It's already dusk when I go back to Hou Fu.

"We haven't found any news about the little son of honor." Bai Li Yi, with a light anger, asked his dead man, this is really a group of rubbish. It has been nearly half a month and he has not found any information about the little prince. Who is it? It's deep enough.

"Lord Hou, I found it. After taking away the little son, Xu Wanrou went back to Dongmo." The dead man said with some worry, because they knew how much their master hated Xu Wanrou and how much Xu Wanrou hated his wife. What would happen to the little prince? How unimaginable.

"Xu Wanrou, it's Xu Wanrou again. Is it a good bully to be a marquis?" Bai Liyi is angry. His pretty eyes are stained with scarlet anger. Is Xu Wanrou too kind to you? Do you think he is a sick cat? I'm tired of moving my own women and children again and again. OK, I'll help you. " Xu Wanrou, next time I see you, I want you to pay for the blood debt, let you know what is the real fear.

"What? You said the child was still in Dongmo. " Zhong Lijin's eyes finally bring a trace of expression. Losing her child for so many days makes Zhong Lijin a little confused. He really can't hold on. His child is still so small. He is the little son of Dingbei Marquis mansion. He hasn't been wronged since he was a child. What will he do now? Is he frozen or hot, fat or thin? Has he been bullied, Did she cry to find her mother? She didn't know everything. She didn't know what her child would be like. She was heartbroken by days of missing. She couldn't sleep and eat well. Zhong Lijin could be cruel to others, but she was heartbroken for her child.

Seeing the appearance of Zhong Lijin at the moment, Bai Liyi couldn't bear it. Why didn't he want to have children? But now besides waiting and taking care of yourself, what else can we do?

"Continue to monitor Xu Wanrou and report any changes immediately!" Bai Li Yi said mercilessly, his fingers clenched into a fist. Now if he saw Xu Wanrou, he was afraid that Bai Li Yi would really make her unable to survive or die.


The night returns to calm again. Who can know what kind of action there will be under the curtain of night?

A few days after it was found that Xu Wanrou had taken the baby away, news finally came from dark Wei that it seemed that there was a maid in the blue house who looked like Xu Wanrou.

"Blue house, servant girl." Zhong Lijin some light said, word by word, ten fingers dragging chin, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, good-looking pupil, there is a little doubt. How is it possible that Lan Fu, the Prime Minister of LAN, is the head of a hundred year old family. How can he tolerate that there will be a fugitive in his family? What kind of connection will this have?

At the moment, no one thought that there would be a pair of indifferent eyes looking at Zhong Lijin on the side of the tree.

At night, blue house, Xu Wanrou room.

"Miss, I'm afraid that Zhong Lijin knows your whereabouts." Lin jiyanzi kneels down on the ground with respect, and treats Xu Wanrou. Lin jiyanzi is afraid to be the best person to him.

"What, I found it now." Xu Wanrou was a little bit confused, and then she gritted her teeth and clenched her wrist. Her beautiful eyes were angry. Well, I'm not going to provoke you. Now you're going to provoke me again. Ha ha, very good, very good.

At the moment, Xu Wanrou was afraid that she was really possessed. She didn't feel guilty about abducting other people's children. Instead, she felt that the whole world owed her. She didn't feel guilty at all. Good, good, good. Zhong Lijin, you're going to provoke me first. I won't let you have a good time.

"You go first! I have my own plan for this Xu Wanrou slowed down for a moment, and there was no hatred in her mind

Meaning, already only light virtuous, this period of escape career really let her metamorphosis a lot.

"Yes." Lin jiyanzi respectfully replied, immediately disappeared in the dark, as if from the future.

Not long after Lin jiyanzi quit, Xu Wanrou quietly went back to her room and took out a white carrier pigeon. By the light of the candle, she took out a note. There was a faint ink. With the flying of the pigeons, Xu Wanrou's mouth stirred up a smile. Zhong Lijin saw who helped you this time, and I saw how Bai Liyi helped you this time.

The next morning, just light with breakfast, Zhong Lijin early some dizzy, days of missing let her some breath unstable, small face wax yellow, big eyes lost the old smart look, look very tired. She slowly kneaded her temples in a daze. She had some old books on her desk. These days, because she missed her son too much, some of her family affairs were wasted, some of them accumulated too much. Today, she had to deal with them, some of them didn't adapt. Looking at the dense text, some of them felt that they were reading the ant text and fell asleep on the seat.

It was noon when he woke up again. Bailiyi had come back and looked at her with a faint smile. He was satisfied.

"It's back." Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi's way in a trance. She didn't see the environment she was in: "why don't you have dinner, Xiang'er?" Before making a sound, I saw that I was not in the house, but in the carriage. I looked at bailiyi suspiciously, and didn't understand what was wrong.

"We are going to Mobei now." Bailiyi's explanation

"Mobei, why." Zhong Lijin some suspicious asked good-looking eyebrows, unhappy cluster together, why Mobei, is to be out to relax, impossible: "is it not, yue'er."

Bai Liyi nodded his head, but why. But what is the reason? Why, when Xu Wanrou went back to Mobei, she would know her news so quickly. What is the reason. There are too many mysteries about everything.

After a day's driving, the carriage finally arrived at a small town, three days away from Mobei. In order to recuperate the team, it found an inn to rest and replenish food and grass.

At the moment, Zhong Lijin is still worrying about the day. From her assassination to her child being taken away, everything seems to have little connection. In fact, there is only one clue. That is, her every move is monitored by Xu Wanrou, but the person is afraid that she can't find it, Hidden quite deep, in this case, Xu Wanrou, you will, can't I Zhong Lijin.

It was night, and Bai Liyi's bedroom was as bright as day.

"Hou ye, there is news from Lan Fu." A dark Wei says carelessly.

"I see. Keep an eye on it."

The speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention. Lin jiyanzi is shocked. Is Miss Lanfu found? It's impossible. Is Miss clearly in Mobei? And bailiyi, they also came here, didn't they? No, No.

the second day

"Do you want to do it, marquis?" Dark Wei asked.

"Well." Bai Liyi opened his mouth without any expression. There was no expression in his eyes. He was extremely cold.

Outside the door, Lin jiyanzi had a palpitation and could not speak for a long time. Well, you bailiyi, Miss loves you and gives you a heart, but you don't take miss's heart seriously. You are really a person who has no heart. If you want to kill miss, I will send your favorite woman down to miss to be buried with you.

Is the night, Zhong Lijin early put out the light to sleep, the whole room is very quiet, only Zhong Lijin shallow breathing sound.

Saw a knife light flashed, with a trace of coolness, under the cover of the dark night, especially cold, said late, saw the knife light stabbed to Zhong Lijin steadily, but was stopped, issued a clank sound. Suddenly, the light came on. Zhong Lijin opened his eyes. Bai Liyi subdued him and looked at him with a smile. He realized that this was a game. They had calculated it!

He bowed his head and did not say anything. After a long time, he said, "I can't say anything."

Lin jiyanzi said this sentence, and never spoke again.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi knew that no matter how they asked, they could not pry out Lin jiyanzi's mouth.

Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin expressed their helplessness.

Lin jiyanzi closed his mouth tightly. It seemed that he didn't intend to speak, and he didn't intend to live under the hands of Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi.

Lin jiyanzi didn't feel terrible about death. I'm already a person who passed through the gate of death once. If it wasn't for Xu Wanrou, the woman I love deeply, I would not have survived.

Just because Xu Wanrou saved herself, Lin jiyanzi was determined to do everything for Xu Wanrou.

Right or wrong.

In fact, Lin jiyanzi is not as bad as he imagined. If he followed the right person, he would not be the end of today. It's just that Xu Wanrou uses Lin jiyanzi's deep love for herself to harm others.

Lin jiyanzi is naturally willing to do it, even regardless of his own life.

Bailiyi saw that Lin jiyanzi was useless to live, and he helped Xu Wanrou to do something harmful. These Zhong Lijin naturally understood the love. Well, Zhong Lijin didn't understand.

Bai Liyi was very angry, and his pretty brow wrinkled.

His eyes were cold and his whole body was cold. He quickly pulled out the sharp sword beside him.

Lin jiyanzi was also a martial arts practitioner. How could he not know what Bai Liyi wanted.

Lin Ji Yan son hopelessly closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

Lin Ji Yan son can live again, he is also live enough, there is no regret.

But for Xu Wanrou, he will be more or less reluctant.

At the last moment of life, Lin jiyanzi flashed his short life in his mind.

Zhong Lijin naturally saw the chill in Bai Liyi's eyes. At the critical moment, the sword was about to hit Lin jiyanzi's chest.

Zhong Lijin reacted quickly and yelled, "stop, bailiyi."

Bailiyi is very surprised. After all, Lin jiyanzi has done so many bad things to Zhong Lijin. Is he going to kill him? Zhong Lijin still pleads for him and looks at Zhong Lijin waiting for her explanation. Even if she is not an ordinary woman, no matter how broad-minded she is, her heart is still bigger than the sea, and she will not spare the person who nearly hurt her life many times. What's more, Zhong Lijin will torture Lin jiyanzi by all means according to her previous style, and will not stop when she wants to kill him.

What he thought was like this, but Baili Yi was obedient and put down his sword.

At the same time, it was not only Baili Yi who was surprised. Lin jiyanzi, as the main character, was no less surprised than Baili Yi.

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