Because Bai Liyi suddenly said the words of apology to scare, so, Zhong Lijin in Leng for a while before reaction.

However, the reaction of Zhong Lijin is silently to change what he was just about to say. Zhong Lijin is very proud to say to Bai Liyi: "just know it's your fault." If Zhong Lijin has a tail, I don't know where the tail will go.

Seeing this kind of Zhong Lijin, bailiyi can only smile helplessly. Then he said again what he had just said: "Zhong Li, are you going to get up?"

After hearing bailiyi's words, Zhong Lijin still restrained herself and nodded her head calmly. Then, Zhong Lijin waited for bailiyi to go out, and she got up again, or let Linxiang come in to help her.

However, after waiting for such a short time, Zhong Lijin found that bailiyi was still sitting beside the bed calmly, still maintaining the previous posture, and didn't mean to go out at all. So Zhong Lijin plans to ask Baili what he wants to do.

However, just one second before Zhong Lijin planned to speak, bailiyi spoke. Bai Liyi said to Zhong Lijin, "it's about to get up. Why are you still lying like this?"

The timing of Bai Liyi's speech was very accurate. Not only that, what he said at this time also made Zhong Lijin almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What do you mean she's still lying like this? Zhong Lijin wants to say, you are such a man sitting beside my bed, how can you let a woman who is almost naked get up? Keke, at this time, Zhong Lijin doesn't know whether she has forgotten her present identity or because she is really simple and shy. Anyway, Zhong Lijin didn't expect to get up in front of Baili chess.

Bailiyi doesn't really mean to say something to stimulate Zhong Lijin. In front of Zhong Lijin, bailiyi always says what he thinks. To say that there are still some differences between men's and women's ways of thinking. Anyway, Zhong Lijin's idea at this time is different from that of bailiyi.

Today's Baili chess doesn't think so carefully at all. Maybe in the bottom of Baili chess's heart, he has already seen Zhong Lijin thoroughly, let alone yesterday, Zhong Lijin has really become his own woman.

Zhong Lijin, just looking at bailiyi, just because of this, she can tell that bailiyi doesn't look like cheating. That is to say, what bailiyi said just now is not intended to make fun of him.

In this way, Zhong Lijin doesn't know what to say. Deep breath, Zhong Lijin just let his face show a "brilliant" smile.

Of course, the so-called "brilliant" is just what Zhong Lijin thinks. In Bai Liyi's opinion, the so-called "smiling but not smiling" expression gives people a feeling of Yin measurement.

Subconsciously, bailiyi couldn't help sitting up straight. Because of talking with Zhong Lijin, he leaned slightly to her side.

When bailiyi made such a move, Zhong Lijin finally adjusted the "friendly" expression on her face and said to bailiyi, "bailiyi, would you please go out?"

Zhong Lijin just said a few words, but didn't say why she wanted bailiyi to go out. However, Baili chess is Baili chess after all. It is still from Zhong Lijin's seemingly nonsense words that he knows the profound meaning.

At the beginning, bailiyi subconsciously wants to refute Zhong Lijin, but before he opens his mouth, he accepts Zhong Lijin's light look.

So bailiyi finally knew what Zhong Lijin thought in her heart at this time. Without too much struggle, Baili chess, which has always been "doing whatever you want" based on its own status, finally found an opponent this time.

There is an old saying that "one thing comes down to one thing". Under the coercion of Zhong Lijin's eyes, Bai Liyi stands up silently from the bed and walks towards the door. However, before leaving, Bai Liyi turned his head and looked at Zhong Lijin.

That eye, contains too much emotion, let Zhong Lijin see goose bumps are going to get up. No matter what bailiyi wants to express, his final result is that he is "driven out" by Zhong Lijin.

"Creak" a, hundred Li chess is finally completely disappeared in the line of sight of Zhong Lijin. When there was only himself left in this room, Zhong Lijin breathed a long sigh of relief.

Without thinking more, Zhong Lijin plans to get up and tidy up. However, it seems that heaven doesn't want her to be alone in the room.

Before Zhong Lijin had any real action, the door was opened again. Subconsciously, Zhong Lijin puts her eyes on the place where the sound of opening the door comes from.

At a glance, Zhong Lijin's mind for the first time flashed such a few words: "sure.". Yes, according to Bai Liyi's attitude towards Zhong Lijin, at this time, anyone who can enter this room can count with one hand.

Without waiting for the young lady lying on the bed to speak, Linxiang took the lead in saying to Zhong Lijin, "young lady, you finally wake up." After listening to Linxiang's words, Zhong Lijin was inexplicably embarrassed. Of course, after that, she quickly returned to normal.

It seems that he never thought that his young lady would respond to him. After a short pause, Linxiang continued to say: "by the way, young lady, the Marquis is very kind to you. This morning, he told me not to wake you up. He said that he wanted to wake you up naturally."

This is Linxiang's real idea in his heart. Of course, people are biased. Since bailiyi is so concerned about Zhong Lijin, Linxiang naturally hopes that her young lady can live a good life with bailiyi. In this case, some good things should be said.

After listening to Linxiang's words, Zhong Lijin was stunned again. Before, she said that bailiyi didn't let Linxiang ask her to get up. It was just speculative, and she didn't feel anything at that time.

But now, listening to Linxiang's words again, Zhong Lijin's heart seems to be as sweet as honey. Well, what comes after this sweet feeling is regret. I regret that I said that before. It's clear that Baili chess is for his own good, but I did this to him just now.

It seemed that he saw the mood of his young lady. Linxiang secretly laughed, then pretended that he didn't see anything: "just now, when the Marquis went out, let me come in to help you

Miss, just a moment. He said he would take you out later While helping Zhong Lijin, Linxiang said.

After hearing Linxiang's words, Zhong Lijin finally came out of the regret just now. She suddenly turned around and looked at Linxiang standing behind her. She asked curiously: "take me out? Where are we going? Today? " Well, like a curious baby, Zhong Lijin asked three questions at a time.

Zhong Lijin's appearance made Linxiang laugh. However, before her young lady was about to get angry, Linxiang wisely corrected her attitude. However, her next words are to let Zhong Lijin said speechless: "I do not know ah." Linxiang shrugged, a face of helplessness.

Cough, Linxiang didn't mean to tell her daughter, just because she really didn't know. I'm kidding. How could the Grand Marquis Dingyuan say something to herself.

After Linxiang answered Zhong Lijin, Zhong Lijin also responded. This time, Zhong Lijin didn't give Linxiang a white eye. Instead, she speeded up her action and wanted to pack herself up immediately, so that she could ask where Baili chess wanted to take her.

With the power and help, Zhong Lijin soon put on her clothes. As soon as she opened the door, she didn't find bailiyi, but Zeyi was at the door of her house.

Seeing Zeyi, Zhong Lijin hurriedly walks over and says to Zeyi with a "bad intention" face: "Zeyi, where will bailiyi take me later?" Ze Yiyi stays by Bai Liyi's side. In Zhong Lijin's opinion, he must know almost everything about Bai Liyi.

Looking at the new mother in front of him, Zeyi is still a feeling of facial paralysis. In the eyes of others, it seems that nothing can make him have other expressions.

However, everyone has been together for such a long time, who doesn't know a little about each other. Although Zeyi looks so cold on the surface, he still laughs helplessly in his heart when he sees Zhong Lijin's furtive appearance. Who knows his inner feeling.

However, he didn't dare to laugh. It was estimated that he would not be able to keep the secret which is still a secret. Yes, there's no mistake. Zeyi really knows where to take Zhong Lijin after a while.

It's not that he Zeyi has any opinions about his mother in front of him, so he deliberately doesn't tell her. It's just that before that, his master clearly warned him that he can't tell Zhong Lijin his plan in advance, or in this way, even if he wants to tell Zhong Lijin, he has to tell Zhong Lijin himself.

His master has said so. How could Zeyi risk his life and stand on the opposite side of Baili chess. Therefore, Zeyi tries to keep his face straight and turns a deaf ear to Zhong Lijin's words.

Seeing Zeyi's performance like this, Zhong Lijin is also aware of it. It's estimated that bailiyi explained it in advance, otherwise he would not dare to ignore himself like this.

Let's not say that he ignores whether he will be punished by Baili chess. For the rest, you know, Linxiang, whom he likes, is totally facing his own girl.

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