"Bailiyi, you can go to find out the whereabouts of the Yirong master first." Nangong Liuyun made a quick decision and immediately thought of the way to deal with it. The master who is proficient in the book of Yi Rong is the key.

Bailiyi thought of Liu Ruyan in yuzhenlou. The master followed Xu Wanrou. Liu Ruyan must know the whereabouts of the master. Thinking of this, bailiyi didn't delay any longer: "OK, I'll go now!"

Soon, bailiyi came to the yuzhenlou, looking at the door of the miasma, bailiyi hesitated again and again, and finally walked in.

When Liu Ruyan first saw Bai Liyi, he was only flustered, his eyes were evasive, and he didn't want to look directly at Bai Liyi. Bai Liyi grabs Liu Ruyan's arm and looks at Liu Ruyan without any emotion.

Ice cold mouth: "you should know, I look for your purpose." Liu Ruyan timidly raised her eyes, lowered her head again, and said in a very low voice: "you come with me. This man has many eyes, and I'm afraid of leaking information."

Bailiyi released Liu Ruyan's wrist, and as she walked into a room, Liu Ruyan knew that the situation had gone. Xu Wanrou was afraid that she could not rely on it. Since she had been found on her head, she naturally wanted to sell face.

Flattering, he picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea respectfully, and handed the cup to bailiyi. Bailiyi reached out and pushed away. He was not happy and said nothing.

Liu Ruyan had no choice but to speak again: "young master, let's just say what you have to say. If the little girl can help, I hope you can remember her well and help her in the future."

"Since you have said so, I have something to say. Where is the master of Yirong? Are you still here? How do you usually get in touch? " Bai Liyi throws out the question in one breath, taps his fingers on the table and waits for Liu Ruyan's reply.

Hearing this, Liu Ruyan laughed awkwardly, picked up the cup of tea, sipped it, and said with a smile: "young master, I, Liu Ruyan, is a common grass mustard. I met the master by chance. Now that Xu Wanrou picked up the master, she lost the master's news completely. I'm afraid I can't help you if I'm busy today."

Before his words fell, Bai Liyi angrily punched the table, and the whole room was shocked three times. Liu Ruyan was even more panicked and almost couldn't hold the tea cup. It took a long time to put the tea cup on the table.

Looking around, he still wanted to speak. After a while, he gathered around Bai Liyi's ear and said in a low voice, "young master, you might as well go to the temple to have a look. There are many monks there. There must be a lot of movement when Miss Zhong is tied up. Maybe the monk will see it."

Bai Li Yi was stunned. He chewed Liu Ruyan's words carefully. It seemed that there was some truth. He asked: "did Xu Wanrou really take Zhong Lijin away with her own strength? You and she are old acquaintances. You should know something about Xu Wanrou's ability. "

"I've never been involved in this matter, and I've never seen the dirtiness in it with my own eyes. I just heard that Xu Wanrou is surrounded by experts like clouds. If you pursue it, it's not good for you. If it's not necessary, please stop." Liu Ruyan quickly get rid of the relationship between himself and this matter, others are also reluctant to say more.

Bailiyi suddenly realized that the hijacking might be involved in a big conspiracy

Liu Ruyan is just like loach. It's very innocent. If Liu Ruyan didn't take part in it, it would not be so smooth.

Since Bai Liyi couldn't talk to Liu Ruyan, he didn't want to talk to Liu Ruyan too much, and he didn't want to stay for a moment. Now finding a witness is the most important thing, so Bai Liyi turned around and left.

Step out of the jade pillow building, fly on the horse, gallop away, leaving only a dust.

Liu Ruyan stares at the empty desktop in front of him, as if there is still this breath in this room. Suddenly I got up, moved the lotus step to the windowsill, lifted the barrier, and saw the figure of Bai Li Yi and the dust in the distance.

Depressed to put down the window, looking back, only a lifeless room, if not for Bai Liyi today, this room full of silence, I do not know when there will be people.

For a long time, Liu Ruyan has not touched the body with soul for a long time, and she only has those bodies who don't know for whom to be loyal, lifeless.

It's so good that Zhong Lijin is enviable. Although she was robbed, these people still miss her. She is afraid that after her death, there will be no one who will go to Zhu Xiang.

After all, this evil is also made by ourselves. Now, I'm afraid it's hard to turn the tide. I hope I can get out of this situation as soon as possible.

Bailiyi quickly came to the temple where Zhong Lijin was hijacked. He turned over and got off his horse. After the accident, the temple closed its strict door before dark.

The setting sun, the golden sun on the earth, not far away from the clock, let people respect. Bai Liyi went to the gate and knocked on it, but no one answered for a long time.

When Bai Liyi was about to lose heart, a little monk inside leaned out a small head from the door, put his hands together, saluted Bai Liyi, and said: "benefactor, what can I do for you? Because of the previous encounter with villains in our temple, we no longer accept others. If you want to stay, please leave early and find another place. "

Bailiyi respectfully returned the monk's salute, and then pleaded: "I really have something to hide, little monk." At the end of the speech, he lowered his head and shook his head dejectedly.

Seeing this, the little monk lowered his head, lowered his voice, attached it to Bai Liyi's ear and said, "benefactor, please come with me. If you have anything to do, you may as well say it directly."

"To tell you the truth, my wife was kidnapped by a traitor in this temple a few days ago, and her whereabouts are still unknown. I came here today to get clues, saying that a monk saw the villain's face and whereabouts. Today's kindness will be answered in the future." Bai Liyi was rarely moved and said sadly.

When I heard this, I faltered and almost didn't stand firm. Bailiyi gave me a hand to help me. I hesitated and hesitated. They were speechless all the way. At the end of the road, I vaguely left a sentence: "the second martial uncle's residence is here. He always likes to chop wood and boil water in the dead of night."

At the end of the speech, he quickly bypassed the thatched cottage in front of him and left bailiyi in a panic. Bailiyi silently said thanks to the little monk's back and came to the front of the house respectfully.

"Knock knock" Bai Liyi knocked patiently on the door, and a voice came from behind: "benefactor, what's the matter with you? I have already stopped explaining the Buddhist language." Bai Liyi bowed to the monk and pleaded, "monk, have you heard about the incident of robbing pilgrims a few days ago?"

The monk looked at Bai Liyi in a dim way. He was alert. He looked at Bai Liyi from head to foot carefully and said in a blunt voice: "who are you? Why ask? I'm just a monk. I'm not involved in the past

"Please remember that I am the relative of the pilgrim. Now her whereabouts are still unknown to everyone. Monks should not lie and be compassionate. It bothers the master Bai Liyi said anxiously.

There was a trace of impatience in the monk's eyes, but this matter of the world should not be interfered by this monk, but it is a human life after all! I am merciful and can't stand by.

It took a long time for a little monk to come out. The monk touched his head and said, "talk to the benefactor. What did you see that day?"

The little monk shrank in the master's arms, broke his fingers and counted: "that day, he ate osmanthus cake secretly in the kitchen. Then he heard someone coming and hid for fear of being scolded by the elder martial brothers. For many times, he didn't see anyone coming in, so he went out to have a look." After a pause, Sami swallowed and continued to talk.

"It's frightening that a big sister was taken away by a man in black." Later, the monk spread out his hand, indicating that he did not know. The old monk took over the words of the little monk, and the words of vicissitudes rang out: "later, I saw the daughter of prime minister LAN in the backyard, blue lotus. Almsgiver, my Buddha is merciful. This is the Buddhist situation. You must not do anything extraordinary here. "

Bai Liyi ordered a little, and then he learned to put his hands together. He said, "I have my own decision. I'm really bothering you. I'll donate more incense in the future."

Then he came out from the corner gate of the temple. Baili Yi rushed back to his house in a hurry, but he heard that Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan Mur were still there.

Push open the door in front of the hall, you can see that Shangguan mu'er is leisurely drinking tea. Seeing Baili Yi's return, he anxiously puts down his tea cup and goes up to meet him. He anxiously shouts: "how about it? Has Zhong Lijin come out? Has anyone found out? "

Why does Nangong Liuyun stop Shangguan mu'er? He reminds Shangguan mu'er in a soft voice: "don't be so reckless. Worry about bailiyi's mood." Then he said to Bai Liyi in a loud voice, "Bai Liyi, what's the harvest of going this time?"

Bai Liyi sat down on his chair and took up the tea. He didn't care about the temperature, so he poured it down. Then he said, "today, I'm afraid it has something to do with the blue lotus. According to the current clues, Xu Wanrou and the blue lotus have something to do with each other."

Seeing this, Shangguan mu'er still couldn't find Zhong Lijin. He stamped his feet anxiously. His nose was sour, and big drops of tears overflowed from his eyes. He wiped them selfishly. He couldn't bear that they were not distracted.

But I still can't help blaming myself for not being careful and paying more attention, but I let the traitor succeed again and again.

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