"Please tell me first." Although Zhao Xuan is an honest man, his wife is so smart that it affects him more or less. At least he knows that some things should be considered first.

"We want to join hands with the shopkeeper to build the clothing shop, the best clothing shop in Yunzhou city. We want to become the second thirteen embroidery shop. It should not be better than the thirteen embroidery shop." A hundred Li Yi Road.

After hearing this, Zhao Xuan was surprised. He didn't expect that this man was so ambitious that he wanted to surpass the thirteen embroidery workshop.

"Does shopkeeper Zhao feel incredible?" Bailiyi naturally saw Zhao Xuan's surprise.

"Younger generation, not to mention your background and strength, I might have cooperated with you a few years ago, but now, in addition to the Jin family, it's his Xiao family's thirteen embroidery workshop." Zhao Xuan persuades him to change his mind.

"The Xiao family?" Hundred Li Yi doubts a way.

"You don't know the situation of the thirteen embroidery workshop at all. How dare you come up with their ideas?" Zhao Xuan surprised way.

"Shopkeeper Zhao joked. I'm doing business and nothing else. How can I find out this kind of thing?" Bailiyi explained.

"I'm young in the end. It's just that I don't have much business today. I'll tell you about the thirteen embroidery workshop, so that I can get rid of you." Zhao Xuan is a soft hearted man. He doesn't want to see the young man bump into the south wall.

"The thirteen embroidery workshop used to be a small shop selling ready-made clothes and fabrics, but the Xiao family was originally a family with some fame and property, but it was lost later. Although it was lost, the Xiao family was an ambitious man who wanted to surpass the Jin family. But what is the Jin family? It's one of the four families in the great Xia kingdom, Can he be surpassed by a little Xiao family? But the Xiao family is fearless. They have been trying to surpass the Jin family, imitate their ready-made clothes, and spend a lot of money to imitate the decoration in the Jin family's shop. Anyway, they mess with each other, but in the end, let alone surpass the Jin family, they don't even earn back their old money. In the end, the head of the Xiao family died because of this. "

"Who developed the thirteen embroidery workshops?" Zhong Lijin doubts a way.

"Don't worry, young master. Listen to me slowly." Zhao xuandao.

"After Xiao Xu died, his son Xiao zeran inherited the family business. Xiao zeran's ambition was greater than his father's. although the thirteen embroidery workshop was facing bankruptcy, he didn't know where to invite a group of embroiderers. With the savings left by his ancestors, he developed the thirteen embroidery workshop. After that, the development of the embroidery workshop became faster and faster, but he didn't expect that Xiao zeran was a man who didn't understand the world, After the development of his family, he even suppressed the stores in the same industry everywhere. Therefore, in this industry, there are only thirteen embroidery workshops and some clothing stores of Jin family left in Yunzhou City, and the rest of them are closed down, leaving only one or two strong support. " After Zhao Xuan finished, he sighed.

"So, you'd better not go to the thirteen embroidery workshop. It's just like hitting a stone with an egg. If you want to do business in clothing materials, you'd better go to other places!"

Bai Liyi didn't say much after listening. He took Zhong Lijin to thank Zhao Xuan and left.

"It seems that the man behind the thirteen embroidery workshop is Xiao zeran. How can we catch him? There's no evidence. " Zhong Lijin said.

"First of all, you have to get rid of the poison of those embroidery girls, or no one will testify against Xiao zeran. I've already let YaoYuan

Yes, it should be here today. Let's go back to the inn first. "

When they got back to the inn, they found that YaoYuan had already arrived at the inn. Bailiyi told her what had happened. In the evening, bailiyi took YaoYuan to shisan embroidery workshop to cure Fuxian.

"This kind of detoxification is a bit troublesome. It's estimated that I will have to give them time every day to work out the antidote, take it for a few days, and then have a medicine bath, so that the poison can be removed." Far away.

"No, it's too troublesome. There are 13 embroiderers and 26 embroiderers here. I don't know how long it will take to get them one by one. It's better to cure Fu Xian first, and then let her persuade other embroiderers to prove it." Bai Liyi frowned.

"Yes, but I'm afraid that only one mouth can persuade those embroidery girls, but not others." Fu Xian is worried.

"Don't worry about it. The net of heaven is wide and clear. There will always be flaws." Bailiyi comforted him.

After several people had decided, bailiyi asked YaoYuan to go back first, and he went to find Xiao zeran. Through what the dark Wei said to Xiao zeran, bailiyi came all the way to the courtyard, but there was no one in it. It seemed that the courtyard was only the place Xiao zeran would stay occasionally. Bailiyi thought that if the dark Wei followed Xiao zeran, there would be nothing wrong, So I just went back.

"Back?" Zhong Lijin heard the sound outside the door and went to open the door. It was Bai Liyi?

"Well." Bai Liyi flashed into Zhong Lijin's room.

"How's it going? Can the poison be untied? "

"Don't worry. YaoYuan can be called a miracle doctor. He can solve it naturally."

"Just untie it." Zhong Lijin was relieved.

"It's just a little tricky, so I'm going to get rid of Fuxian's poison first. As for other people, I'll give them a solution after this matter is solved." A hundred Li Yi Road.

"Will this drag on too long..." Zhong Lijin is worried that if this matter is not handled properly, it may affect Bai Liyi's image and reputation in the eyes of the common people.

"It's OK. I'm sure." Bailiyi comforted, "have a rest early. I'll go back to my room first."

"Well, well, you should have a rest early, and we'll go back to the capital after solving this problem." Zhong Lijin missed those people in the capital.

"OK, let's go back." Bai Liyi said with a smile.

The next morning, as soon as Zhong Lijin woke up, he found that Bai Liyi had disappeared. He guessed that he should be looking for Xiao zeran, so he didn't think much about it, so he went out alone.

Bai Li Yi came to Xiao's house after receiving the news from the dark Wei. According to the dark Wei, Xiao zeran is either in the house or in the yard these days. He seldom goes out, let alone to the thirteen embroidery workshop. But today Xiao zeran is planning to go out, and several dark Wei have already followed him.

Bailiyi took the place of the dark guards, and then sneaked into Xiao's house to avoid waves of guards. Bailiyi could not help sneering. Ordinary rich people would not hire so many guards. It seems that Xiao zeran also knew that his actions might be retaliated and made preparations in advance.

Bailiyi came to Xiao zeran's study and gently opened the door. Bailiyi went to his desk. He wanted to see if there was anything useful, but he got angry

Now the desk is covered with dust. It's obvious that the desk hasn't been used for a long time. Bai Liyi just wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly he felt something was wrong. It's impossible that Xiao's house didn't have servants to clean the study, unless there are some secrets here.

Bailiyi looked at the dust on the table and couldn't start. After thinking for a while, bailiyi stared at the table and looked at it carefully. Then he suddenly found that there was a square mark on the table. The mark was very small. If it wasn't for bailiyi's amazing eyesight and his own martial arts practice, he might have missed that mark.

He held out his hand and pressed it gently in the middle of the trace. He found that there was no movement. He raised his hand, but found that his finger did not leave any trace on the dust. Bai Liyi was more sure of his mind. He put his hand on it again. This time, he pressed it with a few parts of his strength. Sure enough, the place sank down, and then the mechanism moved a few times, A book was moved up with a genealogy written on it. Bailiyi sneered and picked it up. But the place didn't return to its original state. Bailiyi thought about it, then he took a Book of the same size and color from the shelf and put it back. Sure enough, the place returned to its original state. Bailiyi hid the book with the genealogy in his arms and left.

Here, Zhong Lijin looks around and doesn't buy anything. Seeing that there is a storyteller in the teahouse, she goes to hear about the book. It's an hour for her to sit down. When the storyteller finishes speaking, Zhong Lijin gets up and prepares to leave. As soon as she goes out, she doesn't notice someone on the opposite side. As soon as she doesn't pay attention, she bumps into it directly. Zhong Lijin only feels the fragrance, frowns and then steps back, That's what she smells like. Thinking that the other party was a woman, he quickly bowed his hands and apologized.

"This girl, I'm sorry."

Zhong Lijin thought that she had already apologized, so she should not care about it. She was planning to leave, but the "girl" opened her mouth.


As soon as Zhong Lijin heard the voice, it was a girl, but it was a man. She quickly raised her head and looked at the man she was meeting that day, Xiao zeran, the real owner of the thirteen embroidery workshop.

"Sorry, sorry." Zhong Lijin apologizes.

"You bumped me and recognized me as a woman. You said, how can you compensate me?" Xiao zeran smiles.

Miss Xiao zeran, his favorite from childhood is beauty. Although this man looks like an ordinary man, his eyes are very beautiful, and the skin color of his hands and neck is different from other places, especially his face. Therefore, this man must be easy to look. In Xiao zeran's opinion, Zhong Lijin is a beauty. He is afraid of danger outside, so he is easy to look.

"Ha ha..." Zhong Lijin pretends not to understand. She laughs all the time. She doesn't know the man in front of her. She doesn't know whether he is good or bad. What's more, although her current identity is to do business in Yunzhou, she has no money.

"Why don't you treat me to dinner?"

The mouth asks Zhong Lijin's meaning, but Zhong Lijin looks at this person's meaning, which means that she will go anyway. The bodyguard behind this person spontaneously surrounds her in case she runs away. Now Zhong Lijin can't refuse.

"All right then!" Zhong Lijin only hopes that the dark guard who has been in the dark will notice this scene.

Xiao zeran waves to Zhong Lijin.


What kind of person, when drunk, don't let him come?

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