Seeing the appearance of Baili chess, Zhong Lijin was restrained at first and instinctively resisted. However, in the end, Zhong Lijin said that he had no time to think about other things, because Baili chess was not allowed. So, a beautiful night.

The next day, Zhong Lijin opened her eyes and found that the sky outside the window was already bright. After a closer look, she found that her pillow person didn't know when she had got up and disappeared.

At the thought of Baili chess, Zhong Lijin could not help but imagine the situation of last night. No accident, her face turned red with a brush, as if she had been coated with a thick layer of rouge.

Don't want to let oneself early in the morning is some children's not suitable things, Zhong Lijin will try to put all the things he thought before to the unknown.

According to the present time, Zhong Lijin doesn't have to think much to know that she has missed the time for breakfast. Thinking that today is the first day she married to Dingyuan Marquis's house, Zhong Lijin said that her practice is really a little embarrassed. The sun is going to bask in her ass and she is still sleeping in bed. How can she not be embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Zhong Lijin complains that her girl doesn't wake her up early, and makes her fall into such an embarrassing situation, while preparing to get up and dress herself.

However, just a little bit to move, Zhong Lijin found that he was not right, almost can not control his own explosion. God knows what she's like now.

After moving for a while, Zhong Lijin looked at the place where she could see when she was lying flat, and slowly recovered her mood. At this time, Zhong Lijin felt as if her body had been run over by something. It was too painful to describe.

Zhong Lijin looked down at herself wrapped under the quilt and thought, "fortunately, bailiyi is not here now, otherwise..." otherwise, she would be embarrassed. Although Zhong Lijin was raised mostly by men from childhood, she is still a woman in fact. She naturally has the same idea as other women in some aspects, which is beyond reproach.

Just when Zhong Lijin was glad that she was the only one in the room and there was no Baili chess. Not far away came a "squeak", there is no doubt that someone opened the door and came in.

At first, Zhong Lijin thought it was her heartfelt little servant girl. Finally, she thought that she was going to wake up and wash. So, Zhong Lijin jokingly said, "you finally think of your young lady. I thought you --" forgot my existence.

However, Zhong Lijin's words were not finished in the end. There was no other reason, just because the person who opened the door had completely appeared in front of Zhong Lijin. Because of this, Zhong Lijin stiffly choked back what she just wanted to say.

"Why, wake up?" A sound as mellow as wine rang out in this room. At first, it sounded a little chilly, but after listening to it, we could hear the concern.

Keke, it turns out that the person is not the one Zhong Lijin imagined in her mind, but the one she "least wants to see" at this time, who has been promoted to her other half, Bai Li Yi——

I don't know whether it's because of the mentality or the "height difference" at this time

In the eyes of Zhong Lijin, Baili chess seems to be more "pleasing to the eye". However, no matter how pleasant it is, it can't cover up Zhong Lijin's embarrassment at this time.

So, after being fascinated by the beauty in front of her eyes for a short time, Zhong Lijin's face had returned to normal, and suddenly turned red. The speed is really beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Seeing that Zhong Lijin's face suddenly changed, he was originally concerned about Zhong Lijin's Baili chess. All of a sudden, he didn't have the usual indifferent attitude of making everything look like floating clouds, not to mention the wisdom of extraordinary people.

Bai Liyi walked forward in a big stride. Then he sat down beside the bed and said to Zhong Lijin, "what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?" No matter on his face or in his eyes, Baili chess shows worry.

Well, if Bai Liyi didn't look like a fake, Zhong Lijin really wanted to think that he was "pretending". However, even knowing that bailiyi really cares about herself, Zhong Lijin can't make her mind instantly return to normal.

With bailiyi's caring look for a while, Zhong Lijin finally found her voice. So, she pretended that everything was normal and nothing happened. Generally, she said to bailiyi, "I have nothing, nothing."

Zhong Lijin didn't give Bai Liqi time to talk, so she went on to say: "yes, today is the first day I married to the Marquis of Dingyuan. According to the Convention, it should be --"

Without waiting for Zhong Lijin to finish, bailiyi interrupted her: "it's OK. You don't know the custom of Dingyuan Marquis's residence. I say that no one dares to say two."

Although Zhong Lijin did not finish what she said, bailiyi understood what she wanted to express in an instant. Maybe I don't want to make Zhong Lijin think too much. The tone of Bai Liqi seems to have some arrogance. Zhong Lijin hasn't seen such a Bai Liqi since the beginning.

So, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Zhong Lijin's mind is still taken away by bailiyi. Zhong Lijin said to Bai Liyi, "yes, that's not true. Who dares to hurt you in the whole Dingyuan Marquis's residence? Besides, you can see that the young lady of which family won't rush at you like a moth to the fire."

Speaking of this, Zhong Lijin really recalled it. Once again, she deeply felt that Baili chess was a monster. Let's see what he had done to the yellow flower maidens.

No, not only the young ladies who are newly in love, but also the wives who have been married for a long time. When they see Bai Liyi, the Marquis of Dingyuan, their eyes seem to be stuck. They are not strong in self-control, so they will jump on them in an instant.

Thinking of the riot caused by Baili chess, Zhong Lijin can't help laughing. Because bailiyi's eyes have been on Zhong Lijin, bailiyi saw her mouth at the first time.

Zhong Lijin's smile is very quiet. Although it is not as shocking as that kind of laughter, it can give people a sense of humor

A different feeling. Just like now, seeing Zhong Lijin's casual smile, Bai Liyi's heart seems to be hit by something. It's like there's some magic in it, which makes bailiyi's original good mood better.

Seeing the appearance of Zhong Lijin in front of him, a question suddenly pops up in Bai Liyi's mind. Why hasn't anyone found that Zhong Lijin is a woman in more than ten years? Keke, of course, including myself. If it wasn't for the accident in the palace, Baili thought, I don't know when I would be able to discover this secret.

If not for that accidental accident, I might not be able to find the person I can't give up. Thinking of this, there was a little bit of fear in Bai Liyi's heart, but it was more fortunate. Fortunately, before others realized the beauty of Zhong Lijin, they knew that she was a daughter and married her into their own family.

However, it's one thing to be happy, and it's one thing to be lucky. However, Baili Yi says that Zhong Lijin can't bear to be distracted in front of her.

As a result, bailiyi tried to take back the smile from the corner of his mouth, and let him try to keep a straight face and show his unhappy appearance.

Then bailiyi said, "Zhong Lijin, what are you thinking about?" I don't know if it's because the sound of Baili chess is too attractive, or because Zhong Lijin herself is about to recover. Anyway, after hearing her name, some of her eyes without focus due to memory gradually have the same look as before.

However, without waiting for Zhong Lijin to answer the question that Bai Liqi had just raised, Bai Liqi said again: "I am a living person sitting in front of you, how can you still be distracted?"

Like a determined heart, he doesn't want to let Zhong Lijin talk. In order to win his wife's attention, bailiyi, the Dingyuan houshizi, has given up his past image and become a tyrannical person who can't be talked about with reason.

After hearing the words of bailiji, Zhong Lijin, who originally wanted to seriously answer bailiji's "question", instantly took the initiative to swallow back what she was about to say, and then sent a fresh and refined white eye to bailiji, who was sitting beside her bed, without saying a word.

Cough, it's not that Zhong Lijin deliberately doesn't want to play Li Bai Li Yi. It's really that Zhong Lijin doesn't want to lower her IQ. At this time, it's like Bai Li Yi who has the IQ of a three-year-old child.

And Baili chess naturally saw Zhong Lijin's "wonderful" white eyes. If he didn't want to continue like this, bailiyi changed the topic decisively: "by the way, are you going to get up? It seems that it's late now..."

In the end, Bai Liyi's voice was getting smaller and smaller. There was no other reason. It was just that when he said these things, the face of the woman lying in front of him became more and more ugly.

In the end, bailiyi seemed to see "resentment" in her eyes. Bai Liyi thinks that if his eyes can kill people, his dignified Marquis Shizi of Dingyuan will disappear in this way.

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