"Hold on to me." Ning Qing foresight Zhong Lijin closed her eyes and dared not open them, so she said in a voice. Hearing Ning Qingyuan's voice, Zhong Lijin dared to open her eyes quietly to see the current situation. Seeing that Ning Qingyuan has been dragged down the cliff by her, LAN Ge clings to Ning Qingyuan's leg and dares not let go. Shen's brothers and sisters are supporting on the edge of the cliff.

"I'm sorry." Zhong Lijin didn't expect that he was absent-minded for a moment, which almost led to disaster. Fortunately, all of these people, except two children and her, have practiced Kung Fu. They are quick to respond and have enough strength. Otherwise, today's ending is really hard to say.

"Don't say I'm sorry, just go up. Give me the other hand, too. " Ning Qingyuan frowned slightly. What was the woman thinking about? She was so absorbed that she didn't even look at the road under her feet. Even An'an would not make such a mistake.

"It's all tight." Shen Beiqiu shouts from the cliff and nods to his sister Shen Xichao. They pull up a bunch of people with their strength. After Zhong Lijin stepped on the mountain, the people were relieved.

"Little... Young master Bai, why did you go to the edge of the cliff?" LAN song is full of blame, fortunately Ning Qingyuan's reaction is fast enough, otherwise if there is no Ning Qingyuan, her LAN song may not be able to catch Zhong Lijin. If it's true that Zhong Lijin falls down, she won't let go of herself without saying what bailiyi will do with her.

"No, I'm a little lost. Thank you for your help. Thank you very much Zhong Lijin bowed deeply to everyone. She looked at the rosy clouds, as if she saw Baili Yi was going to leave her. How could she let Baili Yi go away? She was walking with his figure, so she almost fell into the cliff.

"It's OK. It's just that you don't look very well whether Mr. Bai needs a rest." Shen Xichao looked at Zhong Lijin's pale face and said anxiously. If Bai Liyi finds Zhong Lijin's manner when he comes to pick up people, they will be unable to eat and go.

"It's OK. Don't worry about me. I'll be distracted for a moment. It won't happen again. " Zhong Lijin's face is dim and her eyes are dull. It's totally different from Zhong Lijin when she just went up the mountain. Listening to her saying, people just thought it was caused by the shock of falling off the cliff. They didn't think much about it. Ning Qingyuan has been looking at Zhong Lijin. Her fragile look has made him feel pity. With this feeling, Ning Qingyuan frowned. He shouldn't have this kind of emotion, and then he shook his head.

"Brother, Ann is afraid." Ning Qingan trots and pours on Ning Qingyuan's arms. She almost thinks that her brother has fallen too.

"It's OK, Ann. You see, brother, it's OK, good boy." Ning Qingyuan picked up Ning Qingan and nodded her little nose to comfort her. Shen Nanyi sees Ning Qingan get rid of him and trots into Ning Qingyuan's arms. She can't help but turn her lips.

"An'an is not afraid. Tuotuo is here and will protect you." Shen Nanyi crossed his waist and patted his chest, but he couldn't help coughing twice, which amused all the people present. The incident of falling off the cliff was laughed off and no longer mentioned.

"I have to say that the fire cloud is really beautiful. I don't know how long it hasn't been

I've seen the sky so seriously. " Zhong Lijin looks at the rosy sunset again. The light of the sunset strikes Zhong Lijin's face as if it is plated with a layer of golden light. Although it is an ordinary face after changing face, it is unexpectedly soft. Ning Qingyuan is even a little crazy, and is pulled back to reality by Ning Qingan's turning to watch the sunset.

"Brother, it's beautiful." An'an suddenly said such a sentence. Everyone thought that An'an said that the sunset was beautiful. But knowing her, Ning Qingyuan knew that An'an had just seen Ning Qingyuan's trance, and only told him that Zhong Lijin was beautiful in the sunset.

"The setting sun is so beautiful, it's better to dance whip in the West." Shen Beiqiu looks at Shen Xichao with a smile. He hasn't seen Shen Xichao dance whip for a long time.

"Why don't you dance a sword to cheer? So that visitors can enjoy the swordsmanship of my sun moon villa. " When Shen Xi Chao heard of the speech, she picked her eyebrows and replied. She never practiced the whip for others to appreciate. But her brother Shen Beiqiu's sword technique is more or less ornamental. It's another sword technique to really kill the enemy.

"Do you want to see sword dancing or whip dancing?" Shen Beiqiu saw that his sister didn't give him face at all, so he wanted everyone to encourage his sister to dance whip. But no one would buy him.

"Actually, I'm more interested in swordsmanship." Ning Qingyuan opened his mouth. To be honest, he didn't have much interest in dancing whip. He also used sword himself. Naturally, he wanted to see the sword technique and learn from it to see if he could improve himself. Zhong Lijin naturally doesn't care. She's not interested in sword or whip dancing. As for LAN Ge, she usually uses daggers. It's a good choice to see the sword technique. So they all chose the sword technique.

Seeing that everyone had chosen the sword technique, Shen Beiqiu had no choice but to draw out his sword and dance it in the sunset. Zhong Lijin and her two children are watching Shen Beiqiu's flowing swordsmanship. From time to time, they turn out sword flowers with their swords. They are very happy and clap all the time. Shen Beiqiu's swordsmanship is gorgeous but not practical. It seems that he has some reservation. I don't think so. How can real swordsmanship be easily seen.

After appreciating the swordsmanship, they sat in the pavilion for a while, watching the sunset gradually sink under the horizon, and watching the moon hanging in the night sky. After enjoying the moon, they went down the mountain. Whether it's the setting sun or the full moon, it looks like a different flavor on the sun moon mountain. Maybe it's also the reason why Zhong Lijin never had a good look at it before, or maybe watching the sunset and the moon on the sun moon mountain is another kind of beauty. The setting sun reminded her of the time when she watched the sunrise with bailiyi. Bailiyi once promised her that he would tell her what he was thinking when he watched the sunrise next time, but he didn't know when the next time was.

"Young master, you scared me to death today. Otherwise, young master Ning would have fallen off the cliff. If you fall off the cliff, what can I do? " Back to the room, LAN song is still complaining about Zhong Lijin's carelessness, today is really scared her, Ning Qingyuan reflected in a little slower, I'm afraid it can't drag Zhong Lijin.

"Oh, my good LAN song, you see I'm not doing well now. It's nothing. Don't worry. In the future, it won't happen again. Don't worry about it any more. " Zhong Lijin put snacks in her mouth and comforted LAN Ge. In fact, at the moment when Zhong Lijin fell down, Zhong Lijin was also extremely afraid. She thought a lot about Bai Liyi, her mother and many people. Only then did she find that she was still reluctant to give up this life.

"Young master, you must protect yourself. You can't let such an accident happen again." LAN song repeatedly told, to Zhong Lijin pour tea.

"Well, you're the one to protect me." Zhong Lijin pats LAN GE's shoulder to make her feel at ease.

"But you know, young master, there are many dark guards sent by that man to guard you in your house. Now I'm alone. I'm really afraid that something might happen to you." LAN Ge said truthfully, indeed, there were many dark guards sent by Bai Li Yi to guard Zhong Li's house, so LAN GE's task was relatively easy. Now everything of Zhong Li Jin is out of Bai Li Yi's control. Without Bai Li Yi's care and help, LAN GE's task is naturally heavier.

"Well, LAN Ge, you are LAN Ge! You have to believe in your own skills. By the way, Ning Qingyuan also saved me. I should go and thank them. But there is nothing I can do to thank them. What can I do? " Zhong Lijin is a little tangled. If she is at home, she can give her a few jars of good wine. But in Jiangnan, where she is not familiar with her life and land, she really has nothing to give to others.

"Or invite them back to your house, so that the young master can treat them well." LAN Ge said.

"No, I don't want to go back to the mansion until I know my feelings for him. If I go back, I will face him every day. I haven't figured out how to go back. " Zhong Lijin immediately shook her head. She didn't understand what kind of feelings she had for Bai Liyi. How could she go back? How could she face Bai Li Yi, but I think Bai Li Yi should be looking for her all the time“ I'll go to Mr. Ning's place to thank him. Follow me and wait for me at the door. " After that, they went to the wing room where young master Ning and An'an lived.

"Brother, you're cheating! Ann is clearly in this hand Before knocking on the door, I heard Ning Qing'an's crisp voice coming from the room. Zhong Lijin and LAN Ge looked at each other and laughed. An'an was a lovely child. So, Zhong Lijin raised her hand and knocked on the door, and LAN Ge immediately hid in the dark.

"Who is it?" An'an's dissatisfied voice rang. Before Zhong Lijin spoke, the door of the room opened. Ning Qingyuan opened the door with a smile.

"Young master Bai, I'm here late at night. What can I do for you?" Ning Qing'an's smile always makes Zhong Li Jin'an feel down. I don't know why, but his smile is different from Bai Li Yi's. Bai Li Yi's smile on her seems to melt everything and make her shy. Ning Qingan's smile just calms her down.

"Mr. Ning, I'm here late at night. Don't you invite me in?" Zhong Lijin looked at an an an in Ning Qingyuan's back, looking at her with a small head, and said with a smile.

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