Zhong Lijin finally calmed down, looked up at Bai Liyi and asked, "why don't you drink tea with that landlady?"

"Didn't I say it all? You are my wife, can't let you sad, but, this kind of someone jealous feeling or better At this point, Bai Liyi's eyes were full of bright light.

When Zhong Lijin heard Bai Liyi's words, he was moved. Although Bai Liyi never said love, his every move showed his love for him. Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi for a moment, but he didn't know what to say. He just stayed in Bai Liyi's arms.

Bailiyi saw Zhong Lijin like this and estimated that this little woman was moved by her own words. Bailiyi doesn't care what Zhong Lijin thinks. As long as she is in her arms now, he will be satisfied. Bailiyi contentedly held the woman in his arms, and Zhong Lijin also held bailiyi back at this time. Bailiyi felt it and held it more tightly.

The two people hugged each other, as if to tightly entangle with each other all the time. The surrounding was full of love, and it made people blush. Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin hugged each other like no one else. No servant girl without eyes came out to disturb them. After a while, Zhong Lijin's small head stretched out from Bai Liyi's arms again: "then how can we investigate this matter?"

"It's easy. Follow me. I have a way." Bailiyi said, still don't let go of Zhong Lijin, two people still maintain a hug posture.

Seeing Bai Li Yi like this, Zhong Li Jin couldn't help laughing: "what are you doing? Don't you just let me go? Didn't you say you had a way? "

After hearing what Zhong Lijin said, Bai Liyi didn't let go. He buried his whole head on Zhong Lijin's shoulder and vomited heat into Zhong Lijin's neck.

Zhong Lijin didn't know how to treat Bai Liyi for a moment. She could only push Bai Liyi gently and said in Bai Liyi's ear, "don't make trouble. Finish it tonight. After finishing it, we can have a rest earlier. Nangong Liuyun has arranged work for you."

After hearing Zhong Lijin's words, Baili Yi finally let go of Zhong Lijin, then looked at Zhong Lijin deeply and said, "OK, after finishing the work early, you can rest early, and then you will be in charge of Nangong Liuyun. Why can they stay at home all day and enjoy themselves comfortably?"

After thinking of this, Baili Yi felt comfortable for a while, and then asked Zhong Lijin, "are you sure you want to make this matter clear tonight?"

Bai Liyi looked at Zhong Lijin and nodded. Then he pulled Zhong Lijin away from their residence again.

Two people walking on the road, some boring, Zhong Lijin can't help but ask Bai Liyi: "what can you do?" When Bai Liyi heard Zhong Lijin's question, he immediately understood that Zhong Lijin was bored. He touched Zhong Lijin's head with a smile and said, "anyway, it's not tea with the boss of yuzhenlou."

After hearing Bai Li Yi's reply, Zhong Lijin blushed. Sure enough, Bai Li Yi knew what he cared about. Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing and followed him closely.

Bailiyi see Zhong Lijin so clever appearance, the whole person is feel the heart move, see

There was no movement, but Bai Liyi quietly slowed down and walked side by side with Zhong Lijin.

When Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi came to the door of the jade pillow building again, Bai Liyi first put his head inside and inquired. When he found that the owner of the jade pillow building was not in the front hall to take care of the guests, he pulled Zhong Lijin into the jade pillow building. They were extremely low-key, and no one saw them.

Waiting for Zhong Li Jin and 100 Li Yi two people to arrive at the inside of the room, Liu Niang Lou's boss Liu Liu is like smoke sent out the eyeliner also didn't discover Zhong Li Jin and 100 Li Yi's trace.

After they got to the room, after a while, a little girl like a servant girl came in: "two young masters, do you want to order girls?"

This kind of questioning is very unskillful. As soon as Zhong Lijin heard it, she knew that the girl certainly didn't stay in the front hall. Looking at the eloquent person like the landlady of the jade pillow building, she would never arrange such a person to receive guests. If she met a bad tempered guest, the little girl would be in bad luck.

Although thinking like this, Zhong Lijin didn't say it. She simply nodded. Then the little girl nodded and stepped back. After a while, a woman with enchanting posture appeared, who was obviously familiar after she came in.

Suddenly I saw two people in the room. The woman was stunned, but then she regained her composure. A person like this who has been in fengyuechang for a period of time will definitely have a calm temperament. What's more, since she was trained by the landlady of yuzhenlou, how could she make such a mistake? Thinking like this, Zhong Lijin thinks that she is still very high looking at Liu Ruyan, but don't let her down.

"Yo, you two are so handsome. Do you want Xianer to be alone? It's a pity that xian'er didn't pick the one. You two are really the same as human beings. " The woman who claimed to be xian'er said that she was going to drill into Zhong Lijin's arms.

This is the woman in fengyuechang. She is very smooth. She doesn't pick people up, but she goes to Zhong Lijin's arms with xian'er. Can you still call people up?

Thinking about this, Zhong Lijin put the maid named xian'er in her arms: "beauty, don't you choose me like this? How can I enter your eyes? " Zhong Lijin said, but also fingers in xian'er's chin gently slide in the past.

The woman named xian'er was more and more charming: "how can I? You see, young master, your hand is more and more dishonest, and you say it's xian'er's fault, but xian'er doesn't follow it. " He said that he was lying on Zhong Lijin's chest and didn't leave, as if he didn't see Bai Liyi beside him at all.

That man looks so fierce and cold. If I go to accompany him tonight, I don't know when it will be finished? It's better to pick the little white face next to you. This kind of little white face doesn't have much physical strength, but this little white face looks like jade and looks so beautiful. This is xian'er's inner monologue.

Seeing the appearance of xian'er, Zhong Lijin didn't say anything. She just looked at xian'er in her arms with a smile. After a while, she added two words of provocation.

Bailiyi saw Zhong Lijin sitting beside him, especially the one in her arms

A woman was smiling and didn't say anything, but it was exciting to see a woman in her arms. Bailiyi didn't speak. He was waiting. He was waiting for an important opportunity.

Xian'er couldn't help it. He hinted several times that Bai Liyi would leave, but neither Zhong Lijin nor Bai Liyi paid any attention to her. Xian'er's patience was finally exhausted. He was thinking of finding a way to get away. At this time, Bai Liyi finally got his chance.

At this time, Bai Liyi had put down his tea cup, sat down facing xian'er, and then looked at her. Xian'er was quite comfortable, but now Bai Liyi was staring at him, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

At this time, Bai Liyi finally said, "your name is xian'er?" Light words, spread to xian'er's ear, only feel that the whole body is a burst of cold: "yes, I am called xian'er."

"Xian'er, how can I see you so familiar? Have I seen you somewhere before? " Bai Li Yi asked softly. The whole person was calm. But when it came to xian'er's ears, the whole person began to shiver: "no... no... I just came here with the boss's wife... I don't know when... I've met... Young master." Listen to xian'er tremble to no good words, Zhong Lijin has some strange, xian'er how can be so afraid, and, the whole body began to shake up.

"Oh? Is it? But I've seen you in the countryside not far from here. " Of course, bailiyi heard xian'er's mouth shaking. He knew that xian'er must have been brought here from the countryside.

When xian'er heard Bai Liyi's question, she was even more scared. She almost lost her temper. Seeing this, Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin had confirmed that the women in the jade pillow building were all pulled from the countryside where women were always missing.

Now that the problem of bailiyi and Zhong Lijin has reached the goal, they directly ask xian'er to step down. They just asked xian'er to step down, but xian'er didn't even shout, so she left bailiyi and Zhong Lijin.

Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin look at each other and smile. If someone misunderstands, they think that the taste of Bai Liyi and Bai Liyi is different. Zhong Lijin thinks like this.

Bai Li Yi and Zhong Li Jin wait until xian'er retreats, then they leave the jade pillow building in a hurry and walk towards the palace. Now that they have reached the definite news, they naturally want to report to Nangong Liuyun immediately. They must let Nangong Liuyun know about it. In this way, they can have a plan.

Just when they left yuzhenlou, Xu Wanrou also just came to yuzhenlou. She came to ask Liu Ruyan about her situation. The only thing she can trust now is Liu Ruyan and LAN Lianhua. She must hold these two tightly, otherwise, Xu Wanrou is always afraid that she will have an accident.

When Liu Ruyan saw Xu Wanrou coming, he didn't hide anything. He told Xu Wanrou, Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin what happened just now. Liu Ruyan didn't know that after Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin left, he came back again and had investigated the truth.

When Xu Wanrou heard Liu Ruyan's words, she immediately became angry: "Liu Ruyan! How do you live! Do you have to let Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi know that I'm not dead yet? "

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