When the last needle was removed, Shangguan mu'er's eyelashes, which were like Phoenix wings, moved, just like a butterfly dance. She finally woke up. Shangguan mu'er woke up. Zhong Lijin was speechless in Bai Liyi's arms. Nangong Liuyun's eyes were full of surprise. It took him a long time to speak. He couldn't believe it. His mu'er finally woke up.

After the great joy, the palace finally showed a rainbow for a long time.

"Mu'er, you wake up!" Nangong Liuyun sees that his sharp heart gradually recovers his consciousness. A heart slowly settles down and hugs Shangguan mu'er in his arms.

Zhong Lijin also breathed a sigh of relief, "mu'er, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine. Just take a few days off. Don't worry." Shangguan mu'er had a mischievous smile, and her pale face made her more distressing.

"Somebody Seeing this, Nangong Liuyun was heartbroken. He immediately ordered "search the whole palace for me and take down the suspicious people. I want to see people alive and dead!"

"Wait a minute." Bai Liyi suddenly said, "keep alive." He knew that it was no one who dared to fight in the palace. There must be a master behind the scenes.

Nangong Liuyun calmed down and ordered his men to do what bailiyi said.

"Nangong Liuyun, mu'er is my good sister, this situation can never happen again, you must protect her!" Zhong Lijin clenched her fist tightly. "Don't worry, mu'er. Yi and I will take revenge for you!"

Bai Liyi noticed that his broad palm covered the palm of his beloved. "It's OK. I'm here."

In a word, Zhong Lijin's mood gradually calmed down. He held Bai Liyi in his backhand and said softly to Shangguan mu'er, "mu'er, you're so good to keep fit. Yi and I went back to our house first."

"Well, Liuyun will take care of me. You should be careful!"

"Don't worry, I will protect mu'er in the future." Nangong Liuyun is guaranteed to arrive.

Zhong Lijin nodded to them and left hand in hand with Bai Liyi.

"Yi, I think we are still one person short." Zhong Lijin suddenly stops and says to Bai Liyi.

"You mean Mr. Guiguzi?" They looked at each other and laughed. They knew it.

When the three returned to the mansion, Fang entered the front hall, and Guiguzi sat down and drank tea.

Zhong Lijin was not surprised and said, "old man, you are not here just to drink a cup of tea from my family, are you?"

Bai Liyi took Zhong Lijin and sat down, "Sir, you might as well say what you want."

Guiguzi sneered, "really, tell me about you two. What's wrong with the old man drinking tea? I've worked very hard all the way here, little old man!"

At the end of the conversation, Guiguzi put down his tea cup, straightened up, and was facing bailiyi. He said solemnly, "little old man, I heard something on the road today, which has a great relationship with the one beside you."

Hundred Li Yi smell speech Cu eyebrow, "still ask Sir to make clear." Zhong Lijin also looks at GUI GuZi with a puzzled look on one side.

"Ha ha ha!" GUI GuZi looks up to the sky and smiles. He knows that Bai Liyi will be more serious as long as he is concerned with Zhong Lijin.

"Cough!" Guiguzi corrected his voice and said, "do you know how to occupy the treasure house?"

Zhong Lijin shakes her head in doubt, indicating that she doesn't know.

"When I was on the road today, I happened to hear some people get together, so I went to them secretly. Who ever wanted to hear them talking about you,

And what they are discussing is about taking up the treasure house. "

"How can I have anything to do with the treasure house?" Zhong Lijin was surprised and said, "I don't know what can occupy the treasure house!"

Bai Liyi was also secretly frightened, and felt that something was wrong. After all, it was about jin'er, so he had to pay attention to it. "What's your opinion on this matter?"

Guiguzi grinned. "I'm just here today to tell you the news. As for other things, I don't know." With that, Guiguzi walked away.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi look at GUI GuZi's back and feel thoughtful.

"Yi, I don't think it's easy." Zhong Lijin said in a calm voice.

"Well? Why is my jin'er so smart today? " Bai Li Yi said with a smile: "have you been with me for a long time, and my mind is more intelligent?"

Zhong Li Jin white side of the man one eye, not angry to say: "this is what time, you also nonsense!"

"I always feel that the old man has something to say, but I can't guess anything..." Zhong Lijin sighed and said: "Yi, you must know what's going on?"

Bai Li Yi gave a deep smile, rubbed Zhong Li Jin's head with his thick cocoon palm, and said with a smile, "if you don't have this ability, what qualifications do you have to be your husband?"

Zhong Lijin arched her small nose and patted Bai Liyi's hand. "It's reasonable, but you should tell me quickly."

"Ha ha ha..." Bai Liyi laughed happily, then corrected his voice and said:

"Although Guiguzi acted casually and seemed to be unconventional, he was actually calm and unpredictable. Now that he can remind us, it's true. "

Bai Li Yi frowned and said, "jin'er, don't worry about it. Just leave it to me."

"Well?" Zhong Lijin pursed her small mouth, "why?"

Bailiyi put his hands on Zhong Lijin's shoulder and said, "I won't let you do anything risky."

Bai Li Yi's eyes are now dark into ink, and the brilliance in his eyes seems to absorb Zhong Li Jin's whole body.


"If you listen to me, I'll take care of everything." Bailiyi let go of zhonglijin, but unexpectedly, the people on the opposite side took the initiative to embrace him.

"However, Yi, this matter has something to do with me. I want to find out for myself who laid such a big trap behind my back. Will you promise me?"

Zhong Lijin buried his head in Bai Liyi's arms and his eyes were red.


"Yi, I don't want to hide behind you all the time. Trust me, OK?" Zhong Lijin interrupts Bai Liyi. She knows that it's not easy, but she knows that she is his wife, so she should walk with him side by side.

Bai Liyi was stunned at first, and then began to smile on his face, "OK, my Jiner, I promise you."

Zhong Lijin pokes out her head, smiles heavily, and pulls Bai Liyi into the study. She picks up the pen and ink to sketch.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll write it down first, and then catch the murderer behind it. Yi, I always feel that the person who did harm to mu'er and the person who framed me are the same person... "

"Why?" Bai Liyi asked.

"It's... My intuition." Zhong Lijin doesn't mean to smile, she really has no evidence.

"Not as good as that

Let my husband tell you? "

"You know what?" Zhong Lijin opened her eyes wide, "how do you know?"

Bai Liyi didn't answer. He took the pen in Zhong Lijin's hand and left a word "Tong" on the thin rice paper.

Zhong Lijin glanced at the words on the paper and looked at Bai Liyi doubtfully.

"Jin'er, think about it. Who has a grudge against you and Shangguan mu'er at the same time? This man wants to harm you at the same time. Who is she? "

"..." Zhong Lijin frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly opened her eyes and realized, "you mean, Xu Wanrou!"

Bai Liyi said with a smile, "it seems that the lady is still very smart. She can get through at one point."

Zhong Lijin doesn't have time to joke with Bai Liyi. She knows what kind of person Xu Wanrou is. "Come on, please call Lin jiyanzi. I have something to ask him."

Bai Liyi nodded with a smile. He let jin'er go once.

Lin jiyanzi got the news and soon arrived at his house.

"Do you know where Xu Wanrou has been recently?" Zhong Lijin asks urgently.

"All I know is that she went to yuzhenlou." Lin jiyanzi saw Zhong Lijin and asked, "what's the matter? But what happened? "

Zhong Lijin said it all over again. Lin jiyanzi's face sank after hearing it,

"That day, Xu Wanrou left her new house on her wedding night. Instead, she went to a place like yuzhenlou. I followed her, but I didn't dare to get too close to her. I just vaguely heard her saying that Dongguo Mu was coming soon..."

Lin extremely extended son to dun dun, way: "now see, afraid is with that what can occupy treasure house can't get rid of relation."

"What shall we do?" Zhong Lijin looks at Bai Liyi. Although she has guessed the general situation, she doesn't know what to do. She can only ask Bai Liyi for help.

"What? Now I think of my husband? " Bailiyi ate the taste. Since Lin jiyanzi arrived, Zhong Lijin ignored him, which made him feel bad.

"..." Zhong Lijin grabs Xiufa, "I just forgot you for a moment, because I was too nervous."

"That's all." Bai Li Yi had no way to take Zhong Li Jin and shook his head helplessly.

"Let's take the initiative." Bai Li Yi once took Zhong Li Jin and said leisurely.

"Preemptive?" Zhong Lijin and Lin jiyanzi speak together.

This coincidence caused Bai Liyi's dissatisfaction, and his slender fingers pinched Zhong Lijin's waist.

Zhong Lijin moved her body unnaturally and rolled her eyes at Bai Liyi. Before, she didn't find that this man was so jealous!

Bai Liyi picked his eyebrows and seemed very satisfied with the performance of the little woman in his arms

"Although we don't know what this treasure house is, since Xu Wanrou uses it to make an article, it shows that this thing at least plays an important role for someone with a position."

"And Xu Wanrou has to wait for the appearance of Dongguo Muyi, which means that Dongguo Muyi, which is about to appear, is a key role..."

Bai Liyi didn't speak any more. He believed that Zhong Lijin had understood what he meant.

It is Lin Ji to extend son to open a mouth first, "so we want preemptive, surprise."

Bai Liyi continued to be silent and looked down at Zhong Lijin who was thinking. His eyes were full of doting.

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