Zhong Lihan is still a dead duck with a stiff mouth. It's hard to tell whether he really doesn't know or doesn't want to tell others where Zhong Lijin is.

Bai Liyi bit the water color of his lower lip, and a little hesitation flashed in his cold eyes. Although Zhong Lihan didn't treat jin'er well, he was jin'er's biological father after all. If he really killed Zhong Lihan, he didn't care about the name of killing his father-in-law, but jin'er would be sad

"Well! For jin'er's sake, I'll let you go today! " Bailiyi released his hand holding Zhong Lihan's neck and threw him aside: "don't think I'm afraid of you. In this world, there's nothing I'm afraid of. I just can't bear jin'er's sorrow because of you scum."

"Cough cough..." Zhong Lihan, who fell on the ground, covered his neck and coughed violently, but he couldn't say anything.

Bai Liyi ordered the guards of the Marquis's house of Ding state, and said, "take Zhong Lihan back to the Marquis's house of Ding state, and put him in the dungeon."

"Yes, sir." The two bodyguards set up the clock and left.

Zhong Lihan's eyes were red and he struggled violently. He yelled at Bai Liyi hysterically: "Bai Liyi! I am the official of the imperial court! You have no right to detain me! Let go of me

Bai Liyi ignored Zhong Lihan's shouting. With a wave of his hand, he told the two bodyguards, "take it away."

"Yes, sir."

"Bai Li Yi! I am the official of the imperial court! How dare you imprison the court officials without permission! Do you still have the king's law in your eyes? " Zhong Lihan struggles hard. If an adult man's fierce struggle is changed, he will never be able to control it. But how can the guards of the Marquis's residence of Ding state be mediocre and incompetent? They will conquer Zhong Lihan by dividing three into five.

"Here, I am the king." Bai Liyi's lips stirred up an evil sneer and said to the two bodyguards, "take it away."

"Bailiyi, how dare you treat me like this? If this matter spreads out, do you know what name Zhong Lijin will bear? " Zhong Lihan suddenly calmed down and said to Bai Liyi, "don't you care?"

Bai Liyi was silent. Zhong Lihan knew that he was right. He did not struggle or speak. He waited for Bai Liyi's decision quietly.

"Let him go."

"Well! You're smart. " The clock leaves cold to hum a, tidied a dress, turned round to return to the room.

Bai Li Yi's hands, clenched into fists in his wide sleeve robe, were tight and tight unconsciously. He let the cool wind blow on his face. His cold eyes were covered with an anxious look. Jin Er, where are you?

When Zhong Lihan returns to his room, he hears a report that the eldest lady has captured Zhong Lijin. Her whereabouts are unknown.

"What?! Don't look for it soon Zhong Lihan's mind is in disorder. Now, only Baili Yi can save Zhong Lifu, and Zhong Lijin is the only one who can persuade Baili Yi. Zhong Lijin can't do anything, absolutely can't do anything!

In a dark and humid small dark room in the other courtyard of Zhongli mansion, Zhongli Jin wakes up. As soon as she moves, she feels a sharp pain in the back of her brain.

"Hiss..." Zhong Lijin took a cold breath and touched it with her hand. What she started with was a piece of scarlet sticky, greasy, salty and pungent smell of blood.

It's bleeding. This lady is really cruel.

Zhong Lijin half covers the back of the brain, holding the wall slowly stood up, began to look around some strange environment.

This room is used to punish those who are not obedient and sensible. Although Zhong Lijin is a commoner girl who is not in favor, she has never seen such a place, let alone been here.

The doors and windows are closed, and they are all locked from the outside. Basically, there is no possibility of going out.

Zhong Lijin comes to the door and looks out from the crack of the door and window. The familiar scene makes Zhong Lijin understand where he is in a moment.

This place is another courtyard of Zhongli mansion in the south of the city. It has always been under the care of the eldest lady. She has been with her mother several times, and she is familiar with every scene and thing in the other courtyard.

There were two other people watching her outside the door. She had seen her several times, and she was the first lady's confidant.

Zhong Lijin sighed helplessly. In her present situation, it's really that she shouldn't do it every day.

There is Bai Liyi, who always likes to pester her, but the key moment is gone. I'm so angry. I just hope Bai Liyi can find her soon.

"Well? Did you hear that? Zhongli house is surrounded. " Some tall and thin little boy said to the boy with a mysterious face.

"What? How could that be? " The baby face boy exclaimed in surprise. He leaned towards the tall boy, lowered his voice and asked in a low voice: "what's the matter? Come on

"Because ah, a set of dragon robes and many weapons were found in the emperor's palace." Before he finished, the tall and thin boy was interrupted by the baby faced boy: "ah? Is the prince going to rebel? That's the crime of beheading. But what does the rebellion of the great prince have to do with our Zhongli mansion? "

"According to the relationship between the master and the prince, how can it not matter? Don't you know the master is the Grand Prince party? Now that the prince has an accident, our master will suffer as well. "

"But the master didn't take part in the rebellion? Why did the emperor surround Zhongli's house? " Baby face small si a face doubts of say.

The thin and tall boy looked at the baby face boy with disdain and said, "are you a fool? How do you know that the master was not involved in the rebellion? Moreover, once they are involved in the conspiracy, they will not be so easy to get away from. If they do not get it right, they will be killed. "

"Ah? Killing the family? Then we're going to suffer as well? " The little boy with a baby face has a bitter face and wants to cry without tears.

Zhong Lijin in the room heard all the whispers of the two boys. She was shocked that the Dragon robes and weapons were found in the prince's palace. According to the suspicious character of the emperor, the fate of the prince can be imagined.

But she knew her father's character. No matter how brave he was, he did not dare to take part in the rebellion. However, the royal family always preferred to kill three thousand people by mistake and never let go of one. If Zhong Li's house was really accused of conspiracy, the end would be absolutely unbearable.

What should I do? What should I do? What can we do to save the clock from leaving home? Zhong Lijin in the room, like ants on the hot pot, anxious to turn around.

All of a sudden, Zhong Lijin's brain is full of inspiration! She can go to bailiyi! Bai Liyi is so powerful. You can save the clock!

Looking at the closed doors and windows, Zhong Lijin sighs. Now she is locked here. How can she save Zhong from leaving home?

Zhong lijinru

Thinking about this, she was worried. She walked towards the door and called out: "Hello! Come here, you two

Thin and tall boy and baby face boy are all frightened by Zhong Lijin's sudden voice.

"Zhong Lijin, what do you do? Give me a fright He didn't even claim to be a slave, and even called Zhong Lijin with his surname. The tall and thin boy didn't pay any attention to Zhong Lijin. He was arrogant and domineering. He really had servants for any master.

"Hello! Zhong Lijin! What do you want? " The little boy with a baby face also said impolitely, tricky and evil servant.

Zhong Lijin suppressed her anger and said to the two boys, "I just heard you say that Zhong Lifu is surrounded..."

"We... We didn't say anything." Zhong Lijin's voice was interrupted by the tall and thin boy.

"It's OK. You're not going to do anything about it. If something happens to Zhongli mansion, you guys can't run away. Even if you don't kill your head, you will be sent to the frontier."

Success to see the two boys changed face, Zhong Lijin continued to slowly said: "you should know that I am the wife of the Marquis of Ding state, if I go to ask for Marquis of Ding state, maybe Zhong Lifu will be saved?"

"Just you? Can you also save Zhong Lifu? " Tall and thin, the little boy sneered and said contemptuously, "you are just a woman. Can Marquis Ding listen to you?"

Zhong Lijin continued to say: "how can we know if we don't try? Once Zhongli mansion is saved, you don't have to come to such a miserable end, do you think? "

"But... The big lady..." the tall and thin boy was obviously loose, but he hesitated to be deterred by the big lady.

"The eldest lady has gone mad. Can you believe the madman's words? Or would you rather believe a madman than a normal person? " Zhong Lijin is a madman, and he has hit two people's minds, because the eldest lady has really become a madman. Instead of believing in a madman, they prefer to believe Zhong Lijin, a normal person.

"As long as you help me to inform my father and tell him that I'm willing to ask bailiyi to save Zhongli's house, you will be the best."

"Well, I'll trust you for a while." Said the tall and thin boy.

"Good! You two eat inside and outside! How dare you betray me The big lady's gloomy words exploded in her ears. Zhong Lijin and two little fellows were all startled.

"Forgive me, madam!" The tall and thin boy and the baby faced boy knelt on the ground and begged for the big lady.

The eldest lady stepped forward and kicked the two boys to the ground. Her charming face was full of ferocious look: "you two useless things dare to betray me!"

"Spare me, madam! It's Zhong Lijin who forced me. " Thin and tall small Si flurried of shout a way, want to all depend on the body of Zhong Li Jin.

"Open the door for me!" Ordered the eldest lady.

"Yes, yes." The thin and tall boy quickly opened the lock that closed the door of Zhong Lijin's room.

Zhong Lijin's eyes become a little cold. It's clearly what they promised. She forced them to bite back. Such a person really shouldn't live in the world.

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