Unconsciously, it has been three or four days since Zhong Lijin came to the barracks. These days they've been standing still. The East desert kingdom also stood still and seemed to be testing each other's strength. But recently, the news of Zhong Lijin's arrival spread all over the military camp. All the soldiers knew that there was a great beauty in the military camp, and they were good at medicine. Many people were ready to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. They had better hang up a little color, so that they could see the great beauty and maybe receive treatment from the beauty.

The news spread to the army camp of Dongmo. In the main camp of the East desert kingdom, the prince of the East desert kingdom is sitting on a chair, putting his legs on the table, and a beautiful woman is beating his legs beside him. That beauty's face is also extremely beautiful, but there is always a faint scar on her face. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

"Zhong Liyao Jing, you are the aristocrat of the enemy country. How much do you know about Zhong Lijin? Is it really the same as what they said, a peerless beauty? " The prince of the East desert kingdom suddenly opened his mouth, and his heart was itching.

His biggest hobby is to taste beauty. He has tasted beauty for many times and is tired of it. But he can't find a better one for a while and a half, so he has to leave this beauty around to spend his leisure time. For the recent military camp in the boiling beauty, he is abnormal heart.

But when he asked, the lady beside him immediately knelt down and said with tears in her eyes, "please help me to get revenge!"

"Oh, do you still have a deep hatred with her?" The prince was a little surprised, but he was relieved to think that his servant had rescued the beautiful woman from the mass grave before: "tell me about it."

"Your Highness, I must have died once. At the beginning, she disfigured me, killed me and threw me into a mass grave. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to meet his Highness's envoys and get the chance to serve his highness. I hope your highness can avenge me. "

Zhong Li Yao Jing finished, tears one after another flow down. This is what his Royal Highness has never seen before. All the time, she showed her perseverance. Even when she was defiled by her Royal Highness for the first time, she did not drop a tear.

On the contrary, when she heard the name today, she showed her femininity and immediately let her royal highness have sex with her. She went to take off her clothes and didn't make any promises.

After Sheng song, Zhong Li Yao Jing is lying on the prince's chest, sobbing and praying in a soft voice: "Your Highness, can you help me?"

"Yes." The prince snorted, which was the best he had ever had. Now that they are happy, what's the difficulty for those beauties to fulfill a small appeal? "Go and call the general."

Zhong Li Yao Jing gets up and arranges their clothes, then goes out to call General Wang. The king's general was chosen by the Emperor himself for his royal highness.

Although his royal highness is the commander in chief in name, the three armed forces must be approved by the General Wang. After all, his royal highness is here to make military contributions and lay a solid foundation for his future position in the ninth five year plan.

General Wang came, followed by a small deputy general. As soon as he entered the room, General Wang smelled a smell of erosion. Look

With the sleepy eyes of his royal highness, he knew what had happened before with his toes.

After a salute, he waited for the order of his royal highness. When he learned that his royal highness was going to send troops, he quickly stopped him, saying that he would be in a passive situation if he sent troops rashly because he had not tested the enemy's situation. But I can't beat the prince. In the end, General Wang FA had to make arrangements.

The change of Dongmo Kingdom soon spread to Bai Liyi's barracks. The whole barracks suddenly moved, but all the people didn't feel like facing the enemy. Instead, they were all eager to go to the battlefield.

In a short time, a letter of war was put on Bai Liyi's desk. It said that tomorrow's decisive battle was to be held on the flat ground in front of the barracks of both sides, and the signature was the second prince of Dongmo kingdom.

Bai Liyi's mouth showed a smile and threw the book of war aside. Take the beautiful women around you to check the preparations of each army. And his royal highness, at this time, is enjoying the service of Zhong Li Yaojing in his camp. His face is full of passion and he makes a happy voice from time to time.

On the second day, both sides appeared on the battlefield as scheduled, and his royal highness swept away the previous sleepiness and was full of energy. Bailiyi is the same, a pair of eyes seems to be able to see through the sky. Both sides have a very tacit understanding of riding out, surrounded by beauty, and beauty's face with a scarf, used to cover the face.

"Bailiyi, you are all right. I heard that you are the Marquis of Dingguo. I thought you were an old ugly man. I didn't expect you to be so young. You are really a young hero! " His Royal Highness The Prince of the eastern desert kingdom said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be so handsome. I thought you were as small and wretched as your father!" Bai Liyi was also responsible. Suddenly, their eyes met like lightning, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

When the wind blows, the beauty beside the second prince screams. The veil is blown down by the wind and flies to the distance. At that time, the two camps scream constantly. These two people are rare beauties.

Zhong Lijin was stunned when she saw the beauty's face opposite. She never thought that she could meet "old friends" on the battlefield. Bai Liyi was also stunned. He didn't expect that Zhong Liyao Jing would appear in the enemy's barracks and come out with the commander of the enemy. Looking at the relationship between them, it's obviously extraordinary.

"You guys and girls didn't expect that. I'm not dead!" Zhong Liyao Jing sneered, "Zhong Lijin, you are so cruel. Even though I was disfigured, I was killed by cruel means and thrown into a mass grave. "

"I don't think I'm dead. I've come back to take revenge! " Zhong Li Yao Jing's voice became louder and louder. "I was lucky at the beginning, and I still had a breath. He was rescued by his Highness's messenger. I came back today to put you to death

Zhong Lijin immediately returned to her senses and said coldly: "why did I destroy your face at the beginning? Why do you have to be thrown into a mass grave? You must know the reason in your heart best

Suddenly the wind came up again, Zhong Lijin couldn't help shivering. Seeing this, Bai Liyi took off the cloak from his military robe and jumped onto Zhong Lijin's horse. He tied the cloak to Zhong Lijin and rubbed Zhong Lijin's hand to drive away the cold. On Zhong Li and Yao Jing

He was so angry that he looked at his royal highness and said, "Your Highness, please make the decision for me."

But his royal highness just took a look at her. His eyes fell on Zhong Lijin beside Bai Liyi, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes. So he turned back. When the army retreats, Zhong Li Yaojing looks at the two people who are still in love. With a cold hum, she follows the army helplessly.

Back in the barracks, Zhong Li Yao Jing's tears left again. But the prince didn't even look at her. The prince's mind is full of Zhong Lijin. For the first time, he saw such a beautiful person. Zhong Liyao Jing can only be regarded as a general beauty in front of Zhong Lijin. With a better goal, he is more and more dissatisfied with Zhongli Yaojing.

"Your Highness." Zhong Li Yao Jing gently takes off her clothes and goes to her royal highness. This is her only way. She took off her Royal Highness's clothes, and his highness did not stop her. Sheng song resounded throughout the camp, but after Sheng song stopped, his royal highness just said faintly: "I'm tired. You can clean up and go to sleep. Don't disturb me."

Then he got up and left Zhongli Yaojing. He didn't even give Zhongli Yaojing the right eye. Zhong Li Yaojing clenches her fist and forgets to wear her clothes. She swears in her heart: sooner or later, she will make Zhong Lijin, the one who took everything from her, pay more for all this, and she will let her die!

Seeing the enemy retreating, Baili Yi's hands were still holding Zhong Lijin's little hands tightly. His mouth was close to Zhong Lijin's ear and he asked, "is it warmer?"

Zhong Lijin's two dimples are scarlet. This is in front of thousands of troops! How could Bai Liyi be so ashamed.

"Well, much better." Zhong Lijin doesn't speak smoothly. At this time, she just wants to find a way to get in. But Bai Liyi held her tightly. How could he let her drill into the ground?

"You're shivering, you look cold." Bailiyi hugged him more tightly. Zhong Lijin struggled several times, but it didn't work. It was not until a deputy general came forward and said it was late that bailiyi let go of Zhong Lijin. At this time, Zhong Lijin's face is as red as a red apple. This time, Bai Liyi announced that she belonged to him alone!

On the way back to the barracks, a man appeared on the road. The man fainted in the middle of the road. Zhong Lijin got off his horse and felt his pulse. He found that the man's pulse was abnormally weak. The doctor was kind-hearted. She couldn't bear that the man was buried in the wilderness, so she ordered someone to carry him back to the barracks. After returning to the barracks, Zhong Lijin carefully felt the pulse of the man and prescribed several kinds of traditional Chinese medicine to let people take good care of him.

In less than a day, the man woke up. When he woke up, Zhong Lijin was feeling the pulse for the man. See that person wake up, Zhong Lijin heart show a burst of surprise, can't help but in the face with a smile, but will see that person stupefied. Seeing that the man was stunned, Zhong Lijin took out a silver needle and stabbed it into the man's pain point. The man cried and tears came out.

"What's your name?" Zhong Lijin asked.

The man shook his head to show that he didn't know. The light in Zhong Lijin's eyes suddenly faded. I didn't expect that although I woke up the man, he lost his memory. It seems that his medical skill is not good. Reaching over the man's forehead, he found that the temperature was no different from that of ordinary people.

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