At this time, I heard that Guiguzi of Wandu Valley had a way to cure this poison. Zhong Lijin didn't want to go to Wandu Valley directly.

Now she is really attacked on all sides, and no one can use it. Without any way, she goes to find Qin Fuyi, but Qin Fuyi doesn't even hesitate, so she directly sends someone to pick up Lin Qianru and leaves.

And Zhong Lijin also made a big effort to arrange two whole carts of daily necessities, claiming that she was invited by Qin Fuyi to go to the general's residence. Under the attention of the neighbors, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Marquis's residence of the state of Ding swaggered to the general's residence in a car. For a moment, it became the talk of the streets.

At the other end of the alley, several people in ordinary clothes, without anyone's attention, secretly set foot on the road out of the city. The leader's eyes are picturesque and cool. It's Zhong Lijin. This time, she's going to Wandu valley. Only when she gets there, can she save her mother's life.

Out of the capital, Zhong Lijin long sigh of relief, they finally came out safely. Recently, the capital is not peaceful, and it's all aimed at them. Think of Lin Qianru in the poison, Zhong Lijin abnormal worry. Now only when we get to Yaowang Valley as soon as possible can we get rid of Zhong Lijin's poison. But where is Yaowang Valley? There is no accurate answer, but there is a general direction. So Zhong Lijin with his dark Wei together, out of the capital, to the direction of the suspected medicine King Valley.

There is a small town in front of us. There is an inn in the small town that is very prominent. Thinking that it has been more than half a day since I came out with the dark guard, I have been protesting for a long time. Zhong Lijin said to the dark guard, "go ahead and have a rest. We'll go on the road after we've had enough food and drink."

A dark guard was ordered to run to the inn in front of him. He wanted to make some arrangements and see if the inn was really safe. You know, his guardian is the chief wife of dingguohou!

When Zhong Lijin arrives at the inn, the dark guard has been arranged. The shopkeeper came up with a smiling face. Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, he asked, "what would you like to eat, my guest?"

The guests who are eating in the inn look up one after another and look at Zhong Lijin. They are all astonished. They all calm down and savor Zhong Lijin's beauty. The original noisy lobby was silent for a moment, even the sound of flies fluttering their wings could be heard. A burly man swallowed his saliva difficultly. He got up and came to Zhong Lijin. His eyes were squinting. People looked at him with disgust. But no one came forward to stop him. He was a civilized bully.

Many people shake their heads as if they are sighing for Zhong Lijin. Such a beautiful lady will become the plaything of the bully.

Zhong Lijin looked at the bully in disgust. The bully's heart expanded more and more. But I don't know that his life has been lost. Before the bully makes a move, the dark guard beside Zhong Lijin acts. People only feel that three shadows fly by, and the bully is directly hit all the way to the table, and the table is immediately crushed by the bully. At the same time, a dark guard has come to the bully's body. Two daggers appear on his left and right hands and stab the bully's eyes. The bully screamed and two eyes were dug out by the dark guard. The bully's eyes are full of blood!

"Ma'am, please go up." A dark Wei walks to Zhong Lijin from upstairs and salutes respectfully. Zhong Lijin didn't look at the bully much, so she nodded and walked upstairs. Everyone sighed that the bully finally kicked the steel plate today. The beauty must be the wife of an adult in the capital, and she is very popular. Otherwise, how could there be such a good hand to protect her, and there are five, more than one!

The place where the dark guard chose was just close to the street. From here you can see the panoramic view of the small town. Many people like to sit on this side when they come to the inn, and this is just the direction of the gate of the inn. You can see all kinds of people coming in and out of the inn from here.

While waiting for food, Zhong Lijin has a look around. An old beggar appeared before his eyes. The old beggar seemed to want to enter the inn, but he was stopped by the shopkeeper. Zhong Lijin can only see the back of the bartender, but not the expression of the bartender. But from the old beggar's pleading and acting expression, we can see what kind of face the shopkeeper is. The old beggar tried to break into the inn several times, but every time he was stopped by the shopkeeper who was tall, powerful and quick-sighted. After several failures, the old beggar didn't try any more and left dejected. Seeing the disappointed look in the old beggar's eyes and the feeble pace, Zhong Lijin was not happy, so she ordered a dark guard to invite the old beggar.

The dark guard got to make a direct leap down from here. In three or two steps, he caught up with the old beggar and told him the reason. The old beggar looked at the elegant room where Zhong Lijin was. Zhong Lijin was looking at him with a smile. The old beggar gave Zhong Lijin a grateful look and followed the dark guard into the inn. The shopkeeper who used to block the old beggar saw that the old beggar came in again, and just wanted to stop him, he was held by his peers. The colleague saw the Kung Fu of the dark guard with his own eyes.

When the old beggar came in, he just served the dishes. The old beggar was very excited. He looked at the food and saliva, but when he saw his dirty hands, he didn't know what to do. Looking around, he still didn't find a place to wash his hands. Zhong Lijin was amused by the old beggar and motioned to the dark guard to wash her hands with the old beggar. When the old beggar came back, the food on the table had not moved, and it was extremely rich.

The old beggar takes his seat and immediately sweeps away all the food on the table like a whirlwind. Zhong Lijin looks at the old beggar's gobbling up and constantly asks dark Wei to add food. When the old beggar was satisfied, he felt his big stomach like a bucket, and then looked at Zhong Lijin. He saw that the bowl of rice that Zhong Lijin had first added had not been finished, and there was little food left on the table.

The old beggar scratched his head with embarrassment, and his face turned red. Zhong Lijin smiles, finishes the meal, leaves some silver for the old beggar, and then shouts her dark guards to leave together. The old beggar caught up with him.

"Girl, can you let me go with you?" Pleaded the old beggar. Zhong Lijin was in a bit of a dilemma, but looking at the rickets of the old beggar, she couldn't bear to leave him. Finally, he nodded his head and took the old beggar with him. He planned to go to a more prosperous place, where he would be placed. In that prosperous place, the old beggar would not starve to death.

"Seeing the girl walking in a hurry, I venture to ask, where is the girl going

Where? " In the middle of the road, the old beggar saw that Zhong Lijin was bored and asked.

Zhong Lijin also saw someone chatting with her, and did not hide it. She said, "go to Yaowang valley."

The old beggar heard a trace of vigilance in the eyes of Yaowang Valley, and continued to ask, "what's the girl doing in Yaowang Valley?"

"My mother has been poisoned. It's said that only Mr. Guiguzi of Yaowang Valley can be rescued. I'd like to go to Yaowang Valley and ask Mr. Guiguzi to save my mother." Zhong Lijin's eyes were dim: "it's just that Yaowang Valley doesn't know where it is, and Mr. Guiguzi often sees the head but not the tail, which is hard to find. I don't know when my mother's poison will be cured completely. "

"Don't worry, girl. I know where the valley is. If you don't let me lead you, I'll repay you for your meal. " The old beggar saw that the worry in Zhong Lijin's eyes didn't seem to be pretended. It took him a long time to walk slowly. It was obvious that he was tangled in the bottom of his heart for a long time.

"Really?" Zhong Lijin is very happy. She doesn't have the feeling of being far away from the old man any more. On the contrary, she thinks that the old man's unusual handsome is only inferior to that Dingguo Hou!

The old man told the exact location, and the party went straight to Yaowang valley. As night falls, there is still half the journey to Yaowang valley. Zhong Lijin decides to find an inn in the small town ahead and go there again tomorrow morning.

In the middle of the night, everything in the town is quiet, only the gentle breeze. But there was a rustle of footsteps on the roof of the inn. With a loud noise, a group of people in black broke through the window and woke up Zhong Lijin who was sleeping.

Zhong Lijin shouts that an assassin will break into the door immediately, but she smells a strange fragrance and faints. The man in black just wanted to kill her, but the dark guard had already killed her. The man in black had to give up. As like as two peas, Lin Qianru has been poisoned. This poison is exactly the same as that of the king. Only the gugui millet of the king's Valley can be saved.

Dark Wei looked at the unconscious clock from Jin for a time panic, they did not protect the safety of clock from Jin, after going back, it is estimated that the marquis will be scolded to death. But it's no use for them to panic. No one among them knows the medical skills at all. They can only look at Zhong Lijin, who is breathing more and more weakly on the bed.

Just then, the old beggar came in, and he washed his hands specially. He didn't want his dirty hands to dye Zhong Lijin's hands dirty. The old beggar went to the bed and bent down to feel the pulse for Zhong Lijin.

After carefully feeling his pulse, the old beggar nodded. He already knew what poison was in Zhong Lijin. He took out a small medicine bottle from his waist and gave it to a dark Wei. He said, "there is an antidote in it. You feed it to her."

The dark guard looked at the old beggar suspiciously, but Zhong Lijin's breathing voice became weaker and weaker, and he might be out of breath at any time. Now I can only be a living horse doctor. I believe this old beggar once. He opened the small medicine bottle and put the humble pill into Zhong Lijin's mouth.

Soon after. Zhong Lijin wakes up and looks at the old beggar. The old beggar just smiles and leaves. When dark Wei tells Zhong Lijin the truth, Zhong Lijin thinks the old beggar is unusual. When dark Wei asks the old beggar, the old beggar is gone. Although Zhong Lijin was curious, she couldn't find anyone, so she had to give up.

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