Ah, if Guo'er had just been in her arms, she would have killed two birds with one stone. It's rare that she has such a good chance today. Not only Xu Wanrou is very happy, but the design of the queen is successful. Now she can teach Zhong Lijin a lesson. It's a wonderful day.

"Ah ~" accompanied by the scream came the loud sound of "poop Tong" heavy objects falling into the water. Zhong Lijin is standing at the edge of the water, carelessly arranging his clothes, while LAN Lianxin is in a mess in the water.

Zhong Lijin is very angry when she thinks of the dangerous scene. She says to LAN Lianxin: "you, just stay here. When I get to the gate, someone will come to rescue you."

LAN Lianxin splashed in the water again and again, shouting: "help, help But there was no one except Zhong Lijin.

"Well, don't ask me now. I can't stand it. Don't forget what you just did yourself. You're eating the bad consequences. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Today's business, if you say it's too bad, you don't pay attention to it. I'm leaving. Do it yourself." With that, Zhong Lijin went to the gate with Guo'er in her arms.

Guo'er sees LAN Lianxin falling into the water and thinks she is playing in the water. She struggles in Zhong Lijin's arms and tries to break free from her arms so that she can go to the water to play.

Zhong Lijin patted Guo'er on the back to comfort her, and patiently said: "Guo'er is good, let's go to eat. There are sweet sweet osmanthus cakes. Take Guo'er to eat cakes."

Hearing this, Guo'er claps her hands and smiles brightly. Zhong Lijin saw the maid in the distance and went over. The maids said hello to her. After a long pause, she looked into the distance and said, "look, there seems to be someone falling into the water."

The maid looked at each other in confusion. Zhong Lijin didn't want to kill anyone. She said in a hurry: "don't go to rescue Miss LAN."

The maid around quickly pulled up the blue lotus. Blue lotus, standing up, thought, hit the water on her body, and stepped back. Unexpectedly, she only heard "plop" and fell into the water again. At this time, the blue lotus was like a drowned chicken. The embarrassed appearance of blue lotus in the water made Zhong Lijin see it. Zhong Lijin couldn't help laughing. Blue lotus was very angry and embarrassed, And blue lotus is very angry now. The blue lotus flower is so angry,

Export sarcasm: "I'm sorry, let you laugh, I'm really sorry, I'm too impolite." After hearing this, Zhong Lijin naturally understood what it meant. She was very angry. LAN Lianhua turned around and scolded herself. As soon as she was about to scold herself back, a servant rushed over.

"Madam, it's not good, it's not good..." the servant girl gasped and said, her expression was very serious, as if something bad had happened, which gave Zhong Lijin a bad premonition

"What's the matter? Speak slowly." Zhong Lijin said. Zhong Lijin doesn't know what happened, but it's unusual.

"It's the queen. She's the queen. She's suffering from abdominal pain. It seems that she's about to give birth. Go and have a look!" The servant girl said anxiously. Since Shangguan mu'er drank the glass of water, she found something wrong and ordered her to find Zhong Lijin. The servant girl didn't stop for a moment. Fortunately, she heard someone fell into the water just now. She came to see if Zhong Lijin is here. If so, Zhong Lijin is here.

"Where is mu'er? Come on, take me..." Zhong Li said anxiously.

Zhong Lijin is afraid of an accident. Shangguan mu'er is her first child. Shangguan mu'er attaches great importance to this child. He always pays attention to what he eats and drinks. How can he be drugged this time?

Guo'er is in his arms. I don't know if he understands. His aunt has had an accident. She burst into tears. Zhong Lijin coaxes Guo'er and doesn't let him continue to cry. However, he can't coax her. So he has to send the child back first. This clock from sincerely busy, after the last fruit was stolen, clock from sincerely side is very careful, find a trustworthy person to take the child away. Then I went with my servant girl to the place where Shangguan mu'er was.

On one side, LAN Lianhua looks at Zhong Li's busy schedule. LAN Lianhua laughs. Seeing that things are successful, LAN Lianhua forgets the troubles just now and is happy. She is waiting to be ready to become a new queen.

If Shangguan mu'er's children are gone, she will be nothing. It will be easy to overthrow Shangguan mu'er at that time. Nangong Liuyun may be able to notice herself and see her own. Blue lotus always thinks that the reason Nangong Liuyun cares so much about Shangguan mu'er is that she has a child in her belly. This time the child is gone, Shangguan mu'er has no reason to keep Nangong Liuyun. Blue lotus think is happy. Forget all the unhappiness these days.

On the way to get Zhong Li, I'm very worried. I wonder how I'm going to be born soon? It's a long time before the due date? How come all of a sudden? Zhong Lijin is puzzled and worried. Don't let anything happen. Zhong Lijin quickens his pace and goes to the place where Shangguan mu'er is.

Zhong Lijin came to the place where Shangguan mu'er was. Shangguan mu'er was sweating. He was lying on the ground. His face was pale. Sweat was dripping on the ground from his forehead. His expression was very painful. He covered his stomach with one hand and kept his body balanced. He looked very haggard. It's like having a serious illness.

"What's the matter with you, Moore? What's going on? What happened? " Zhong Li asks eagerly.

I saw Shangguan mu'er pointing to the glass of wine and said weakly

"That glass of water, water ~ someone ~ someone ~ drugged..." with that, Shangguan mu'er was in a coma. Zhong Li came forward to hold her. Looking at Shangguan mu'er like this, he was very distressed. He thought who it was? So cruel? Can you do such a cruel thing? Even mu'er didn't let it go. What's more, there was an unborn child.

"Go and find the Lord and the emperor. Go, go." Zhong Lijin is taking care of Shangguan mu'er. He orders his servant girl to find bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun.

The servant girl comes to the hall in a hurry. Xu Wanrou and Lin Zhaofeng are paying homage to each other in the hall. The servant girl rushes in because it matters a lot. Shangguan mu'er is the queen. The baby in her stomach is very important. She can't make any mistakes. Otherwise, she won't even die.

"See you, sir." Said the servant girl. Xu Wanrou had to pause in the hall. She knew what had happened in her heart, but pretended to know nothing.

"What's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry? " Bailiyi asked. Bai Liyi was also puzzled. He was in the hall, and it was Lin Zhaofeng, marquis Wu Mu and Xu Wanrou who were in the hall. Why did the servant girl come here in a hurry? Was it jin'er? What's the matter with jin'er? Bai Liyi's heart is tight.

"The emperor, the queen, she, the queen, she was drugged, and it seemed that she was about to give birth,

Madam, let me come quickly and ask you and the Marquis to come Said the servant girl.

"What? How can my queen have an accident? Is there no one nearby? " Nangong Liuyun is angry and everyone kneels down.

"The emperor is calm, the emperor is calm." They said. Nangong Liuyun and bailiyi leave the crowd and the servant girl to go to the place where Shangguan Murde is. Along the way, Nangong Liuyun was very anxious and prayed that Shangguan Mur should not make any mistakes. Nangong Liuyun and bailiyi came to Shangguan mu'er.

Nangong Liuyun runs to Shangguan mu'er, who is lying on the bed. Looking at Shangguan mu'er's pale face, he has lost his spirit and energy, and drops of sweat on Shangguan mu'er's forehead, we can see that Shangguan mu'er is in great pain at this moment.

Nangong Liuyun looks at Shangguan mu'er in a coma and asks Zhong Lijin:

"What's the matter, Moore? Why are you lying here now? " Nangong Liuyun asked anxiously.

"Mu'er, her water was poisoned. Before mu'er was in a coma, I said to me that her water was poisoned. After drinking the water, it became what it is now. And then I went into a coma. " Zhong Lijin said.

Nangong Liuyun looks at Shangguan mu'er lying in the hospital bed, as if his heart is dripping blood.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi take Shangguan mu'er's blinking cup and ask people to investigate. What medicine is in the cup, and who gets the cup through Shangguan mu'er. They are so brave to find out who gave the medicine. They want to harm the royal family.

Nangong Liuyun calls the imperial doctor to see Shangguan mu'er. The imperial doctor gave Shangguan mu'er a pulse, looked at it and frowned. The situation was not optimistic, so he knelt down.

"Emperor..." the imperial doctor said slowly. The doctor didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter, say it?" Nangong Liuyun was furious.

Seeing that Nangong Liuyun was furious, the imperial doctor said:

"Emperor, the Queen's situation is not very optimistic, adults and children can only protect one."

"Lord Bao." Nangong Liuyun said it without thinking about it. Nangong Liuyun thinks that children can be reborn when they are gone, but there is such a Shangguan mu'er in his life. Shangguan mu'er will not have a second one. Maybe mu'er will blame him when he wakes up and will not forgive him. Even then, Nangong Liuyun does not allow Shangguan mu'er to come to him.

If Shangguan mu'er is gone, what's the point of his existence?

Legend has it that he once let this woman set three thousand favours in one, envy the world;

It is said that he once killed 100 people for her in one night and turned the palace into Purgatory;

It's said that people only have three lives. Nangong Liuyun only wants to be stable in this life.

When all things are right and people are wrong, the storm is dangerous, the time is limited, who is willing to accompany who drunk smile 3000, leave the war never tell?

If you love, please love deeply, one person at a time in your life,

Although there is life and death, but this world, love is difficult to break. In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever. Nangong Liuyun doesn't want to see that he is the only one left. When his beloved leaves, he lives in this world. What's the point? What's more, he didn't want to experience the pain of his beloved's leaving. Even if there was nothing, at least Shangguan mu'er was by his side at that time.

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