The man with the sword was about to hit the sky, but it suddenly stopped. It seems that he knows heaven. I saw the man with the sword also took out a rope to tie up the sky. Do all this well, two people in black with Zhong Lijin and Wentian disappeared in the barracks. The movement here has already alarmed the garrison of the barracks, but when the garrison came, Wentian and Zhong Lijin disappeared, leaving only a few wounded bodies.

What happened in the barracks immediately spread to the front. Bai Liyi was furious when he heard that Zhong Lijin had been arrested and even asked the sky to disappear. He didn't have to think about who did it. It must be the second prince of the East desert.

"Give me orders, attack now!" At the command of Bai Liyi, the three armies moved together. The front-line strongholds of the East desert kingdom were pulled out one by one before they could react, and the army had been in front of the main camp of the East desert kingdom. At this time, the eastern desert was in a mess, and there was no way to deal with the enemy. If it had not been for the presence of Wang's general, the army of the eastern desert would have surrendered to Bai Liyi.

With the sound of a huge bugle, the general attack began. Bai Liyi's morale and high morale went straight into the camp of Dongmo kingdom. The second prince's Royal Highness is still enjoying the service of Zhong Li Yaojing. He is sure that as long as the General Wang is there, he can rest easy. So when he hears the bugle of bailiyi's general attack, he is still playing spring night drunk with Zhong Li Yaojing. Until General Wang rushes into the camp and calls him to run for his life, he finishes his clothes in a hurry.

But by this time, Bai Liyi had already killed the second prince of the eastern desert. Bai Liyi looked at the exhausted second prince. Bai Liyi didn't waste his time. He had more important things to do. He will be all over the camp, and finally found the person he was looking for - Zhong Lijin.

At this time, Zhong Lijin was not as strong as usual. When she heard the clarion call of the general attack, she was very happy.

She knew that no matter where she was, bailiyi would find her and save her.

Therefore, when she was caught by the second prince of the East desert, she didn't show much panic. Instead, she was very calm, which made the second prince of the East desert feel that she had a good eye.

When he saw bailiyi appear in front of him, tears came down. Bailiyi painfully went over to hold Zhong Lijin and said: "silly girl, don't cry, next time I won't leave you alone."

"Yes Zhong Lijin is crying. This time, she is really scared. She thinks she will never see Bai Liyi again. When the two men in black brought her to the barracks, they put her in one of the darkest barracks. He was alone there, scared to death. But also from time to time there is a terrible voice, but also let her heart extremely fear. Fortunately, bailiyi arrived in time.

After Zhong Lijin finished his work, Bai Liyi decided to return to the imperial court and accept the reward from the emperor. As for the second prince, he had already sent him back to the capital.

However, when he returned to the capital, the second prince was released, and the East desert sent envoys to beg for marriage, saying that he wanted to build a good marriage between the two countries. And the emperor even agreed to marry Princess Changle to the second prince. Hearing this news, Bai Liyi was very upset about the emperor's release of the second prince

He didn't say anything, and he didn't disobey the holy will.

At the reward meeting the next day, Bai Liyi went with Zhong Lijin. At the beginning, there were always those boring words of encouragement and the rich rewards. Although others were envious, Zhong Lijin didn't feel much. After all, Bai Liyi often got this kind of military merit.

Princess Changle is here, and so is the envoy of the East desert.

"I don't know how the princess understands the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?" After three drinks, the messenger asked directly.

Princess Changle looks at her father. She has been used to playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood, but she is not interested at all. Zhong Lijin also knows about Princess Changle, and has not yet waited for Princess Changle to answer: "how does your royal highness understand the four books, five classics and six arts?"

The messenger was stunned by this question and could not speak for a long time. In fact, his main goal this time is not his royal highness, but Zhong Li Jin.

"Your Majesty, in fact, his royal highness, the second prince of the state of covering, has long been attached to miss Zhong Lijin, and he also asked his majesty to make the decision for his royal highness, the second prince of the state of covering." The envoy said directly to the emperor.

Hearing the messenger's words, Bai Liyi could not sit still and stood up directly: "Your Majesty, Zhong Lijin has married his minister, so he can't accept this marriage anymore."

Zhong Lijin didn't expect that bailiyi could be so strong for her. He felt a little sweet in his heart, but he also made a sweat for bailiyi. Although Bai Liyi's military achievements are numerous, what the master is most afraid of is that he is superior to the master! And Bai Liyi has now reached that stage.

Sure enough, his Majesty's face was not very good. Looking at Bai Liyi, he didn't know what to say for a moment. But his Majesty was also a shrewd man. If he wanted to continue his rule, he had to rely on bailiyi's help and pondered for a long time before he said to the emissary with a straight face: "Zhong Lijin is the main room of the marquis. If you don't want to get married, you don't have to discuss this matter any more."

The envoy looked at Zhong Lijin, a little unwilling. When he came, his royal highness specially told him that he must ask the emperor for Zhong Lijin, and gave him many rewards. However, he knows how to observe words and colors. From the subtle expression changes on his Majesty's face, he can see that the emperor and the Marquis seem to be at odds. Maybe the Marquis has some merits. Then he still has a chance, as long as he can magnify the contradiction between them!

On the surface, the envoys agreed to continue to discuss about Princess Changle, but they didn't mention anything about Zhong Lijin. Bai Liyi saw that the envoy did not mention Zhong Lijin, so he did not say anything more.

After coming back from the palace, Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin were not in a good mood. Although the emissary's words were rejected by the emperor, they also indirectly planted a mine, which made the situation of dingguofu very delicate.

In the palace, Princess Changle looked at the emperor with tears in her eyes, and she still had a temper: "father, daughter doesn't want to marry him!"

When the emperor saw that it was useless to persuade the left and the right, he simply gave up and left a sentence: "I have to get married." Then she left, leaving only princess Changle to dry her tears. The messenger said clearly at the celebration banquet today that the second prince liked Zhong Lijin, not her. If she married, she would certainly be wronged, so she would rather not. But the Emperor

Life is hard to do.

"Princess, why don't you go to the envoy to discuss it." One of the palace maids of Princess Changle couldn't bear to see Princess Changle continue to be distressed and came forward to give advice.

"What to discuss? I'm destined to get married, and I'm going to get married to a foreign country, a remote place like that. " Princess Changle's eyes were dim and she lost the light of hope completely.

"It's not the Marquis of Dingguo that the envoys want." Those who are in the audience can see clearly, and the maid in waiting immediately revealed the key to the problem. Hearing this, Princess Changle's eyes brightened immediately, and immediately arranged to invite the emissary.

The next day, Princess Changle told the emperor that she was willing to marry the second prince of the eastern desert. The emperor was very happy after hearing this. He said that Princess Changle knew a lot and rewarded a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Princess Changle also accepted these rewards with a smiling face. At the same time, the emperor ordered an auspicious day for the princess to get married. After a while, the day was set, three days later. The emperor ordered people to spread the news to the houses of all the dignitaries. After Zhong Lijin got the news, she had some doubts. The princess Changle said she would not marry. How did she agree. But later, I thought about the emperor's fate, but I didn't think of anything else.

Time flies, three days time flies, it's time for Princess Changle to get married. In the early morning of that day, Princess Changle sent an emissary to Dingguo Houfu, saying that she would invite Zhong Lijin to talk about the past. The sisters are about to part and may never see each other again. Zhong Lijin didn't think so much. He said something to Bai Liyi, and then he passed directly.

At the house of Princess Changle, Princess Changle is making tea. When she sees Zhong Lijin coming in, she smiles and asks Zhong Lijin to take a seat. At the same time, she fills Zhong Lijin with tea.

"Sister, I don't know when my sister will come back this time. I'm afraid I'll be estranged from my sister." Changle Princess first opened her mouth and said to Zhong Lijin.

Zhong Lijin replied with a smile: "what the princess said? If the princess wants to come back and write a letter to her majesty, her majesty will not refuse."

"Sister, I'm going to that remote place. How can I have so much time to come back for a stroll? Not to mention the long journey, I'll be on guard as a princess of the enemy country!" Princess Changle said wrongly, "I'm going to the tiger's den as soon as I go."

"Why did your highness accept your majesty?" Zhong Lijin is puzzled and takes a sip of the tea in front of her.

"Well, it's hard for the emperor. As a Royal Princess, I can't help myself." There was a sense of powerlessness in Princess Changle's eyes, and then she looked envious: "in fact, sister, I envy you very much. I can find someone who loves you and loves you. Unlike me, I'm just a victim of politics."

Zhong Lijin took another sip of tea and said, "when it comes to envy, everyone has his own pain. Today is a happy day. We shouldn't talk about these unhappy things... "

Speaking of this, Zhong Lijin rubbed her head. She felt dizzy for a while. The princess of Changle saw Zhong Lijin's strange appearance and said with a smile: "today is really a happy day!"

Seeing the strange smile on Princess Changle's face, Zhong Lijin knew that she was in the way of Princess Changle, pointed to Princess Changle and said: "you... You..."

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