Gu Yunlan is unavoidably indignant. Her elaborate Biwu makes wedding clothes for others, which makes her angry.

"Jin'er, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful. I want to make more surprises for my husband in the future."

As soon as Zhong Lijin got back to his seat, Bai Liyi came up and said with a bad smile.

"You go back to your side and sit there. A lot of people are watching." With that, Zhong Lijin pushed him with her hand.

Someone's innocent face, simply closer, from a distance, more like a hundred Li Yi in her ear.

"If they want to see it, let them see it. I post my own princess, not others."


All this is in the eyes of Gu Yunlan.

Gu Yunlan's nails under the desk tightly pinched the meat.

What is she for?! In terms of family background and talent, what can she compare with herself?! Why can she get the favor of the Marquis. These should belong to me!

Thinking about this, Gu Yunlan began to say, "the waiting imperial concubine is really good at dancing, and the courtesan feel inferior."

"Yunlan's sister praised me falsely." Zhong Lijin nodded slightly, and her tone was still lukewarm.

"Everyone is so happy, and in this happy moment, there should be good wine."

"How about if one of us can finish ten jugs of wine and win?"

All of you who don't know Gu Yunlan's drinking capacity are sweating for Zhong Lijin.

But Zhong Lijin said at this time, "OK, Dendrobium wine is Dendrobium wine."

The reaction was different from hers.

"Since you put it up first, you should drink it first. Otherwise, people will not say that you bully me and damage sister Yunlan's reputation."

Zhong Lijin looks at her in her spare time.


The waiter came up with a pot of wine and arranged on the desk in front of Gu Yunlan.

"Sister Yunlan, please."

Gu Yunlan took the wine pot and drank it one by one.

When she got to the seventh pot, she couldn't do as she wanted to, so she held on to the end.

"Good drink." At the end of the drink, Zhong Lijin took the lead in clapping.

"Now that I'm finished, it's my turn to wait for the imperial concubine. Hou Fei doesn't want to deny it

After drinking ten pots of wine, Gu Yunlan's body has begun to wobble, but he still doesn't forget to let Zhong Lijin drink.

"Of course." Zhong Lijin smiles at her.

"You go and bring up a pot of Dendrobium wine." Zhong Lijin pointed to a maid and said.

People are still surprised at her words.

A pot? Ten pots?

Before long, the maid brought up a pot of Dendrobium wine.

No matter how much wine Gu Yunlan drinks, he can't stand the fact that he has too much. Her face flushed slightly, maybe drunk.

Pointing to Zhong Lijin, he said, "you're cheating. We're obviously comparing ten pots of wine. How can you only let people bring up a pot of wine? Do you want to cheat?"

"Sister Yunlan is so serious. How could I want to cheat?"?! This is the Dendrobium wine I ordered according to your rules! Sister Yunlan won't be drunk. She doesn't even know this Dendrobium wine. "

Between the words, a quiet and gentle woman first understood the meaning of her "ten jugs of wine". A smile came from the corner of her lips, and her eyes were more appreciative.

Zhong Lijin takes the glass and drinks it up.

With the passage of time, Gu Yunlan drunk thoroughly, more and more mouth unstoppable.

"Zhong Lijin, why do you cheat? You must have used some means to make the Marquis treat you so well. Her kindness should belong to me. What can you do better than me..."

At last, Bai Liyi's eyes were covered with a thin layer of ice.

Gu Yunlan is still talking, I don't know who said, "Miss Gu is drunk, someone, send Miss Gu home."

She didn't give up when she was pulled out, and even began to abuse. She didn't look like a lady from a big family.

After this episode, the banquet went smoothly. Men drink in the hall, while women, bored, go to the backyard to enjoy the flowers.

After what happened just now, Bai Liyi also thought that she would not be bullied casually, so he agreed that she would go to enjoy the flowers.

Zhong Lijin just walked to the courtyard and saw a quiet and gentle woman coming towards her.

It's like a fairy from the sky, especially fresh and refined.

Talk, listen to her say her name is Qin Fuyi, is the third prince party under the general's wife.

"Just at the banquet, I saw Hou Fei's special affinity and wanted to get to know her."

"I am several years older than Hou Fei. Can I call your sister?"

Qin Fu Yi a straight face with a smile, Zhong Li Jin see her eye edge, smile should be next.

"If my sister is willing, it's good. I hope she doesn't dislike her stupidity."

The two chatted with each other very much, and they had a feeling of intimacy that was as good as they used to be at first sight.

A few hours later, the banquet broke up, and when they left, they were still reluctant to part, as if they had known each other for many years.

"Princess Hou and I are just like old friends at first sight. It's said that the treasure pavilion has some pretty faces. Why don't we go and have a look with Princess Hou then? I wonder if Princess hou would like to see us?" Qin Fuyi smiles, full of hope.

And Zhong Lijin's impression of Qin Fuyi is good. Naturally, she should say, "it's better to be respectful than obedient."

They made an appointment to go to treasure Pavilion together in five days.

After the banquet, Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin went back to the Marquis's residence.

"Get out of the car, ma'am." Bai Liyi stood outside the carriage and stretched out his slender arm towards it.

Zhong Lijin sat in the carriage and said with a smile, this guy, this kind of thing let the next people come, he is not himself.

Helpless, Zhong Lijin had to lift the car curtain and hand his hand to Bai Liyi.

Bailiyi held Zhong Lijin's hand tightly, and the other hand held Zhong Lijin's waist, and he held her down.

Zhong Lijin just felt a trance in front of her, and then went into Bai Liyi's arms.

After all, it's still at the gate of her own house, and people are coming and going. It makes Zhong Lijin blush to be so intimate.

Lying in Bai Li Yi's arms, he hammered Bai Li Yi's chest with his little powder fist, "I hate it! People are watching

"No matter what they do, you are the wife I married. Of course, I want to hold it in my hand and feel painful."

Bai Liyi doesn't think so. Without waiting for Zhong Lijin to respond, a princess hugs Zhong Lijin and walks into the house.

With the speed of Bai Liyi's long legs, he soon took Zhong Lijin back to the room.

Bailiyi carefully put Zhong Lijin on the bed, while he lay on his side beside Zhong Lijin. His fingers were wrapped with Zhong Lijin's green silk, and he asked, "what's the banquet like today?"

"Well, you can see that, but your wife's intelligence has been improved, and those intrigues are nothing at all. But

Zhong Lijin stopped for a moment.

Bai Liyi said, "but what?"

Zhong Lijin got up and lay on Bai Liyi's chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat from his chest, "but I know a new friend today."

"Men and women?" Bai Liyi immediately said with a strong jealousy.

Zhong Lijin intended to play the key role and said with a smile, "guess what?"

"Men?" Bai Liyi asked uncertainly.

Zhong Lijin chuckled and said, "you look nervous

It's Qin Fuyi, Liu Mingyang's wife. "

"Liu Mingyang's wife? That's not bad. "

"Well?" Zhong Lijin doubts, tilts his head and looks at Bai Liyi curiously.

"Liu Mingyang is a good friend of mine. If you make friends with his wife, it's also a very good thing." Bailiyi embraces Zhong Lijin and turns over, pressing Zhong Lijin under his body.

"What are you doing?" Zhong Lijin gave a light cry.

Bai Liyi raised his mouth and laughed.

"Of course, it's what a couple should do!"

"Well ~" Zhong Lijin's words of resistance had not been uttered, but he was forced to kiss by Bai Liyi.

Then he surrendered under the fierce attack of bailiyi.

Then there was a night of spring in the house.

Five days later, according to the agreement with Qin Fuyi, Zhong Lijin made a carriage to Liu's residence.

On the way, Zhong Lijin is idly lifting the curtain on the window to see the scenery.

Unexpectedly, a group of shadows flashed in front of me, and then a group of people in black with knives appeared in front of my carriage.

"Who are you?" Zhong Lijin immediately pokes his head out of the carriage and asks harshly.

The leader of the man in black looked directly at Zhong Lijin with sharp eyes and said in a cold voice, "we are here to take your life!"

"Oh? You should also see if you have the ability! " Zhong Lijin sneered and motioned the guards around to go up.

However, the opponent's martial arts are excellent, and the bodyguard is not their opponent at all.

But in the blink of an eye, all the guards were killed by the people in black.

"Zhong Lijin, today is your Memorial Day!" With that, the leader of the man in black rushed to Zhong Lijin with his sword.

Zhong Lijin's frightened eyes closed, but she only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of her.

Then there was no movement. Zhong Lijin opened her eyes and found that all the people in black were captured.

"Who are you?" Zhong Lijin jumps out of the carriage and looks at the man in black with doubts.

"Are you Zhong Lijin?" A man in gorgeous clothes looks at Zhong Lijin with a smile.

Zhong Lijin nodded, "yes."

"Ah Jin!" A clear female voice came from the carriage behind the gorgeous man.

Then, a bright green figure came down from the carriage.

From a distance, Zhong Lijin turns out to be Qin Fuyi.

"Fu Yi, you?"

Qin Fuyi walks over with a smile and holds the man in gorgeous clothes. She says to Zhong Lijin, "ah Jin, this is my husband Liu Mingyang."

Zhong Lijin realized that it was her good fortune to meet Liu Qin and his wife, so she got out of danger.

He immediately made a bow in front of them.

"Jin'er, thank you for your help."

"Why are you so polite? I'm not right to say that. If I went to your house to meet you, this would not happen." Qin Fuyi lifts Zhong Lijin up and signals that she is not polite.

Thanks for the help, we all went back to Liu's house.

Liu Mingyang is preparing to put all the people in black captured alive in the dungeon for strict interrogation, but several people in black have long expected that the plan would fail, so they all bite their tongue and commit suicide.

"Hou Fei, I'm sorry. I can't find out the murderer behind the scenes." Liu Mingyang apologizes to Zhong Lijin in the hall.

Zhong Lijin also knows that these people in black must be determined to die.

This can't blame Liu Mingyang. Besides, he was saved from the man in black.

"It's OK. I'll go back and tell my husband about it. Mr. Liu doesn't have to worry about it."

"In that case, does Hou Fei still want to go shopping with my wife?" Liu Mingyang asked tentatively, after all, it is caused by his own family.

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