While on one side, Baili Yi just looked at the two people talking and didn't interrupt. He looked at Zhong Lijin's serious contemplation and thought that Zhong Lijin's serious appearance was really lovely.

Nangong Liuyun and Zhong Lijin didn't notice Bai Liyi's gaze, but they still pondered. Now Xu Wanrou has the tough backstage of Wu muhou's house, so he must let Wu muhou's house fall first. But if he wants to overthrow Wu muhou's house, this is the most difficult thing to do.

"I found that Xu Wanrou found a helper first!" Bai Liyi was looking at Liuyun in Nangong. That appearance is a little more serious, which soon makes Nangong Liuyun realize the seriousness of the matter and nod his head.

Bai Liyi then added: "the person she is looking for is not simple. It is said that she is very good at changing looks. Be careful when you fight her. " Then Nangong Liuyun frowned more and more tightly.

He thought the man he was looking for was the most powerful, that is, a warlock. If it's the technique of transfiguration, then it's very severe. Bailiyi came forward and patted him on the shoulder. They looked out of the window as if they were interlinked.

Zhong Lijin felt that looking at the pale Shangguan mu'er, she sighed helplessly and patted the back of her hand, thinking deeply. Seeing her appearance, Shangguan mu'er felt that there should be something to say.

"Li Jin, you can tell me what you want." Shangguan mu'er holds Zhong Lijin's hand and looks at her seriously. They look at each other and smile. They seem to know it by heart.

"Xu Wanrou has found a helper who is good at transvesting. I think you should be more careful about how much you have It's better not to trust anyone except you. After this sentence, Zhong Lijin didn't say it. She thought it might be redundant.

Shangguan mu'er is stunned for a moment, and Zhong Lijin obviously sees her shaking. Helplessly sighed and patted the hand of the superior officer mu'er: "mu'er, you must be more careful then." Shangguan mu'er smiles and nods.

Bai Liyi saw that it was almost time to go back to his office, so he followed Nangong Liuyun into the cabinet. See Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er two people a sisterhood appearance, two people meet a smile.

One after another, they went to their respective women. When Shangguan mu'er saw that Nangong Liuyun was coming, he gave a sweet smile. This appearance really had the amorous feelings of a little woman, which made bailiyi a little envious, but there was not much envious element.

Gently patted the shoulder of Zhong Lijin, light way: "it's late, we should go back to the house." Zhong Lijin nodded, stood up and said to Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan mu'er: "you must be careful, you know?"

The Bai Li Yi behind helplessly smiles, hugs Zhong Li Jin's waist and looks at them. Two people looked at each other with a smile and nodded, as if they agreed to Zhong Lijin's question. In fact, they think that Zhong Lijin's inexplicable feeling is very good.

After seeing him two o'clock, Zhong Lijin turned to Bai Liyi and said in a low voice, "let's go home." Nangong Liuyun was a little reluctant and said, "would you like to go back after dinner here?"

Bai Liyi smiles at Nangong Liuyun and waves his hand to refuse, so he leaves the palace with Zhong Lijin in his arms. Zhong Lijin is not used to letting Bai Liyi embrace him, so some want to resist, but still can't wring. Bai Liyi reluctantly lets him embrace him until he gets on the carriage.

On the other side, Xu Wanrou

Take east Guo Muyi back to Wu Mu Marquis mansion, this happened to meet Lin Zhaofeng who is practicing martial arts. At the moment, he called out that it was not good. When he was thinking about hiding, he had been found by Lin Zhaofeng.

Lin Zhaofeng draws back his sword and flies to Xu Wanrou with the tip of his foot. He looks at Dongguo Muyi beside him. He feels a little strange and says, "cousin, you've brought a living man in, and you don't say hello to me?" Dongguo mu, who is looked at, gives Lin Zhaofeng two white eyes.

This quickly aroused the fire intention of Lin Zhaofeng, ready to question. Xu Wanrou quickly blocked in front of Dongguo Muyi and said with a smile to Lin Zhaofeng, "this is my cousin. I plan to stay here for a few days." Finish saying East Guo Mu idea does not move a facial expression of flash a trace of pure light.

Lin Zhao takes back the sword scabbard to face Dongguo mu with a cold hum. It seems that he turns around and is ready to continue practicing martial arts. It seems that he doesn't care. In fact, he thinks it's impolite to look at others first... It's really impolite.

When Xu Wanrou saw that he left, she dared to breathe out and clap her chest. Dongguo Muyi on one side felt that she was a bit weak, but how many of them still followed Xu Wanrou. Dongguo Muyi looked around and felt that the layout of the mansion was too low-key.

Waiting for the room, Dongguo Muyi skillfully sits in front of the tea table and pours tea for herself. Her slow manner makes Xu Wanrou feel a little stuffy, but she smiles when she thinks about her plan.

Dongguo Mu Yi turns her eyes, and Xu Wanrou drinks the tea without moving her face. It seems that she doesn't intend to open her mouth, which makes Xu Wanrou lose face. Her anger grows stronger and stronger, just like pouring oil on the fire.

"Please help me to become a person." Xu Wanrou stands up and salutes Dongguo Muyi. East Guo Mu idea in the bottom of the heart weigh over for a while, in the eye eye flash a pure light, cast one eye, Xu Wanrou light way: "thirty Liang silver."

He is not afraid of Xu Wanrou's refusal. After all, this world's Yirong Shu, he said the first! I'm afraid no one dares to say the second! Think of this Dongguo Mu meaning, the bottom of my heart can't help but some pride, eyebrows and eyes pick is full of satisfaction.

These thirty Liang make Xu Wanrou a little silly. Her eyes can't help but glare at Dongguo Muyi angrily, but he doesn't seem to want to bargain. On her face, she says "refuse to bargain".

At the moment, she was trembling with anger, and Dongguo Muyi was staying in her, which means that she not only wanted delicious hospitality! I'll give him up as an uncle! I feel very angry when I think about it! As a result, this man was asked to do something, and he even had to collect money!

But as soon as he thought that he really had no way now, he forced his anger to take a deep breath. When he opened his mouth and prepared to bargain cheekily, Dongguo Muyi gave her a faint smile.

The beauty of the current, the moment will be all gone, touched a purse is almost gnashing his teeth: "here is thirty Liang silver." Then he pushed his purse towards him. There seems to be some blood in my heart, thinking that if the effect is not good, then she must ask him to spit back the thirty taels of silver!

Dongguo Mu meaning is the slightest no kneading, very calm took the purse, weighed and nodded“ Come on, who's easy to look at? " Then he began to move his fingers, as if he was preparing to start work.

Seeing this, Xu Wanrou said, "I want to change into Zhong Lijin and go to the palace." after that, Dongguo Muyi nodded and motioned to Xu Wanrou to sit down, turn around and pick up the materials

Start to decorate for Xu Wanrou. It took almost half an hour to finish.

Xu Wanrou stood as like as two peas in a bronze mirror, and looked like a real fellow in the mirror. He was ready to fly. He was ready to wear the mask. He wore a mask and left the mansion of the East.

Xu Wanrou with the appearance of Zhong Lijin, all the way unimpeded into the palace, those bodyguards like two Zhang monk can't understand. Especially when the father-in-law of the report looked at Zhong Lijin, he was stunned and quickly went in to report.

Shangguan mu'er thinks it's very strange. If you remember correctly, it's only half an hour since Zhong Lijin left, and soon it's back... Shangguan mu'er feels that there's something wrong with Zhong Lijin's walking posture and manner.

But looking at this face, the suspicion in the bottom of my heart was a little less, and I asked softly, "Li Jin, you just left, and you came back in less than half an hour..." Shangguan mu'er deliberately did not finish the whole process of staring at "Zhong Li Jin". Seeing that she had no panic, the bottom of my heart believed again.

Xu Wanrou suddenly congratulated herself that she had already figured out a countermeasure on her way here. "I suddenly thought of a countermeasure." This immediately attracted the attention of Shangguan mu'er, and then he sat up straight.

Looking at her appearance, Xu Wanrou couldn't help but feel proud. She stepped forward and sat on the edge of Shangguan mu'er's bed. Looking at Shangguan mu'er, she said, "my strategy is like this. I think we'd better have less contact in the future."

After that, Shangguan mu'er frowned a little. She felt that this proposal had some doubts‘ Seeing her look, Zhong Lijin quickly took Shangguan mu'er's hand and said, "we'll have less contact in the future, so that we won't let Xu Wanrou take advantage of it."

Then he covered his mouth with his hand, as if reluctant to sob gently,

Seeing this, Shangguan mu'er relaxed her eyebrows and looked at the "Zhong Lijin" in front of her. She thought what she said was very reasonable. Xu Wanrou saw that she was so proud in her heart that she felt that her plan was generally successful.

Then Tengsheng pursued: "after that, if I want to enter the palace, I must be allowed to enter the palace, otherwise others will not know when I enter the palace. Let Xu Wanrou think that our relationship is getting worse, and slowly relax her vigilance! "

Said this Xu Wanrou in the heart more and more proud. She thinks that Shangguan mu'er and Nangong Liuyun are really stupid. Actually let her to drill a loophole in this way, has not discovered unexpectedly! But now is the most critical time. If Shangguan mu'er doesn't agree, then she is in vain.

If at this last moment, let Shangguan mu'er see something, then it can be said that all previous achievements have been wasted. So he worked harder to cover his mouth and sob, three sobs and seven sobs, which was very tempting.

Shangguan mu'er couldn't help pondering for a while, and felt that the reason was far fetched, but also reasonable. She nodded her head seriously, and felt that it was very reasonable. Looking at the "Zhong Lijin" in front of her, Shangguan mu'er was confused. She didn't know whether she should believe the person in front of her

Seeing her indecisive appearance, Xu Wanrou gritted her teeth and patted Shangguan mu'er's hand. It seemed that she said sincerely, "let's wait for this big trouble to be solved for a while, and then we'll get back together. How about it?" Finish saying bottom of heart still can't help sneer.

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