In the back yard of the secluded path, like Tulle in the depth of the evening fog, there is a black figure standing.

Xu Wanrou steps cautiously. She doesn't find any shadow in the grass. She opens the door and closes it gently. With a little pride and excitement, she closes her eyes and falls asleep.

On the other side, it's like the whole family is happy. Xiaoshizi is finally found. The whole family can't sleep as peacefully as Xu Wanrou.

Zhong Lijin squats down and plays games with Guo'er, a small man. Bai Liyi looks at each other peacefully. From time to time, he meets the happy leader and looks at each other with a smile. From time to time, he teases his child with a full moon. The picture is really enviable.

Zhong Lijin is like a good wife and a good mother.

Bai Liyi looked at Zhong Lijin in front of him with tender eyes. He was full of doting and love. Zhong Lijin takes xiaoshizi's hand and plays with him like a child. Bai Li Yi's eyes could not help but feel more pity.

Xiao Shizi didn't know what to say. He just called "mother". Zhong Lijin was so excited that she couldn't close her mouth: "Yi, you see, Guo'er always called me mother!" When he raised his head, he focused on Bai Liyi's eyes, which were full of tenderness. Zhong Lijin's ears showed a little peach pink, which gradually spread to his cheeks, and his appearance was even more pleasing.

Bai Li Yi sees her like this, in the heart immediately comes to a burst of joy, the vision intentionally death pesters in front of is shy Zhong Li Jin.

Clock leaves sincerely then embarrassed of low head to come, again and small world son play. Xiaoshizi is in the middle of two people don't know why, silly lovely Chi Chi looking at his mother.

Bai Li Yi couldn't help laughing in his heart, and he began to play Zhong Li Jin.

"Jin son this is how, the face how so red?" With a gentle smile on his face, people don't know how to resist.

Zhong Lijin bites the corner of his mouth helplessly, and then starts to show her delicacy to the little prince who doesn't know anything: "Guo'er, you see, your father is a bad man, so you know how to bully his mother."

Xiaoshizi definitely looked at his mother, and then at his father. He was even more stupid in his big eyes.

Bai Li Yi can't help but be amused by Zhong Li Jin's loveliness, and slightly evokes a soft smile: "jin'er tells me how to bully you. Your husband doesn't beat you or scold you. He just cares about our jin'er. How can I bully jin'er?"

Zhong Lijin was turned away from being a guest. He was amused and angry. His lips opened and closed. He didn't know what to say.

Then he complained to Guo'er: "Guo'er, your father said that if he bullied us later, he would beat us and scold us. What should we do?" Said, his face showed some bitterness. Random again to hundred Li Yi proud smile.

Bai Liyi was forced to dig a corner by Zhong Li, so he had to laugh with him. He didn't know how to go on.

The full moon looked at her mother's face and began to cry. This cry makes two people nervous, Zhong Lijin quickly hugs xiaoshizi into his arms, dotes and comforts: "if Guo'er doesn't cry, he won't."

Bai Liyi also came to coax him: "don't cry at the full moon. It's too late for me to hurt you and my mother. How can I beat you and scold you?"

The little prince sobbed for a long time before he stopped. He called out to his mother again. Dad is a bad person.

Zhong Lijin is teased by Guo'er's words and deeds. He can't help but smile. Bai Li Yi also helplessly looked at Zhong Li Jin and felt that their child Guo ER was extremely lovely.

The clock leaves sincerely just the words of the other side just some remorse of meaning, hastily comfort again

"Guo'er, my father loves you as much as my mother. Don't cry."

The little prince was comforted for a long time before he stopped shouting and choking.

Bai Li Yi looks at Zhong Li Jin tenderly, but this time it's better to take advantage of his unprepared. Don't make Xiao Shizi cry like he just did.

In Bai Li Yi's eyes, it was as if there were only the mother and the son, and he could not see anything else. Suddenly something came to mind, pouring into my mind like a waterfall.

He can't forget that Zhong Lijin's suffering is that Zhong Lijin was abducted to the brothel yihongyuan, which has been come to light. It's hard to understand.

He had been thinking about the whole story day and night before, hoping to give Zhong Lijin justice, but it was really strange, which made Bai Liyi very interested. But because some time ago, Guo'er was taken away and disappeared, he was busy searching for the whereabouts of xiaoshizi, so he forgot about it.

Now I think of it again, I ask Zhong Li about it.

Zhong Li thought for a while, but he felt a little strange, but he didn't know what the whole thing was about. "Although I was in it, the people who acted were very cautious, and I didn't come to any conclusion."

Zhong Li couldn't help Bai Li Yi, but his face became dim. Although he knew that most of Bai Li Yi was for her, as a Marquis of Ding state, he had the responsibility to govern this matter.

Zhong Lijin lowered his head to reflect on the process of things, and said: "by the way, there may be some clues to the top song of yihongyuan."

"What can I say?"

"At that time, I didn't understand Qingge's behavior in yihongyuan, so she should have something to do with it."

Bai Li Yi was also anxious to find out the matter. He wanted to get justice for Zhong Li. After thinking about it, he put forward a plan.

"Now it's late at night. I'm not afraid to scare the snake. I'd better go to Yihong hospital with you." A hundred Li Yi Road.

Zhong Lijin understood what he had done and nodded. He led the little prince to Lin Qianru's room

Then Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi disguised themselves as civilians and rushed to Yihong courtyard.

The journey was very short, and soon we arrived at Yihong hospital.

Although it is late at night, Yihong courtyard is still decorated with lights, and the warblers at the door are chirping. Some of the customers who went to amuse themselves were drunk. The bustard didn't know how to get money, so he drove them out. Some with those Rouge folk powder cuddle, the picture is too much dust, humiliating eyes.

Seeing these scenes, bailiyi remembered that Zhong Lijin had been abducted here, and he almost turned into yingyanyan who used his body to entertain the guests. He was very anxious to find out the person behind the scenes.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi went forward. The procuress's eyes were sharp. As soon as he saw a guest, he was busy coming to flatter him.

Zhong Li pretends to be a man, and the bustard is not suspicious.

"It's said that Qingge, the number one song in Yihong hospital, has both talent and appearance, and charms thousands of men. Can my younger brother and I have a look?" Bai Liyi's face was calm and calm.

As soon as the Madame heard the word Qingge, her face was very long and ugly: "Qingge? She's sick, and I haven't seen her for a long time. There are many talented and beautiful girls in Yihong hospital. Why don't you look at them? " Then he called out: "hibiscus, rose, come out to entertain the guests."

Zhong Li saw that the procuress didn't want to tell the truth, so he looked at Bai Li Yi.

Bai Liyi gave her a comforting look, then said coldly to the procuress, "no need." Then pull the clock to leave the Yi red courtyard sincerely.

Seeing this, the procuress looked scornful: "it turned out to be a broken sleeve. What kind of Yihong hospital does it come to? What a waste of my time. "

Bai Liyi didn't respond to this, but he just pulled Zhong Lijin.

When Zhong Li heard this, he remembered that he was a man now. He was ashamed immediately, and his ears turned red again. Holding his hand, he wanted to break away from bailiyi. Bailiyi felt her resistance, but he just pulled her tighter.

Clock leaves sincerely can't, then also have to let him so pull. Bai Li Yi was a little relieved and happy.

To be out of the Yi red courtyard, Zhong Lijin quickly earned out of his hand, "Yi, what are you doing, I'm a man now."

Bai Liyi didn't speak, but he gave a gentle smile.

"You still laugh. Just now, you don't know what the procuress said about us. Are you deaf all the time?" Zhong Lijin frowned.

Bai Liyi said calmly, "I know."

Zhong Li stares at him: "you know!" Bai Liyi said with a smile, "I know you're a man, but I'm not blind."

Zhong Lijin felt funny and angry: "you are neither deaf nor blind. Why don't you let go? You are not afraid of shame."

Bai Liyi still gave a gentle smile and took advantage of Zhong Li's carelessness to embrace her: "I'm not afraid, I'm afraid of losing you." Looking down at Zhong Lijin with tender eyes.

Zhong Li was scared, but his heart warmed and he said with a smile, "don't make any noise. Are we really going to leave like this?"

Bai Liyi let go of her with a smile, "of course not." Zhong Lijin doubts, Bai Liyi pulls her to the back door of Yihong courtyard.

"Back door?" Zhong Lijin seemed to understand his meaning, but he was disappointed: "there are people in the back door."

Hundred Li Yi calm way: "be afraid of what, sincerely son but despise your husband, the back door faints a few, nobody will know."

Zhong Lijin listened to his meaning and said with a gentle smile, "yes, Yi is the Marquis of Dingguo."

With that, Bai Liyi kicked open the back door, and the servants who came up one after another fell down.

While they are busy looking for Qingge, Zhong Li takes Bai Li Yi to Qingge's room, opens the door quietly, but no one is there.

"How could there be no one?" Zhong Lijin looks at Bai Liyi with doubts in his eyes.

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting." Bai Liyi gave a cold smile.

"She ran away."

There is something wrong with it!

Zhong Lijin and Bai Lijin look at each other. It seems that this matter must have something to do with Qingge. They make a quick decision and are ready to send someone to trace Qingge's whereabouts immediately. But the key now is that Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin have no idea when Qingge left.

Because Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi are a little late now, and the enemy is in the dark, they are in the light, so the current situation is very unfavorable to Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi, which makes them worry that they can't find the trace of Qingge, so they can't find the master behind the scenes. The most terrible thing is that the master behind the scenes is around them.

If the master behind the scenes lurks around them, their every move now is under the man's eyes. When the master behind the scenes knows their actions, it will cause them some more trouble. What's more, Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi just returned, and they don't want to have any more sudden trouble.

Now the only thing they know is Qingge, the flower leader of the brothel, absolutely knows the whole story of Zhong Lijin being brought to the brothel!

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