"Come on, give me a good search in prime minister Lan's residence to see if there is a baby still in infancy." Nangong Liuyun's voice did not contain any doubt. After the guards took their orders, they went directly into the prime minister's house to search people. Prime Minister LAN did not have time to stop them.

However, listening to Nangong Liuyun's voice, it seems that it has been confirmed. Prime Minister LAN has some doubts: "emperor, what do you mean? How can we have a baby in the prime minister's office? " Prime Minister Lan's voice is very respectful and does not mean questioning and blaming. He is still very clear about his position.

"You'll know when the guards come out." Nangong Liuyun doesn't want to explain anything more. He just wants to come out later and find out everything.

After a long time, the bodyguards came out with a child in their arms and a maid in their arms to reply: "tell the emperor that we have found the child in the hidden room of the prime minister's mansion, and the maid is still taking care of the child."

Bailiyi and Zhong Lijin saw Guo'er, and immediately took Guo'er over, looking at the child in their arms with some joy.

Prime Minister Lan was shocked and looked at the servant girl: "you, aren't you the maid beside lotus? Where did the child come from? "

LAN Lianhua didn't expect that Nangong Liuyun was here for the child. Her maid took care of the child. She also knew that she couldn't make it clear. She thought that Xu Wanrou wanted to make herself queen, but she still didn't have the courage to offend Nangong Liuyun.

"I... I don't know, it has nothing to do with me... I don't know what's going on."

"Then why did Guo'er find it around your room? And it's the maid next to you who takes care of my children? " Zhong Lijin is very angry and asks the blue lotus. Fruit after such a long time to return to his side, Zhong Lijin between holding fruit heartache unceasingly.

Bailiyi is also excited to see his child Guo'er. Seeing that Zhong Lijin has some conflicts, bailiyi immediately holds Zhong Lijin in his arms and comforts Zhong Lijin's mood. Looking at Guo'er in Zhong Lijin's arms, he is also sad for a moment. When did she and Bai Liyi's children become the least contact with Guo'er?

Zhong Lijin's eyes are full of tears. How long has she not held Guo'er like this? Her heart is very painful. She doesn't know if Guo'er still remembers her. She once thought that she must play a very important role in Guo'er's childhood. But now, she has lost Guo'er for such a long time.

Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin holding Guo'er, and immediately felt some tears in his eyes. He knew that he would find Guo'er, so he didn't miss their children all day and all night. He comforted Zhong Lijin and didn't let Zhong Lijin worry too much about Guo'er. But now, bailiyi realized that even if he didn't say he wanted Guo'er, But Guo'er is still hidden in his heart, but he can't show it. He must give everyone hope that Guo'er will come back.

Bai Liyi looks at Zhong Lijin holding Guo'er in his arms and weeps. His heart is full of heart

Pain, his feeling now is to cut Xu Wanrou to pieces. Now Guo'er has returned to their side, so don't worry about Guo'er's safety. This time, he will protect Zhong Lijin and their children well, and they won't be hurt any more. Bai Liyi's heart is full of joy of recovery. In his arms are the two most important people in his life.

Zhong Lijin, who suddenly thought of something, held back her tears. She had never been a person who liked to cry. Now she couldn't control her tears, but it was because the fruit was in her arms. Other people's little sons stayed in the cradle of their own home, eating and drinking, and their fruit! At the beginning, she was abandoned on the road and almost died. She managed to find it back. She was indeed taken away by the traitor and separated their family until now. So Zhong Lijin's eyes are full of pain.

Zhong Lijin raised her head and glared at the blue lotus behind Prime Minister LAN. She was quite impressive: "Why are my children around you? Did you steal my baby! You haven't married yet. Why steal my child? Is it because you can't give birth to a child that you come to harm my child? " Zhong Lijin asks blue lotus fiercely. It seems that what she says is true, which can't be sophisticated by blue lotus.

After hearing what Zhong Lijin said, LAN Lianhua is shocked. How can she rob Zhong Lijin's child? She hasn't married yet. What's the use of having children? Blue Lotus can't realize the true meaning of Zhong Lijin's words. She doesn't understand why Zhong Lijin bites her. It's Xu Wanrou, isn't it? Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi must know that it was Xu Wanrou who took their children: "don't talk nonsense! I said, "I don't know. How can I know your children are by my maid's side?"

Zhong Lijin looks at the blue lotus fiercely. She naturally knows that Guo'er was not stolen by the blue lotus. They have no hatred or resentment with the blue lotus. The blue lotus will not steal their children. But now that Guo'er is found in the hands of the blue lotus, she must drag the blue lotus into the water.

Looking at the appearance of the blue lotus, it is estimated that it is not small. Looking at the heartache of the blue lotus, Prime Minister LAN knows that her husband after the blue lotus will certainly play an important role in the palace of Liuyun in Nangong. But as long as she thinks of the blue lotus mixing with Xu Wanrou, Zhong Lijin hates her. She hates Xu Wanrou, and so on, The people around Xu Wanrou are not good people in Zhong Lijin's heart, so she will certainly let LAN Lianhua lose her reputation.

Once there is the possibility that children will not be born, as long as the noble families with high reputation will not want to marry LAN Lianhua. However, according to the status of LAN Lianhua's father, Prime Minister LAN, it is absolutely impossible for LAN Lianhua to marry someone else as a concubine. At this moment, LAN Lianhua may not be able to get married all her life. Unless she is looking for a very low official, she may exchange her official career for a person who may not have children.

Zhong Lijin admits that she is vicious, but who let LAN Lianhua hide her children with Xu Wanrou? All this is the price LAN Lianhua should pay.

The blue lotus flower is just a female. Naturally, she doesn't understand the deep meaning of Zhong Lijin's words. She still stares at Zhong Lijin with hatred. She thinks that Zhong Lijin must have lowered her status in Nangong Liuyun's heart. Not at all

Why didn't Zhong Lijin tell Nangong Liuyun what he was like.

Although LAN Lianhua doesn't understand the meaning of Zhong Lijin's words, LAN Lianhua's father, Prime Minister LAN, knows very well that after all, he has been prime minister for so many years. Naturally, he knows this kind of word game very clearly. Now he is in a mood. Looking at Zhong Lijin's hate eyes, he knows that Zhong Lijin is angry with his daughter.

Today, however, Nangong Liuyun came with Zhong Lijin. Pai Ming was standing on the side of Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi. The most urgent task now is to preserve the reputation of LAN Lianhua. Looking at the maid kneeling beside the blue lotus, Prime Minister LAN kicked the maid to the ground: "bold! Do you want to abduct and sell your children and keep them by your side? The young lady of my family has been wronged for you. What should I do for you? "

The maid never thought that Prime Minister LAN Cheng would suddenly get angry and put the child's affairs away from her. Just as she wanted to say something, Prime Minister LAN kicked the maid directly on the pillar beside her. Suddenly, she was bleeding and killed on the spot.

Looking at Prime Minister LAN, Zhong Lijin didn't say anything more. Holding Bai Liyi's hand, she told Nangong Liuyun, "emperor, our child has just come back. If we want to go back to the government and take good care of the child, we will leave first." When Nangong Liuyun heard what Zhong Lijin and bailiyi said, he didn't say anything more and let them go.

When Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi left, Nangong Liuyun looked at the dead maid and knew that she was hopeless. Then he looked coldly at Prime Minister LAN and LAN Lianhua kneeling on the ground with his eyes full of deep meaning: "prime minister LAN, what a prestige! You dare to kill people directly in front of me!"

Prime Minister LAN shivered all the time, and did not dare to look up at Nangong Liuyun's eyes.

Nangong Liuyun didn't say anything more. He turned around and got into his carriage. He said coldly that he would drive back to the palace and leave.

Prime Minister LAN watched Nangong Liuyun leave, and then he was paralyzed on the ground. Just now, he was really frightened by this young emperor's imposing manner. He didn't think that Nangong Liuyun had his own power. Now I'm afraid that Nangong Liuyun is waiting to catch his mistakes.

After returning to the residence, Prime Minister LAN turned around and stared at the blue lotus which was still following her: "rebellious girl, don't you kneel for me!" Prime Minister LAN is also in a hurry this time. LAN Lianhua is her baby daughter from childhood to age. How can prime minister LAN not be upset.

"Dad! Why should I kneel? What did I do wrong? " Blue lotus arrogant voice came over, but also let blue Prime Minister quite angry.

"Now you don't know what you did wrong? Well, I ask you, for no reason, why is someone else's child next to your room and your maid still taking care of that child? " Prime Minister Lan's impatient voice roared at the blue lotus.

Where did LAN Lianhua suffer such accusations from her father? She was clear in her heart and couldn't admit it: "Dad, I really don't know about this. I'm also a victim. How do I know that the child will suddenly appear in the room next to me?" The blue lotus is still obstinately quibbling.

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