And then sacrifice to the sun god.

"I, the son of heaven, Yu Wenyu, would like to inform the God of Daming that he is the only God and the master of Yangjing. The head of the gods. Under the divine light, there are four poles.

The past is the present. It depends on the land. In the middle of spring, we should follow the classical style, sacrifice the ceremony of Li with jade and silk, and worship God. Fu Weijian Xin, Xifu Lishu. Still enjoy. "

Sacrifice to the God of the moon.

"I, the son of heaven, Yu Wenyu, would like to inform the God of Yeming. Only the essence of God and Zhong Yin. With the virtue of Yang. After the Ming Dynasty in the evening.

We live together. Since the five stars lie in the night, and the salt department goes down to the earth, each has its own division. He gave the capital, inherited the emperor's orders, and lived for the people.

This is the autumn equinox, so comply with the ceremony, to sacrifice the ceremony of jade and silk, with Xiuchang sacrifice dry God. Only God can learn. Bless our people. Still enjoy. "

Pray for the valley.

"Yu Wenyu, the son of heaven's successor, only played in the emperor's heaven: Hou Wei, Qi Zhe, farming general.". Therefore, we should take this opportunity to pray for Hongzao.

I would like to lead my officials, sacrifice Qi Zhen's wealth with jade and silk, and prepare Si Mingjie. Worship God in Yuanqiu.

He looked up to Xifu for reference. So that all grains can be planted. The salt of puwanfang. He was worshipped by Emperor Gaozong. Still enjoy. "

Finally, sacrifice to the God of the country.

"Yuwenyu dare to tell the gods of Taishe and Taiji that only the gods praise the emperor. Jiagu, Li and I are the people.

Forever depends on. When the mid spring, autumn, ritual strict worship, thanks, with jade and silk sacrifice Qi Sheng Shu goods. We are going to bury them. Still enjoy. "

It has been half an hour since the sacrifice.

Yu Wen Yu takes the lead to get up, then goes down the altar, leaving Gong kuisha alone on the stage.

Gong kuisha walked to the altar step by step with a cold look. As she walked, she only heard the jingle of the ring. Gong kuisha raised her hand, slipped her sleeve, and revealed a snow-white arm. She wore all kinds of bracelets, bracelets and bracelets. She lit the incense, and then bowed. She put the incense beside Yuwen's incense. Then she stepped back and put her hands together, He began to jump up on the altar. At this time, Zhong Lijin found that Gong kuisha was barefooted, and her feet were covered with bells. With her movements, she made a sound. Her movements were strange but powerful, but rough but not wild, which made people feel awed.

After a while, Gong kuisha finished dancing. She put her hands together and bowed three times to the pillar. Then she left, leaving the altar with the offering table.

When the whole sacrifice was over, it was already an hour later, Yuwen told everyone to go to the palace beside the temple of heaven to have a rest, and there was a bonfire party in the evening.

As soon as Gong kuisha returned to his room, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Gong Kwai Sha asked.

"Yu Wen Yan."

The man outside seemed to ponder for a while and replied.

Gong kuisha is a bit surprised. In her impression, she doesn't know Yu Wenyan. There's no reason for Yu Wenyan to come to her. Suddenly she remembers yunyeya. Gong kuisha steps forward and opens the door. It's Yu Wenyan outside. He runs to find Gong kuisha before he changes his clothes.

"What's the matter with the prince?" Gong kuisha asked suspiciously.

"Can you let me in to talk?" Yu Wen Yan says softly.

Gong kuisha stepped aside and motioned him to come in.

Two people sit beside the table, a time Yu text flame some don't dare to open the mouth to ask the palace kuisha.

"Is she... OK?" Yu Wen Yan finally asked, but his voice and fingers were shaking.

She? Almost for a moment, Gong kuisha understood why Yu Wenyan came to her

Now, the look on her face became more and more indifferent. Although she knew that this matter had nothing to do with yuwenyan, as long as she thought of yunyeya lying there like this and couldn't move, she couldn't help facing yuwenyan's family coldly.

Yuwen flame see her look become so cold, think cloud wild Ya situation is not good, even guess cloud wild Ya whether has gone.

"You say, can she be well?" Gong kuisha asked.

Yu Wenyan doesn't speak. There is some pain and guilt on his expressionless face. Gong kuisha sees his appearance and doesn't speak. She has already received the news about Yu Wenyan. She also knows how much damage yunyeya's "death" has caused him.

"She was born with a heart different from that of ordinary people. Her heart grew on the right side, and the one she stabbed at the beginning was on the left side." Yu text flame originally thought that Gong kuisha would not tell him, and would ridicule him, but he heard Gong kuisha say lightly.

Yuwenyan after listening to heart a happy, face instinctive want to smile, but because of long-term face above expressionless, this smile did not appear, Gong kuisha see is just yuwenyan face twitch twice, but the joy in the eyes is obvious.

"And now she is?" Yu Wen Yan looks forward to Gong kuisha.

"In a coma, I don't know when I will wake up. I used a lot of medicine to keep it." Gong Kwai Sha said, the sadness on his face is obvious.

Yuwenyan's eyes are dim again. He thought that the man would come back soon, but it's better than never seeing her all his life.

"Can I see her?" Yu Wen Yan asked cautiously.

Gong kuisha can't bear to see his expression, but Yunye Su won't allow it.

"No, you can't see her all your life unless she comes to you."

"Why?" Yu Wenyan is not reconciled.

"Because you don't have this qualification, as long as you are a member of the royal family, one day, you can't be together." Gong kuisha says in a cold voice that she doesn't want Yuwen Yanxin to be nostalgic.

Yu text flame didn't speak, temple kuisha see to continue to say.

"Unless you are not the prince." If yuwenyan really give up the throne for yunyeya, then they will not let yuwenyan and yunyeya together, because such a person can't give her a safe life.

"I won't give up that position." Yu Wenyan said.

Gong kuisha is a little disappointed after listening. It seems that Yu Wenyan is also a person who likes power. Such a person is not worthy of yunyeya.

"But I'll be with her." Yu Wenyan said firmly.

"You can't have both fish and bear's paws." Some surprised Yu Wen Yan's reply, and she doesn't like such greedy people.

"I know, but what if I let zheyunge disappear from the world? What if there is no Zheyun pavilion? " Yu Wen Yan asks a way.

Gong kuisha was surprised.

"How do you know?"

"I don't know anything, but I know it's the people of Zheyun Pavilion who don't allow Zheyun pavilion to communicate with the royal family. If I can sit in that position one day, what can I do? If I can't do it in a few years, what about ten years? Twenty years? " Yu Wen Yan says lightly.

Gong kuisha didn't expect that Yu Wenyan would say that. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer, so he could only say rudely.

"See if you can do it!"

Yuwen flame see her attitude seems to be a little loose, he also relieved.

After Yu Wenyan went back, Gong kuisha went to his desk and studied ink. Then he took out a piece of paper and wrote it. When the rice paper was dry, Gong kuisha packed the letter. Then he called in a secret guard and asked him to wash.

Not long after Zhong Lijin came back to the room, Bai Liyi came.

"These days are too busy." Bai Liyi said with a smile.

"This sacrificial ceremony is a big event. You should be busy." Zhong Lijin poured a cup of tea for Bai Liyi and said.

"When the ceremony is over, I'll take you hunting! How's it going? " Bai Li Yi asked.

"Well, you can exercise well at that time. This pair of bones is too weak." Zhong Lijin looked at her thin arms and legs, and thought about her height, dissatisfied.

"Didn't you want to learn martial arts? You can learn how to ride a horse first and do a good exercise. I'll teach you when I'm free later. "

"Yes, I'll bother you then." Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

"What's the point?" Bai Liyi was dissatisfied with the way.

They chatted for a while, and then it was lunch time. After they had lunch together, bailiyi had something to do and left. When bailiyi left, a eunuch came to tell him that he was asking Zhong Lijin to go to the temple of heaven. Zhong Lijin hesitated for a while, but followed him. As a result, when he arrived at the temple of heaven, Zhong Lijin found that almost all the officials were here, In addition, everyone had several books in his hand. After some inquiry, Zhong Lijin realized that after the emperor's sacrifice, the ceremony would invite eminent monks to chant scriptures, and officials would copy scriptures and some things in the past three years, so as to burn them to heaven and report their merits and demerits, good and bad.

Zhong Lijin took the things that the eunuch gave her and put them aside. Then she sat on the prepared Futon. The most respected monk in the state of Daxia was at the front. His name was kuhui. He was 70 years old, but he still looked like he was 50 or 60 years old. He always had compassion in his eyes.

After listening to the chanting in the afternoon, they can finally go back. The next time is for copying. It is said that it is to show sincerity, so all the officials and their children who are present need to copy. On the afternoon of the third day, they burn it. Bailiyi and Zhong Lijin thought that the ceremony would be like this, but they didn't expect that they should really answer Qinghuan's words, Yuwen guanye is not a peaceful person. On the third day, something really happened.

At that time, after burning the copied books in the temple of heaven, they were ready to leave. Suddenly, they heard a little eunuch shouting.

"So many ants!"

All the people looked to the place where the little eunuch pointed out. As expected, there was a large group of ants around.

"It seems that the ant is enclosing some words." At this time, someone called a word.

Zhong Lijin fixed her eyes and felt cool. Sure enough, it was aimed at Bai Liyi. The ants surrounded the four characters.

Yi is king.

For a moment, everyone was stunned by the sight. When someone responded, they burst the pot and looked at Bai Liyi one after another.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, Yu Wenyu's voice came over.

Hearing Yu Wenyu's question, someone immediately came forward and said it, but no one dared to say those four words. Yu Wenyu saw that the speaker was hesitant and impatient, so he simply went to see it himself. If yu Wenyu wanted to see it, naturally, no one dared to say anything.

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