Nangong Liuyun didn't agree. Just then, bailiyi came out.

Baili Yi saluted Liuyun and mu'er in Nangong and said, "jin'er hasn't woken up yet. If your majesty wants to go in and have a look, go in."

Shangguan mu'er wanted to go in, but Bai Liyi was sad, but he didn't want to go.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Liuyun said that he would take Guan mu'er back to the Palace first because he was worried about her health and wanted to let the imperial doctor have a look.

In order to ensure their safety, bailiyi sent his personal escort to escort them back to the palace. He is waiting for Zhong Lijin to wake up in the temple.

Night falls, stars dot. The starry sky is covered with thick dark clouds, it seems that there is a storm coming.

Sitting in front of the dresser, Xu Wanrou took a jade handle from her dressing box and combed her hair.

At the end of her hair again, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind her.

"What's the matter?"

"Zhong Lijin was seriously injured and was in the temple." The man attached to her ear and told her what he had inquired.

"Accurate information?" Xu Wan's eyebrows rose, her eyes flowed, and the sun was shining. Seems to be very happy about the injury of Zhong Lijin.

Lin jiyanzi looked calm and nodded to Xu Wanrou.

"The news is correct. I went to check it myself."

"Good!" Xu Wanrou's eyes brightened and her hand holding the jade comb tightened.

Zhong Lijin! My revenge for Xu Wanrou has just begun!

"Lin jiyanzi, it's hard for you this time." Xu Wanrou looked into her eyes, with a gentle smile. She could not see that she was just half vicious, just like a clear water hibiscus. She was so beautiful that people could not help pitying her.

"Where, without you, there would be no life for me now." Lin jiyanzi's eyes were filled with unspeakable piety, just like the Pilgrims who saw the gods, without a trace of blasphemy. In his eyes, Xu Wanrou is his belief and the strength of his life. It doesn't matter if he is despised by thousands of people. As long as he can be with him, he doesn't want anything.

Seeing Lin jiyanzi's reply, Xu Wanrou smiles with satisfaction and raises her eyebrows slightly. Her eyebrows are full of indescribable twists and turns. The indescribable twists and turns are fleeting and beautiful, just like the spring breeze in March. She doesn't associate her with that kind of spicy and vicious things, but she doesn't know her face, Often the most beautiful flower is the most vicious poison, just a glance will be doomed.

Looking at the brilliant Xu Wanrou, Lin jiyanzi burst into a bitter smile. She was not a poison to him. She went deep into the marrow and was doomed.

"This is a kind of medicine from the western regions. It has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Do you want to use it?" Next to Lin jiyanzi, there is a warm smile in the corner of his mouth, which goes deep into his eyes. It's like a child who gets candy, with a trace of cunning. In the cunning, there is a trace of cleverness and vividness. You can't find the slightest flaw. If you don't know her well, I'm afraid you will be cheated!

Lin jiyanzi looked at the smile and felt warm. He knelt down respectfully and said: "Miss Xie.

"You have a wound on your body. Kneel down and do something. The wound will tear and bleed again later." Xu Wanrou looks at Lin jiyanzi with some blame. Her voice is full of blame. She looks like a good sister. If she doesn't look carefully, she won't see a trace of impatience. Yes, she must appease Lin jiyanzi, because she can't lose a good killer. The most important thing is that this person is loyal to him, This is absolutely inevitable in killers, and then he said, "without you, things would not be so smooth this time?" The voice said, "I hope you'll help me as well." Soft and weak with tears, as if a man had committed some unforgivable felony, touching, but what is the true meaning of this?

Lin Ji Yanzi looked at Xu Wanrou like this, his heart immediately softened half a minute: "Lin Ji Yanzi's life is saved by the young lady, why can't he help the young lady?" The voice is devout, although not big, but every word to kill the heart, is a solemn oath, blocking all his life.

Seeing Lin jiyanzi like this, Xu Wanrou is quite satisfied. She has a good-looking smile on her face, with the pleasure of winning the plot. Indeed, if she gets Lin jiyanzi's help, it will be beneficial to her. In this way, she hopes to get a hundred Liyi. Her eyebrows float slightly, with a straight smile and the unique shame of her daughter's family.

Seeing Xu Wanrou like this, Lin jiyanzi felt even more bitter. He really didn't have himself in his heart. It's ridiculous. It's sad that the first killer of Wuji Pavilion should have such a day. But he couldn't escape at all. He didn't even want to escape. Xu Wanrou is the poppy that she can't get rid of all her life, I want to stay with her even if I'm doomed.

"Well, I'll come back to see you tomorrow." Xu Wanrong looks at Lin jiyanzi's way of concern, and her eyebrows are a little urgent, because she still has an important thing to do. She can't waste any more time here. For her, every moment is precious, because only when she completes her plan, can she get a hundred Li wings and let Zhong Lijin die without a place to die, Often think of this, Xu Wanrou's hand can not help but deep trap in the palm, leaving a deep and shallow mark.

"Take your time, miss." Lin jiyanzi sees Xu Wanrou's appearance and answers shallowly. At the moment, he deeply understands what Zhong Wanrou thinks in her heart. He won't drift away for half a minute at the moment. Instead of making her manic, let her leave early. Maybe she will come to see herself.

"Well" after hearing this, Zhong Wanrou felt relieved and couldn't wait to walk out of the door without a trace of nostalgia. Lin jiyanzi was in a daze at the bottle of medicine, unable to express her loneliness.

As soon as Lin jiyanzi was pacified, Xu Wanrou rushed to LAN Lianhua. As she walked, she was thinking about how to win over LAN Lianhua, a good ally, because it was really a good alliance. LAN Lianhua was the favorite daughter of Lan Shi, the Prime Minister of the imperial court. She had a high status. No matter she went to the inner palace or did some conspiracy calculations, she would come more than her, Moreover, once found, she is the best scapegoat and shield for herself. The most important thing is that they have the same purpose. Thinking like this, the corners of the mouth can't help but float up a hint of grim smile, this good play will start again.

Just went to the water next to the house, saw bursts of broken porcelain business, accompanied by the woman's name appears particularly seeping.

"Miss, let's not go! It's scary. " Little maid Qing son some incisive way, looking at this posture can't help but cold sweat straight up, for fear that porcelain slice

I hit myself carelessly.

"Are you afraid?" Xu Wanrou looked at the broken porcelain, her voice could not help but lengthen. She could not say it was cold, like a witch in hell, which made people unable to get close to her and made her shiver.

With the debris, Xu Wanrou and Qing'er walk into the house of falling into the water. Sure enough, as you would like to talk about, the back of the luxurious porcelain falls out of shape. Except for a few wooden tables and chairs for decoration, none of them can be seen as ornaments. The door of the maid who is waiting on one side is full of scars with different marks. She is silent, I'm afraid that a young lady will get angry again.

Looking up, the blue lotus is sitting on the table breathlessly, with anger in her eyes. She just lost her temper.

"What's the matter? Who's upset my sister?" Xu Wanrou said to the blue lotus with a smile on her face, with a special kind of obedience.

"Hum," Lan Lianhua did not lift her face. Her dark eyes, with the indifference of refusing people thousands of miles away, made it clear that she did not accept Xu Wanrou's advances.

Seeing the attitude of the blue lotus, Xu Wanrou is not upset. She knows that to deal with the blue lotus, it's necessary to be soft and hard, relaxed, and give her something sweet to use. The soft part to deal with the blue lotus is Liuyun in the holy south palace, just like her soft part is bailiyi. In fact, sometimes they are really like, trapped in love, Like no way out, can only humble extravagance, like a man can see himself, but even such a simple desire, sometimes is also a luxury.

"Qing'er, help clean up." Xu Wanrou opens her mouth in silence and turns her eyes slightly, indicating that Qing'er will take the others away.

After receiving the order, Qing'er helps to pick up the tiles. Other maidservants seem to understand that they are picking up the tiles one after another. A moment later, only Xu Wanrou and LAN Lianhua are in the dark room. Their eyes are opposite each other, and they can only hear each other's breathing, and the sound of Xu Wanrou turning the tea leaves, which seems a bit strange.

"It seems that the queen was also frightened when she heard about the assassination." Lukewarm drink a sip of tea, with warm implication of peach blossom.

"Really?" After listening to this, the blue lotus's eyes were full of a look of sadness. Sure enough, when it comes to Nangong Liuyun, the blue lotus can't control itself.

Slightly swallow the tea, close the lid, and continue to say: "it's true, the emperor is afraid to affect the fetus in the womb of the empress, and hurry back to the palace?" Then he quickly wiped the corner of Kai's mouth with a handkerchief, and looked at the blue lotus with a smile.

Similarly, blue lotus is also looking at Xu Wanrou, with a little doubt in her eyes. Although blue lotus is a little stupid, it doesn't mean she will be shot, unless that person is very important to her and can do whatever it takes.

Seeing the questioning eyes of the blue lotus, Xu Wanrou said with a faint smile, "what does this have to do with me? Besides, what's good for me to murder the queen? " Xu Wanrou restrained her smile and slowly leaned back on the chair to observe the expression of blue lotus.

The blue lotus's eyes moved. It's true that what she said is right. She didn't need to offend the queen for the sake of Zhong hibiscus. She was relieved to think so, but she still had a little doubt and asked, "what's good for me?"

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