a rest and ask all the way to the thirteen embroidery workshop.

It's a loft with four floors. There's a gold inlaid plaques with four golden cursive characters, thirteen embroidery Square. From the top of the loft, thirteen different colors of cloth strips are pulled down. They look very different. You can see thirteen embroidery Square from a distance. It's very special.

When Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi came near, they found that the four characters on the plaque were not written, but embroidered.

"The plaque is made of wood. You can see that this person has deep internal force by inserting it with an embroidery needle." A hundred Li Yi Road.

"Isn't this the place of Zheyun Pavilion again?" Zhong Lijin said.

"I don't know. Go ahead and have a look." Bai Liyi shook his head.

With that, they went in side by side. After they went in, all kinds of fabrics were striking. The layout of the attic here was like a mirror platform, but there was no big platform in the middle. Instead, it was changed into a big table. Several women were sitting there, and the visitors were lining up there. Out of curiosity, Zhong Lijin

He also took Baili Yi to walk in the past. It took a long time for Zhong Lijin and Baili Yi to turn.

"I'm sorry, girl. It's the first time for our brothers to come here. I don't know how to operate here."

The registered girl looked up impatiently when she saw that the visitor didn't speak. When she saw the faces of Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi, she was stunned. She even forgot to return the words. All she could think about was the faces of Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi.

"Girl?" Zhong Lijin looked at the woman, staring at her and bailiyi in a daze, but she didn't reply. She was not happy, but it was not easy to attack. She could only resist opening her mouth and call again.

"In front! Come on! I think that if I am handsome, I can delay the time of the big guy! " In the back, a middle-aged man who looked rich and powerful yelled.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi both frown and feel disgusted at the man's sudden roar.

"What a noise! Don't you know the rules of the embroidery workshop? " The woman who had been looking at Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi seemed to wake up suddenly. She yelled at the middle-aged man behind him. Her eyebrows were up in anger.

After the man was roared, she didn't say anything. The woman saw that the man didn't dare to speak, so she looked at Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi with satisfaction.

"Two young masters, this is the thirteen embroidery workshop. There are thirteen embroiderers and twenty-six embroiderers. How much silver the young master will pay to decide what kind of embroiderer the young master will look for and what kind of clothes he will make. Here are the names of the embroiderers and embroiderers."

Zhong Lijin took the book and looked at it. It seemed that she inadvertently turned to the name of Fuxian.

"That's it!"

Zhong Lijin looks at the price behind the name. It's amazing. Fortunately, Bai Liyi has money and takes out some silver tickets. Then the woman calls for a servant girl to take Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi to Fu Xian.

"Gentlemen, please come with me." After that, the maid led them upstairs.

"Here you are, gentlemen."

The servant girl led them to a room on the third floor and stopped. There was a small sign on the room with the word "Fu Xian" written on it. The servant girl knocked on the door.

"Miss Fu Xian, there's a guest coming."

"Well, you can let people in."

There came a woman's voice. It was beautiful, but it was very comfortable.

"Gentlemen, please come in." The servant girl pushed the door open and led the man in.

The censer in the room was burning. As soon as she went in, she smelled a fragrance, not what it was burning. After smelling it, she only felt a little clear headed, like mint, or something else. Zhong Lijin liked the fragrance very much. There were not too many decorations in the room, and most of them were hung with various kinds of cloth.

A woman is now beside the table, wearing a floor swaying water sleeve pleated Phoenix Tail skirt, covered with a white magnolia gauze dress. Her hair is low and her hair is slanted with gold and Jasper. Her face is as delicate as flowers, her eyes are full of hope, and her whole body exudes a soft temperament. She is not like an embroiderer, but like a lady of a rich family. Her whole body style is different from other people.

"Nujia Fuxian is the number one embroidery girl in the thirteen embroidery workshops." Fu Xianying bows down.

"Well, you go out first!" Bai Liyi said to the servant girl.


After that servant girl retreats, Fu Xian looks at Bai Li Yi and Zhong Li Jin carefully.

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