Back in the room, bailiyi saw that Zhong Lijin was still worried. No matter what her family did to her, she couldn't let go of her family.

After all, Zhong Lijin is so kind that he can't give up. Bailiyi reaches out his broad arm and grabs her thin body into his thick and warm arms. His chin is against the top of her hair, and his low voice rings: "don't worry, although the Grand Prince looks more powerful and advantageous now, it's just superficial. This is only temporary. The situation in the DPRK is turbulent, and the situation may change suddenly at any time. "

His deep and powerful words are firm, which makes Zhong Lijin feel a little comforted. She leans her head on his shoulder. He whispered, sniffed the reassuring smell from him, and began to think about the recent continuous outbursts.

In fact, what Bai Liyi said is very reasonable. As long as the emperor has not made a decision, no matter who the current situation appears to be beneficial, it will be beneficial. After all, the king's heart is unpredictable. Anything that happens before making a decision may change the current situation in an instant.

"Now almost all the people in the court think that the great prince is in power, but at the same time, he is on the top of the storm. There are always some people who are not happy with him and want to do evil secretly. There may be many people who are willing even if they are both defeated."

Zhong Lijin raised her hand and gently opened Bai Liyi's thick chest. With some calm wisdom in her eyes, she raised her eyes and stared at Bai Liyi's eyes.

It is worthy of being his good wife, who is so wise. She understood his words.

Bai Liyi gave a hum, Zhong Lijin stopped and continued: "would you like to help me?"

Bai Liyi didn't answer her question immediately. Instead, he sat down on the chair beside him and said slowly, "you are my wife. Your business is my business. What are you and me? Ask for help when you need it. " His eyes with a touch of doting, staring at Zhong Lijin, and her acquaintance for so long, now she is his wife, she and he will be so old together for life.

Looking at Bai Li Yi's favorite color in his eyes, Zhong Li Jin couldn't help his heart beating faster, plopping and coughing. She knew what she was thinking. He must have known her.

Suddenly, bailiyi stretched out a hand towards him, and the palm of her hand spread out. She stretched out her slender jade hand and gently put it in his big hand. With a force in his hand, he pulled her into his arms.

In any case, home is always home, the place where she was born and raised. Although she has no extra feelings for her father, she still doesn't want to see an accident at home.

After bailiyi had something to do, Zhong Lijin took Linxiang to the carriage. Occasionally, she would lift the corner of the car curtain to check the scenery outside. The still bustling market could not arouse her half interest. Now there is only one thing in her mind, let Zhong Lihan not join the prince.

Linxiang looks forward to the busy market, but she also knows that her master has a heavy heart. She wanted to divert his attention, but she can only pull up the curtain silently because of his lack of interest.

Soon heard the voice of the coachman, the carriage slowly stopped, Linxiang out of the carriage, helped Zhong Lijin down, the door

When the guards saw them, they immediately saluted and yelled, "welcome, madam dinghou."

At this time, the housekeeper had already arrived at the study and said to Zhong Lihan, "master, I'm waiting for my wife to visit."

Wen Yan, Zhong Lihan put down the book in his hand, raised his eyes and made a deep voice: "it's all broken with her. What can she do when she comes back?" That's what he said, but he had to see her. After all, she is Mrs. dinghou, not his daughter.

The housekeeper didn't dare to answer, so he could only hold his breath and walk to the lobby behind Zhong Lihan.

Zhong Lijin accidentally sweeps these guards, although she and Zhong Lihan have broken off the relationship between father and daughter, according to reason, they should not let her in. Thinking that she is Mrs. dinghou now, her mouth is grinning with a cold radian. If it is not because she is Mrs. dinghou, I am afraid not to mention such treatment, even the door will not be opened for her. Her own father, no one knows him better than she does.

Linxiang was a little scared by this warm attitude at the beginning, and then he patted his chest at ease. Now the master is not what he used to be. No matter what, the master never dares to turn him away. I've been with my master for so long, but I've had a good time. Thanks to the waiting master, they can enjoy such a good treatment.

Zhong Lijin walked in slowly with elegant steps. Before she came near, she had already seen the familiar figure. She stepped into the hall with her eyes opposite. No one saluted anyone for a long time.

It seems that the air in the lobby is solidified, and the housekeeper and Linxiang swallow a mouthful of saliva inexplicably. Who ever thought that the former master Zhong Lijin is now the wife of dinghou. In order to survive, he has concealed his gender for so many years. In this family, no one dares to challenge the master.

"Madam dinghou, what can I do for you?" The tone of indifference, Zhong Lihan slowly open mouth, eyes calm.

He didn't ask people to sit down. He went straight to the topic. Zhong Lijin didn't answer immediately. She went to the next seat and sat down gracefully with her skirt. She looked at Zhong Lihan with her side face. When she came in just now, she had already looked at him. There was no outsider nearby.

Zhong Lijin gently clasped her hands, then said: "I hope my father can have his own vision, don't just look at the present, the current situation may change at any time."

Smell speech, Zhong Lihan eyes flash a touch of light, he toward the housekeeper indicated a look, housekeeper understanding, quietly retreat to the gate guard, and close the door.

But Zhong Lihan didn't take her words to heart. He disdained her for talking about the affairs of the imperial government. He said, "you are a girl. You know what the affairs of the imperial government are. Don't talk about it casually. If it's spread out, the king will not be able to protect you."

"I just want to tell my father that at this moment, the eldest prince must be interested in wooing you. I hope my father can see the Pearl with his eyes and don't be too eager to stand in the line, otherwise he can't change it any more." Zhong Lijin doesn't care about Zhong Lihan's attitude. She knows what these men think, but what she has to do is to raise some points. And she also believed that Zhong Lihan would never let out what she said.

No matter whether Zhong Lijin breaks off the relationship with him or not, Zhong Lihan is always a little separated when he hears what she says. I don't know what Zhong Lijin thought in her heart. She came here to talk about it at this time. What's more, her courage is really extraordinary!

She is not free to talk about state affairs, especially the issue of standing in the ranks. Nowadays, the power of the Grand Prince is growing. Many ministers in the court have begun to approach the Grand Prince, and other princes are no longer afraid. Even if someone else comes up with something wrong, it will not make any big waves. It can be said that the situation of the eldest prince is almost settled.

If he does not take advantage of now to join the ranks of the great prince, the great prince will one day ascend the throne, he will not be reused.

What Zhong Lihan thought in his heart and what Zhong Lijin thought in his heart are two completely opposite views, so he clearly rejected Zhong Lijin's proposal, waved his broad sleeves, and said in a deep voice: "well, I've been an official for decades. Do you still need a little girl to talk about it?"

On hearing this, Zhong Lijin knew that he didn't listen to her at all, and she guessed right. Her father was really ready to stand in line with the eldest prince, and continued: "Lord Zhong Li! If it's not for the sake of leaving home, why should I take the risk to tell you this? Success or failure will be related to the lives and honor of a family of nine. Please think twice. Think again. "

In fact, when she said this, Zhong Lijin was a little worried. Zhong Lihan didn't pay attention to what she said.

Zhong Lihan didn't want to say anything more. He just waved his hand to see off the guests. He gave a cold order and stood up from the seat: "Zhong Lihan can't get to your home. An outsider says, you go quickly!"

Linxiang nervously looked at his master and then at Zhong Lihan. The master really didn't know his master's kindness.

Zhong Lijin sees that Zhong Lihan is so indifferent that she can't wait for her to leave quickly. She is a little angry. She has already sent her words to her home. It's none of her business if she doesn't listen. Just as I was about to leave, I heard from outside. Madam, why did you come here? Oh, no, the master is inside. I can't go in.

Before the words fall, the door is suddenly pushed open by a strong force. With a bang, the figure of a woman with disordered hair and disheveled clothes shakes at the door. The eyes full of hatred lock Zhong Lijin at once, and suddenly rush towards her. Zhong Lijin has not yet reflected who this person is, so she is knocked down by the sudden figure.

"Miss!" Linxiang exclaimed. Before he could stop him, the man had already knocked his master to the ground.

At this time, Zhong Lijin recognized the big lady. She was crazy!

The big lady has been reading about you, you slut, you bastard! Give my son back, give my son back!

Zhong Lijin wants to get rid of her bondage, but she finds her strength is so amazing that she can't move at all.

The housekeeper said in a loud voice: "madam, don't mess around!"

LAN Fengyun lifted Zhong Lijin's thin body and dragged her to a place where there was no one: "who are you? I'll kill her now!" I don't know when she had a hairpin in her hand, which stood against her white neck.

Linxiang anxiously said: "don't hurt my master! Never

LAN Fengyun drags Zhong Lijin all the way to leave. Zhong Lijin tries to say something to her, and finds that her mouth just keeps repeating the words just now. It seems that it's not fake. Linxiang has been closely behind them not far away, there has been Xiaosi quickly back to dinghou house correspondence.

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