They went back to the sun moon villa and saw that it was getting late. They didn't bother the Ning brothers and sisters any more. They just sent someone to tell them that they had found them, so that they didn't have to worry and had a good rest. Shen Xi Dynasty used a lot of energy to let Shen Nan Yi leave LAN Ge and let people arrange a place for LAN Ge to live next to Zhong Li Jin's room.

Is the night, someone fell in the door of Zhong Lijin's room, gently knocking on the door, afraid to disturb the people in the room.

"Who is it?" Zhong Lijin sat up from the bed and got out of bed to light the light. At this time, Zhong Lijin didn't undress. She thought that Lan Ge Xu would come to her, so she was waiting.

"It's me." LAN Ge whispers outside the door. Zhong Lijin knows it's LAN Ge as soon as she hears it. With a burst of joy in her heart, she quickly opens the door and lets LAN Ge enter the house.

"Three young masters... I..." Lan Ge sits at the table, lowers her head, and doesn't know what to say.

"Lan Ge, how have you been? How did you get here? " Zhong Lijin took her hand and put it on her hand. She patted it gently to calm LAN GE's mood. She knew that Lan Ge suddenly met her this time. She was in a hurry. She didn't know where to start.

"Please worry about it. It's OK. LAN GE has his own craft, so he can't be hungry." LAN Ge Leng for a while, looking at Zhong Li Jin's strange face, but hearing Zhong Li Jin's familiar voice, he gradually relaxed. Seeing Zhong Li Jin care about himself, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart“ After leaving Zhongli's house, LAN Ge thinks that she has been to many places in Jiangnan before because of her mission, but she has never visited Jiangnan well. She thinks that Jiangnan is what LAN Ge likes, so she comes here to have a good look, and also comes here to be quiet. " When LAN Ge said the last sentence again, it was very small, some did not dare to look up at Zhong Lijin.

"I wish I hadn't been bullied." Zhong Lijin pats LAN GE's hand. "Lan Ge, my cousin's thing..." Zhong Lijin opens her mouth awkwardly. She knows that the heart knot between her and LAN Ge is here. If she doesn't solve it well, LAN Ge is afraid that she will always feel uncomfortable. LAN Ge can come to her tonight, which proves that Lan Ge wants to solve this heart knot.

"Third young master, LAN GE has figured out this matter. It's his freedom who Mr. Lin likes, and it's personal freedom who he likes. He can't be forced. It's only my business to like Mr. Lin. it has nothing to do with him. " Just before meeting, LAN Ge suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhong Lijin with firm eyes, which scared Zhong Lijin. Unexpectedly, the girl figured it out so quickly and was so firm.

"Lan Ge, have you really figured it out?" Zhong Lijin worried that Lan Ge was just trying to be brave for a moment. She was afraid that she was worried. Looking at LAN Ge eyebrow that firm facial expression, 80% is really thought through. In fact, Zhong Lijin doesn't know how to comfort LAN Ge. Do you want to say that you don't like cousin at all? Or is she going to try to fix them up? Think how to say is not very good, simply or not to say.

"Third young master, don't worry. LAN Ge figured it out. LAN GE's life was saved by third young master. It's already your man. This time, he just left a letter and left. I hope you can punish him." Say, LAN Ge knelt on the ground, to the clock from Jin please punish. Zhong Lijin hasn't reacted yet. She sees LAN Ge get up and kneel down in front of her.

"Oh, LAN Ge, what are you doing? Get up quickly." Zhong Lijin quickly helped LAN Ge up and said in a strange way, "you are not wrong. Why do you want to punish me. You just come out to play a circle will go back to the house, how can you please punish, you are not betrayal, get up

Let's go. " It took Zhong Lijin some effort to pull LAN Ge from the ground. LAN Ge was originally a martial arts practitioner, and her strength was naturally stronger than that of ordinary women and even some men. LAN Ge gets up from the ground and finally dares to look up at Zhong Lijin. Zhong Lijin smiles at LAN Ge with a strange face.

"But how did the young master come back to the sun moon villa?" Naturally, LAN Ge doesn't know what happened to Zhong Lijin when she left. When Zhong Lijin saw her asking, she sighed and talked with her.

"So, you have to remember that my name is Bai Li now. You and I are old friends in Yunzhou. You can call me Mr. Bai on weekdays." Zhong Lijin tells her that she still trusts LAN Ge very much and believes that she won't go to tell Bai Liyi.

"Yes, Mr. Bai. Little girl Lan Ge goes back to her room first, and doesn't disturb the rest of young master Bai. " LAN Ge makes a bow to Zhong Lijin, and Zhong Lijin drives her out with a smile. Then she puts down her heart. Is Lan Ge really figured out, or the LAN Ge beside her. Closed the door, clock from Jin this just rest assured of sleep.

Rao Shi LAN Ge is good at Kung Fu, but she has never found it. Just after she enters the room, a man in white comes out from the corner and looks at the door of Zhong Li Jin and LAN GE's room with thinking eyes, thinking about something. They were the master and servant... They didn't get any useful information, so they went back to their room. If they went back later, they were afraid that Ann would make trouble.

Shen Beiqiu can't help but go to Shen Xichao and ask about Zhong Lijin.

"Brother, come to me so late, for the sake of that strange man today." Shen Xichao opened the door and let Shen Beiqiu come in. He turned and continued to wipe his whip.

"Well, there are some doubts." Shen Beiqiu sat opposite Shen Xichao, looking at her busy hands, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"That person is Zhong Lijin, who bailiyi asked us to pay attention to. It's just that he changed his face. It's not that I said you, brother. You're so good at Kung Fu. Why can't you see that Zhong Lijin changed his face?" Shen Xichao can't help but roll a white eye. Her brother really doesn't know what to say.

"If that's the case, you should tell bailiyi earlier. Bailiyi is a man who can't be provoked by Sun Moon villa." With that, Shen Beiqiu wanted to get up and send someone to inform Baili Yi that Zhong Lijin was with them.

"If you wait for you to tell bailiyi about this, I'm afraid that Zhong Lijin would have run away long ago. Zhong Lijin ran out with bailiyi on his back. Naturally, he didn't want to be known about it. He didn't tear her down when he saw her. He was afraid of frightening the snake. When I asked someone to bring Shen Nanyi over, I had already sent someone to find bailiyi. I think bailiyi should know three days at the latest. " Hearing this, Shen Beiqiu nodded.

"I'll leave it to you. I don't care. I'll make sure that Zhong Lijin is sent to Bai Liyi. Bai Liyi is a tough man." Shen Beiqiu hands back, shaking his head and sighing, as if this thing is he arranged for Shen Xichao to do, "by the way, it seems that the Ning family brothers and sisters are not simple, we should be careful about this." Shen Beiqiu knew that Shen Xichao would satirize him when he heard the sentence in front of him. He quickly said to Shen Xichao with a straight face and diverged from the topic.

"Well, I see. I'll be careful." Shen Xi Chao originally frowned slightly to ridicule Shen Beiqiu, but he was awakened by his last sentence. She's this

Although her brother is a bit stupid in character, his kung fu is really good. Her brother will be able to observe some details she doesn't notice.

The next morning, Zhong Lijin is woken up by LAN Ge, because there is no one else living near them. LAN Ge wants to serve Zhong Lijin to get up, but Zhong Lijin refuses. She is afraid that someone will come to visit her in the process, so her relationship with LAN Ge is exposed.

"Young master Bai really got up early." Zhong Lijin and LAN Ge come to the garden together after finishing cleaning up. It happens that the brothers and sisters of the Shen family are also coming. Shen Nanyi, who is beside Shen Xichao, has not woken up yet. Her eyes are half open and half closed. However, seeing that Lan Ge seems to be there, she wakes up in an instant. She runs to LAN Ge and sticks to LAN Ge. She wants LAN Ge to lead him.

"Mr. Shen, Miss Shen. You get up very early, too. " Zhong Lijin said with a smile that Zhong Lijin had lived in this Riyue villa for some time. Naturally, he knew that in this Riyue villa, as long as the weather allowed, everyone would have breakfast together in this garden.

"Although you haven't been here for some time, it's not easy for you to remember my habits in Riyue villa. I was going to send someone to call you and miss LAN Ge. Now it seems that you can take Naning brothers and sisters around in Riyue villa." Shen Xichao smiles happily, and everyone sits down together. He sends someone to invite Ning's brothers and sisters to come.

"When I came to Jiangnan this time, I wanted to have a look around. I wonder if Mr. Shen and Miss Shen have any recommended places to play." Zhong Lijin is also happy to watch the side of LAN Ge playing with Shen Nanyi. Instead of the serious LAN Ge in the past, she is full of spoiling and happy playing with Shen Nanyi, just as Shen Nanyi is a child. Shen Beiqiu and Shen Xichao have fun watching Shen Nanyi and LAN Ge, but they don't care much.

"The last time Mr. Bai came, although he had lived for a while, I didn't know what the name of Sun Moon villa was. Come on." Shen Xichao took a sip of tea and said slowly. There are two mountains on the back of Riyue mountain villa, which are also called Yinyang mountain. Because the altitude of the two mountains are very high, generally the sunset and the beginning of the month start from the two mountains, the scenery is very beautiful. These two mountains are named Sun Moon Mountain“ If you are interested, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery on this Sun Moon Mountain at sunset tonight. "

"What beautiful scenery?" Ning Qing'an ran from a distance and sat down on the chair. Ning Qing'an, who was behind him, shook his head with a smile and said hello to all of you. Shen Nanyi looks at Ning Qingan and her eyes light up in an instant. The doll is a symbol. In addition to the pink skirt Zhong Lijin bought, it looks extremely cute. Shen Nanyi's attention is transferred from LAN Ge to Ning Qingan and almost salivates.

"Mr. Ning, An'an, Miss Shen and I are talking about a good place near here. Miss Shen said that the setting sun on the sun moon mountain is good. We are thinking about going to enjoy it in the evening. Would you like to join us?" Zhong Lijin looks at Shen Nanyi's reaction. She is almost dead with laughter in her heart, but she has to pretend that she doesn't know. Ann also seems to feel that someone is staring at her wantonly, so she looks back at Shen Nanyi. Seeing that she is also a child, she doesn't care.

"If young master Bai is interested, let's go there together. This young master must be the young master of Shen Nanyi, who was lost yesterday because of his playfulness." Some people stare at An'an like this. Ning Qingyuan naturally noticed that he was just a child, so he went with him. If they were there, if anyone dared to be so presumptuous, they would have been blinded.

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