Few people would go to Houshan, so no one would manage the weeds, and the roads would be ruined, and there were many snakes, insects and beasts.

The little boy was wearing a child made of powder and jade. His clothes were made of brocade silk, which was of great value.

A gust of cool wind blowing, in the four no one place appears particularly gloomy.

"Ow ~" a wolf's cry frightened the boy. The boy listened to the whizzing wind and the wolf's cry, and his heart trembled slightly. His legs were shaking slightly, and suddenly something cold touched his feet. Scared, he left xiaoshizi and ran away screaming. Running and thinking, Xu Wanrou is really vicious! I'm afraid that such a young man is in danger here. I left my son alone in the woods.

Xu Wanrou found several people, gave them some money and said, "you beat me up and try to make the injury look serious."

Some of the strong men said, "what, you told us to beat you. Girl, why

"Don't talk nonsense, do things with money." Xu Wanrou began to sound bad and said.

These strong men are also wandering in the rivers and lakes, so they didn't ask much. When they started to move their hands, their injuries were only skin and flesh injuries. They would not hurt their muscles and bones, but they felt that they were seriously injured.

Xu Wanrou's white arm was covered with purplish red mud, and her face was swollen. She could hardly see her original appearance. She saw that her injuries were serious enough to let the strong man take the money and leave. She made her clothes a little sloppy with dust. It's really cruel to others and yourself!

These strong men are happy with their money, so they leave.

The sharp pain on the body makes Xu Wanrou hate Zhong Lijin even more. She went back to the little prince's yard and made a mess all around, showing signs of fighting. And she was lying in the yard, pretending to be a caretaker and seriously injured.

Xu Wanrou pretended to be dizzy and lay in the yard, showing a soft look, like sleeping.

Soon, Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi came back. Zhong Lijin found that Xiao Shizi had disappeared, and Xu Wanrou fainted and lay in the yard. He anxiously said to Bai Liyi, "what's the matter? The child is gone. " Zhong Lijin's eyes were filled with tears, and she was at a loss.

"Don't worry. Let's ask Xu Wanrou first." Bailiyi is full of danger. The eyes narrowed slightly. Looking around, the frown slowly loosened, it seemed clear in my heart.

"Good." Zhong Lijin replied.

She ran to Xu Wanrou in a hurry and asked eagerly, "Wanrou, wake up quickly. What happened, little prince?"

Xu Wanrou opened her eyes very difficultly and said, "the little prince has been taken away by a group of thieves. I can't stop them."

Zhong Lijin is very angry. Who dares to rob the little prince in their mansion.

"Bai Liyi, send someone to find out who did it. I want him to look good." Zhong Lijin cried out.

Bai Liyi was also very angry. He didn't stop much when he heard what Zhong Lijin said, so he took a carriage to the Yamen.

As soon as Bai Liyi left, only Zhong Lijin and Xu Wanrou were left in the yard.

Zhong Lijin looks at Xu Wanrou, who is full of scars. Her mood is also very complicated. She just cares about the disappearance of Guo'er, but she doesn't pay attention to Xu Wanrou's scars. Many of them are shocking.

Zhong Lijin has never been a person who likes to owe others. Others come to rob Guo'er, but they hurt the innocent Xu Wanrou.

Zhong Lijin sighed and quickly reached out to help Xu Wanrou get up.

However, Xu Wanrou just got up, but she knelt down again, squeezed out a few tears and cried: "my elder sister is not good for me. I didn't stop them and let them take away the little son. I really deserve to die, elder sister. Please give me death."

"Don't say that. I don't blame you for the injuries you've suffered in order to stop them." What Zhong Lijin doesn't like the most is who to kill.

When Xu Wanrou saw that Zhong Lijin had completely believed in herself, she could not help but feel proud. After they found Xiao Shizi, it was estimated that she was already a corpse.

"I'm very grateful if my sister doesn't kill me, but the little prince was taken away in front of me, so I still want to ask my sister to punish me." Xu Wanrou's voice trembled and looked like a pitiful one.

"The punishment will be free. I'll ask my room to bring you some medicine later. Go back to your room first. I'll wait here for Bai Liyi to come back. Women's skin is the most precious. Don't leave scars at that time." Zhong Lijin asked again.

Xu Wanrou wanted to get bailiyi's care, and she also wanted to wait here for bailiyi to come back, so she said, "I'll wait with my sister."

"You go back to your room first. When the Yamen comes, they will see you, so that they won't think that our Lord's house is abusing you."

"Well, my sister will leave now." Even if Xu Wanrou was not willing to disobey Zhong Lijin, she had to do a courtesy to Zhong Lijin and then left.

Zhong Lijin sits alone in the yard, waiting for the news of Bai Liyi's coming back. He doesn't know if Guo'er is well now.

Her poor child, who was just born to suffer this kind of crime, is it because of being in the royal family?

Bai Liyi came back half an hour later, sat beside Zhong Lijin and said to Zhong Lijin, "don't worry, Guo'er will be safe. The Yamen has already sent out to find Guo'er."

"Bai Liyi, do you think something will happen to Guo'er? I'm so worried about him. " Zhong Lijin said in a trance.

"Don't worry, it will be all right." Bai Li Yi hugs Zhong Li Jin and comforts him.

Zhong Lijin felt the warm and firm embrace of Dao Baili Yi, and tears came out.

Watching in the dark, Xu Wanrou clenched her fists when she saw the scene.

Bai Liyi's child can only be her next life, Zhong Lijin's child can only die! Xu Wanrou made up her mind.

The fruit in the valley, because of the delay in breast-feeding, can not help but hungry, began to cry.

Because of his wailing, the animals wandering in the forest came, and other animals heard the sound.

The other animals were about to start when they were cut off by a sword.

When Qin Xugang just passed by, he heard the baby's cry. As soon as he came over, he found that the baby was surrounded by a group of carnivores.

"Whose child is this?" Qin Xu looked at the child and asked aloud.

May be born after feeding can't afford, and then lost it, Qin Xu thought in his heart.

At the same time, he also lingered in his heart about the behavior of these people. Without saying a word, Qin Xu took the baby home.

Qin Xu, a big man, doesn't know how to hold a baby at all, so he holds the baby in his arms. The more the baby cries, the louder it is. It's very annoying.

Qin Xu quickened his pace and asked his mother to take the children for him when he went home.

At this time, the Yamen also put up a notice, and the streets were full of pictures and rewards of Guo'er.

Those who make a living by completing the bounty in the Jianghu are frantically looking for the little son of the hundred Li family.

In the evening, the Lord's house is very quiet, because after Xiaoshi lost, everyone is heartbroken.

"The meal is ready, sir and madam." The housekeeper came to Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin.

Bailiyi sighed and looked at the dejected Zhong Lijin and said, "let's go and have dinner."

"Go and eat it. I don't want to eat it yet." Zhong Lijin shook her head and said.

"How can it be? You have to eat, or you can't stand it. " Bai Liyi said patiently.

"I don't want to go." Zhong Lijin still refuses to go.

Bai Liyi didn't persuade Zhong Lijin any more. He picked up Zhong Lijin and went to the dining table.

Zhong Lijin beat Bai Liyi on the back and roared, "Bai Liyi, let me go."

"I don't know!" Bai Li Yi said that he quickened his pace, and he didn't care whether Zhong Li Jin was willing or not.

Bailiyi secretly speeded up, and soon went to the table and put Zhong Lijin on the stool.

Zhong Lijin sits on a stool and looks at the delicacies on the table. Zhong Lijin is sad when she thinks of her missing fruit.

There is nothing worth touching about the delicacies. What she cares about most is her child.

Bailiyi saw Zhong Lijin sitting in front of the table without eating any chopsticks, so he took a piece of lettuce which Zhong Lijin liked most.

Zhong Lijin still didn't move a cent, Bai Liyi saw after very bad taste, quickly sat beside Zhong Lijin.

Bai Li Yi said softly, "Xiao Jin, please have something to eat. I've been investigating the matter of Guo'er. Xiao Jin, don't worry."

"Well." Zhong Lijin sighed and agreed with her nose.

"But you have to eat something. If Guo'er comes back and sees his mother like this, he will be sad." Hundred Li Yi still very gentle say.

Zhong Lijin thought it was the same situation and said, "but I just can't rest assured."

"I understand your mood. Guo'er is also my child. The emperor has sent a lot of soldiers out to look for Guo'er, and the Houfu has also taken hundreds of guards to look for Guo'er. When I go to the court to ask for leave with the emperor tomorrow, and then take a group of people to look for Guo'er, OK?"

"Well." Zhong Lijin nodded.

Zhong Lijin still didn't move his chopsticks, and Bai Liyi didn't continue to say anything. He directly clamped his chopsticks to feed Zhong Lijin.

Zhong Lijin didn't want to eat, but Bai Liyi said, "if you don't eat, I'll ignore you." Zhong Lijin also began to eat.

In this way, Bai Liyi on the table gave Zhong Lijin a bite, and Zhong Lijin ate it.

Zhong Lijin didn't know how much he had eaten. Until he couldn't eat, Bai Liyi began to eat.

Zhong Lijin looks at Bai Liyi with a smile. How lucky she is to have such a husband.

Bai Liyi ate the meal quickly. After eating, he asked his servants to take it away.

Bailiyi finally took zhonglijin out. Bailiyi took zhonglijin by the hand and walked in the courtyard.

"Believe me, Guo'er will find it." Bai Liyi said softly, touching Zhong Lijin's ear.

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