LAN Fengjun and Zhong Liyao Jing's face changed after hearing this. This kind of treacherous words gave them ten courage to say such words.

"Zhong Lijin! Don't talk nonsense Zhong Li Yao Jing shouts.

"Although you punish me, you start today. Unless you kill people, I will go to the Palace tomorrow to complain! Tell the emperor what you two said to me today Zhong Lijin sneers.

"You..." although LAN Fengjun and Zhong Liyao Jing want to torture Zhong Lijin, they are afraid that Zhong Lijin will complain, and they dare not kill Zhong Lijin.

"Since it's the same, madam, and my good sister, I'll go first." Zhong Lijin said, regardless of their reaction, went straight out.

"Mother! Look at her Zhong Li Yaojing stomps and looks at Zhong Lijin's back. She is very unwilling.

"Are you sure she did it?" In fact, LAN Fengjun is a little suspicious of the truth. Unlike Zhong Li Yaojing, she has a little brain sometimes.

"Yes... Yes!" In fact, Zhong Liyao Jing is not sure, but she just can't see Zhong Lijin's appearance.

"Whether she did it or not, the feud and the beam have long been settled, and it's not bad." LAN Fengjun gritted his teeth.

"Then, mother, what should we do now?" Zhong Li Yao Jing asked.

"Don't worry, she is not perfect, there will always be something on our hands, don't worry." LAN Fengjun comforted him.

"Well, mother, I must make her life worse than death." Zhong Li Yao Jing said maliciously.

After Zhong Lijin returned to the room, she wanted to call LAN Ge to come over and apply some medicine to her. Unexpectedly, LAN Ge didn't come, but Acacia came.

"Where's LAN Ge?" Zhong Lijin doubts a way.

"I don't know. I only left a letter for you."

Acacia hands the letter to Zhong Lijin. Zhong Lijin takes it, opens the envelope, takes out the letter paper and unfolds it. The handwriting on it is very scribbled. It can be seen that the person writing the letter is worried.

Master, I've heard what you said today. To tell you the truth, I've never experienced this kind of thing. Now I've experienced it. I just want to run away, and I don't want to face him, and I don't want to face everything in Zhongli mansion. I know it's wrong for me to do this, but I can't help asking why love is in the world and teaching people to live and die together. I don't want to do this, so I want to go out for a walk, Calm down, I'm sorry, master, I'll come back. I'm your man since you saved me. When I wake up and calm down, I'll come back. Believe me, this process won't be long.

Zhong Lijin see signed LAN song, put the letter back.

"I'll trouble you to take care of me later." Zhong Lijin smiles.

After listening to Acacia do not ask, nodded.

Lange, I'm waiting for the day when you come back.

After LAN Ge left, there was only Acacia to take care of Zhong Lijin. Fortunately, Zhong Lijin didn't have much to do. After that day, not only LAN Ge left, but also Lin Zichen disappeared. It seemed that Zhong Lijin had gone out to relax.

Dark Wei reported the matter to bailiyi. Bailiyi didn't say anything after listening to it. He just said that he knew that Zhong Lijin would not like Lin Zichen, so he didn't worry. Now that Lan Ge and Lin Zichen have left, bailiyi naturally wants to comfort Zhong Lijin. So in these days, bailiyi often takes Zhong Lijin out to play, Let her leave these things behind.

At this time, Yu Wenyan is reading in the study, suddenly

Remember what Qinghuan said that day.

"It will be night."


"Have you found what I asked you to look for?"

"My subordinates are incompetent. I didn't find what the master wanted. It seems that someone deliberately erased the trace of that thing." Kneel down the night and say.

"Seriously, go and find out who erased it." Yu Wen Yan instructs a way.

"Yes," he said, turning to leave.

Yu Wenyan is alone in his study. He takes out a picture from the bookcase and unfolds it.

The painting is a woman in red. Her face is delicate and not like a real person. With a shallow smile, two dimples appear on her mouth. The most surprising thing is that the background of the painting is not flowers or butterflies, but a circle of cakes and food around her. The woman is barefoot without shoes. There is a delicate foot ring on her feet, with a poem written next to it.

He was worried that his love would damage his Buddhism, and he was afraid that he would not fall into the city when he went to the mountains. In the world, he was satisfied with both the Dharma and the Tathagata.

The man in the picture is yunyeya.

"When will you be back?"

Whispering words gently disappeared in the air, Yu Wenyan rubbed the painting, eyes full of obsession and nostalgia, and regret, if he had learned martial arts, then, at that time, she would not have to lie on the cold floor, maybe now she is still bickering with him, eating all kinds of food.

"Alas." Yu Wen Yan sighed softly.

At this time, the eunuch's announcement came to mind outside the door.

"Here comes the emperor."

Yu Wenyan quickly put the painting away.

"My son's minister calls on his father." Yu Wenyan salutes.

Yuwenyu naturally saw the painting, and he sighed.

"You all go down!" Yu Wenyu said.


When everyone went down and there were only yuwenyan and yuwenyu left in the room, yuwenyu opened his mouth.

"Yan'er, sit down. Now I'll talk to you as a father." Yu Wenyu's face is full of fatigue.

"Well, good." Yu Wenyan is a little surprised. Yu Wenyu will suddenly say this to him.

"Yan'er, tell father, what do you like about that girl? Is it because she looks good, or is it because of her background? "

After hearing this, yuwenyan doesn't know how to answer, and he doesn't know why he likes yunyeya.

"My father has seen her, and she is really amazing, and her identity is good, but if these are the reasons why you like her, and my father does not agree, you are with her." Yu Wen Yu Dun continued to say, "you like her, father can understand you this kind of mood, but you see, she still died, well, don't stare at me, even if she didn't die, but she was so seriously injured, almost lost her life, don't you have any idea?"

Yu Wen Yan is silent for a while, just slowly open mouth.

"Yes, I can't protect her. I'm still too young."

"Her father already knows about her. He just wants to tell you that when you fall in love with someone, you can only be with her when you are sure that you have the ability to protect her. Otherwise, you will hurt her anyway."

Yu Wenyan is silent.

"Well, let's talk about it today. Think about what my father just said. You should remember that you are the prince first, and then Yu Wenyan

At the end of the day, it's you. "

After that, Yu Wenyu drives back to the palace, leaving Yu Wenyan to meditate.

"You see, we failed again." Yuwen guanye whispers.

"I know. I'm not thoughtful enough." Situ Yan said.

"No, we shouldn't do that. When Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi are together, we can't break them anyway. Bai Liyi will always protect Zhong Lijin." Yuwen guanye said.

"So... What do you mean?" Situ Yan doubts a way.

"Starting from bailiyi, after solving bailiyi, it's easy to say anything. Yuwenyan is almost useless now. He thinks about the dead yunyeya every day."

"Bai Liyi, how do you want to move him?"

"Do you know what the authorities fear most?"


"It's someone who has achieved great success, or who has more prestige among the people than himself."

"But didn't we try that last time?" Situ Yan didn't agree.

"That's because the preparation last time was not enough, and it's not convincing enough. This time, we must be fully prepared, and he can't turn over!"

"So you have a plan?" Situ Yan said with a smile.

"Of course." Yuwen guanye laughs.

Two people conspiracy to very late, situ Yan back when it was evening, out of the day became dark.

"It's going to change!" Situ Yandao.

"Yes, master, get on the carriage quickly. Don't be damaged by the rain." Little Si urges situ Yan.

Situ Yan didn't speak, just laughed and got on the carriage. The boy drove the carriage all the way back to situ's house.

Time flies. It's time for zhonglijin's clothing shop to open in a blink of an eye. Because of her performance at the banquet, she now has a new name. It's called master Moyu. Her clothing shop will open in a new way, which naturally arouses the interest of many people, especially some rich girls, especially bailiyi and Bai Jinghong, Naturally, it attracts more people.

In front of Zhong Lijin's clothing shop, the plaque is covered with red cloth. When it comes to the auspicious time, it will be lifted down again. Bai Liyi, Bai Jinghong, Jin Xuanye, Zhong Liyao and Ruo, even Qinghuan come to support Zhong Lijin, and even many officials come, which makes Zhong Lijin's clothing shop more famous.

"Everyone be quiet. Welcome to the opening ceremony of Zhong Lijin's clothing shop."

Next, Zhong Lijin said something about the operation mode of the clothing shop and some characteristics, which was enough to arouse the appetite of these people. When the auspicious time came, Zhong Lijin pulled down the red cloth, and saw four big words on the plaque - farewell to the old embroidery shop. These four words were specially written by Qinghuan, and they were very beautiful, just like his people.

After the opening of the cijiu embroidery workshop, she took over a lot of business. Zhong Liyao and acacia, Linxiang, Fuxian and others were working overtime day and night. Zhong Lijin felt a little distressed. She could only reward them on the food or pay them more. Fortunately, because of the background of the cijiu embroidery workshop, no one came to the cijiu embroidery workshop for trouble, The business of cijiu embroidery shop is booming. Many shops imitate the business mode of cijiu embroidery shop, but the business is not as good as that of cijiu embroidery shop. After all, the rich ladies and CHILDES who go to cijiu embroidery shop to buy clothes are interested in the quality and style of cijiu embroidery shop clothes, the uniqueness of clothes, and the people behind the cijiu embroidery shop.

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