Xu Wanrou frowned and went to Liu Ruyan's appointment.

After Xu Wanrou came to the jade pillow building, Liu Ruyan had been waiting for her for a long time. Xu Wanrou didn't know what Liu Ruyan meant, but she had been asking about Zhong Lijin's situation and hiding place. Xu Wanrou's heart secretly alerted some, must not easily show the horse's feet.

"Liu Ruyan, what's your purpose? I came here today just to know where Zhong Lijin is hiding. You're still dead. I will never tell you." Xu Wanrou said harshly. She looked at Liu Ruyan's funny expression, and then continued to say, "tell me, what's your purpose?"

"Come out!" Liu Ruyan's voice rang out coldly. At this time, Liu Ruyan's face was full of provocation and irony: "Xu Wanrou, aren't you very capable? Just now I asked you the whereabouts of Zhong Lijin, but you refused to tell me. I have no choice but to give you to my beloved man Bai Liyi. I believe he will have a better way to ask, but as for the price you have to pay, it's hard to say. "

When he heard that Liu Ruyan asked him to come out, Bai Liyi couldn't help it any more. He rushed out of the closet beside Liu Ruyan. Liu Ruyan's clothes had a strong smell of powder, so Bai Liyi almost couldn't bear it. However, for the sake of Zhong Lijin, Bai Liyi still endured it, At this time, bailiyi missed the faint fragrance of Zhong Lijin more and more.

Xu Wanrou was very nervous when she saw a man in the wardrobe beside her. Then she heard Liu Ruyan's words, and she was even more afraid. If Bai Liyi caught her, Xu Wanrou felt that she really didn't have a good life, even if she didn't tell Bai Liyi where Zhong Lijin was hiding, Bai Liyi will certainly try his best to find out the news from his own mouth.

As soon as Xu Wanrou thinks about it, she subconsciously wants to run away. She must not let Bai Liyi seize herself. She can't get up yet. She wants Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi to get the price of walking. Now, it's definitely not the time. She wants Zhong Lijin to pay a more miserable price. What she has done is far from enough. She wants to run away immediately, otherwise, How should she deal with Zhong Lijin?

Just as Xu Wanrou turned around and wanted to jump out of the window directly, a big palm grabbed Xu Wanrou's shoulder. Her strength was so strong that Xu Wanrou felt that her shoulder bones would be crushed by the big palm. But it was this big palm that made Xu Wanrou feel damned familiar, She already knew who had caught her. Xu Wanrou felt that she would be burned by the temperature on her big palm.

Bai Liyi's eyes are full of hatred and disgust. Xu Wanrou's actions have really touched Bai Liyi's head. Dragon has adversity, touch it and die. Bailiyi is now a dragon with angry hair, and Zhong Lijin is bailiyi's counter scale as a dragon. Now bailiyi feels the flesh under his palm, and he only feels that Xu Wanrou will be disabled all his life if he makes a little effort. He wants Xu Wanrou to pay for his words and deeds, but now Zhong Lijin is still in Xu Wanrou's hands.

After Xu Wanrou was caught by bailiyi, she was full of panic. She knew what bailiyi was looking for. After Zhong Lijin, a cheap woman, disappeared, she still let bailiyi miss her like this. Xu Wanrou felt that she hated her! Why is the heart of the beloved man full of Zhong Lijin that cheap woman?

At this time, Xu Wanrou's eyes are red, and her facial features are still pretty. At this time, she is full of dazzling light, and even more cruel. She is like a devil climbing out of hell. She wants to plant her hatred into her bones. Bai Liyi frowned. Xu Wanrou was serious.

"Say, where is Zhong Lijin!" Bai Li Yi doesn't have any nonsense. Xu Wanrou is hiding in her own hands. Are you afraid that Xu Wanrou won't speak or lie to him now? Bai Liyi had always been confident in his own means. Since Xu Wanrou had already fallen into his own hands, he would surely get words out of Xu Wanrou's mouth.

"Oh, your wife, you have hidden her in your house all the time, and now this person is gone. What do you want to do with me?" Xu Wanrou is also very hard mouthed, insisted that he absolutely did not kidnap Zhong Lijin. Bai Li Yi's face was ugly for a moment. He didn't know that Xu Wanrou was so stubborn. Even though he had confirmed that Zhong Lijin was taken away by Xu Wanrou, he still had to be interrogated.

Bai Liyi frowned. His men have thousands of ways to treat Xu Wanrou, but Xu Wanrou knows where Zhong Lijin is, so Bai Liyi doesn't want to fight Xu Wanrou directly. He has to let Xu Wanrou tell her where Zhong Lijin is. Looking at Xu Wanrou's face full of cruel smile, Bai Liyi didn't know what to say!

"Liu Ruyan, you sold me to bailiyi in this way. You wait, I will report what you have done to the organization when I have the chance. Let's see if you, Liu Ruyan, the first female killer in the organization, will give up your position for a handsome man bailiyi?" Xu Wanrou's voice is pitiful. Her words are obviously threatening Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan looked at Xu Wanrou, but her face was not very good. She lowered her head and pondered for a while: "you're right, so in order to avoid the organization knowing that I betrayed you for a man I love, there must be no good end. In order to avoid this situation, you, Xu Wanrou, must die. I believe that a talented young man like Bai Liyi will never be kind to his enemies? "

When Xu Wanrou heard Liu Ruyan's words, her heart suddenly jumped. Since Liu Ruyan had already said so, she was afraid that she would die. At the moment, Liu Ruyan's face had turned white, and he began to sweat all over.

Just as Bai Liyi was about to make some moves, a servant suddenly reported: "I have the whereabouts of my wife." As the servant said, he looked up at Bai Liyi's face and saw that Bai Liyi looked happy. He seemed to be a little impatient: "master, madam, she went to assassinate Wu Mu Hou Lin Zhaofeng just now. Now she is wanted in public. Now she is absconding." My servant's words trembled.

Bai Liyi was shocked when he heard his servant's words. With an unbelievable look on his face, he subconsciously released his hand and let it go

Caught Xu Wanrou. Some of them looked at the servant who had just come to report. He could hear every word clearly, but Bai Liyi didn't understand the meaning of the combination. Zhong Lijin? To assassinate? The purpose is to catch the wind?

At this time, Xu Wanrou had been released by Baili Yi. She looked at Baili Yi's puzzled appearance, and only felt that she was extremely relieved: "ha ha, Baili Yi, do you have this time that you can't understand today? Zhong Lijin assassinated the official of the imperial court, and now she has absconded. She will not come to a good end! I'll never, I'll never let you have a good day! " Xu Wanrou's words are full of hatred and some are cruel.

Bailiyi frowned subconsciously, but he didn't reach out to catch Xu Wanrou. Now he wanted to investigate the truth of the matter. Thinking of this, bailiyi didn't speak, and he didn't care about Xu Wanrou and Liu Ruyan in the room, so he jumped out of the window to investigate the matter.

Bai Liyi didn't know where he should go. After all, it was not a trivial matter. If it was Zhong Lijin who assassinated Lin Zhaofeng, it would be a big deal. Lin Zhaofeng had a deep misunderstanding with Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi because of Xu Wanrou. At this time, Zhong Lijin stabbed Lin Zhaofeng again. I'm afraid that there will be a misunderstanding that can't be changed. Bai Liyi walked casually, but somehow he went back to his mansion.

Bailiyi didn't go to any other place. He went directly into the courtyard where he and Zhong Lijin lived. Bailiyi thought about it carefully, but he felt that there must be something else about it. But bailiyi's thinking was completely disturbed when he thought about it. Now that according to his own speculation, Zhong Lijin would never kill Lin Zhaofeng, who was the one who killed Lin Zhaofeng? Bai Liyi didn't think of it. He subconsciously realized that Zhong Lijin couldn't do such a thing.

While bailiyi was still thinking, the servants of his family came to report bailiyi. Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan Mur came to see bailiyi. Bailiyi thought about the reason why Nangong Liuyun came from his own house. Bailiyi thought about it carefully. He thought that what he thought was Zhong Lijin's assassination of Lin Zhaofeng, so he nodded.

When Shangguan mu'er and Nangong Liuyun came in, they both looked anxious. It's obvious that there are some different emotions. Shangguan mu'er is even worse. Seeing Bai Liyi's decadent appearance, he immediately becomes anxious: "Bai Liyi, Bai Liyi, have you heard of Zhong Lijin? She went to assassinate Lin Zhaofeng today. Lin Zhaofeng is Marquis Wu Mu. This is not a trivial matter!"

Bai Liyi didn't say anything more. He just frowned and thought about it. At first, Zhong Lijin was asked out by someone who didn't know. Then Zhong Lijin disappeared. Then, suddenly, Zhong Lijin assassinated Lin Zhaofeng. There must be something extraordinary about this matter that Bai Liyi felt vaguely.

Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan mu'er looked at each other and nodded to each other. They didn't disturb bailiyi to think about it: "we know that Zhong Lijin and Lin Zhaofeng have some origins, because Xu Wanrou has some contradictions and disputes, but Zhong Lijin should not assassinate Lin Zhaofeng just for Xu Wanrou's sake? It's not like Zhong Lijin, who always takes the overall situation into consideration, can do it. "

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