When Nangong Liuyun and bailiyi saw that Lan Lianhua did not speak any more, they confirmed this fact.

"You also said that you have nothing to do with Xu Wanrou. Where is jin'er?" Bai Liyi said anxiously.

Blue lotus is very afraid. She obviously realizes that Bai Liyi is very angry. Bai Liyi's eyes are staring at blue lotus, which makes her scared. Blue lotus's hands are full of Han people, and her body is shaking with fear.

The blue lotus unconsciously looks at the Nangong Liuyun standing next to her. Her eyes are full of expectation. But she has seen the disgust from the eyes of Nangong Liuyun. Isn't she so disliked by him?

"If I ask you something, please tell me where jin'er is!" At this time, Bai Liyi's eyes were red and his hands were shaking. If he couldn't find out the news of jin'er from the mouth of LAN Lianhua, he couldn't think of anyone else.

"I... I really don't know anything. Where is Zhong Lijin? I really don't know... I, I don't know." At this time, the blue lotus had been frightened by Bai Liyi's manner and collapsed on the ground.

"Then say you know it!" Bai Liyi spoke again.

"All I know is that Dongguo Muyi took away Zhong Lijin. Really, that's all I really know." Blue lotus then told the East Guo Mu meaning to take away Zhong Lijin, but Bai Liyi is full of distrust.

"Are you sure what you said is true? Is that all you know? " Bai Liyi raised the sword in his hand. She was so scared that Lan Lianhua pulled her body back. Her make-up and BUN were already in a mess. At this time, she looked really embarrassed.

"Bailiyi, I think what she said should be true. She may only know that Dongguo Muyi took Zhong Lijin away. I know her. You believe me." Nangong Liuyun, who hasn't spoken all the time, suddenly comes up and presses down bailiyi's sword holding hand. He knows blue lotus, and she doesn't seem to be lying. He didn't want to let LAN Lianhua die, at least not here.

"Well, I believe you for the time being. If you don't say the same thing, I will take your life!" Bailiyi put down his sword, and blue lotus was relieved that she was almost dead. Just now, Nangong Liuyun came forward and asked for love for her. It seems that he still has a certain position in his heart. But this is the first time that she saw bailiyi so angry, and the reason for his anger is for the woman Zhong Lijin. Zhong Lijin, how can your life be so good? Why can't her blue lotus be loved and protected by a beloved like this. LAN Lianhua is really jealous of Zhong Lijin.

Just then, Xu Wanrou and Dongguo Muyi came in. Xu Wanrou was shocked when she saw Nangong Liuyun and bailiyi standing in the room and glanced at the blue lotus on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Dongguo Muyi opened his mouth first, and he already understood it. It seems that the two men just extorted a confession from LAN Lianhua!

"Xu Wanrou, say it! Where did you hide Zhong Lijin? Where is she now! " Bailiyi didn't pay attention to Dongguo Muyi's question, so he pointed it at Xu Wanrou directly.

Seeing Bai Li Yi's angry eyes, Xu Wanrou said something in her heart. Has the blue lotus told Bai Li Yi everything about her? Whatever, she just doesn't have to

Admittedly, Bai Liyi could not find Zhong Lijin.

"Well, Lord, you're joking. How can I know where Zhong Lijin is?" Xu Wanrou had no choice but to pull out a smile. When Nangong Liuyun saw the smiling face of Xu Wanrou, she felt disgusted. This woman is really not as simple as the blue lotus.

"You really don't know? Or do you know, just don't want me to know? " Bailiyi looked at her, angry.

"Wang Ye, Wan Rou really doesn't know." Xu Wanrou is not a master who can be intimidated at will. She looks at Bai Liyi with a coy face.

"Bai Liyi, you disturb Wu Mu Marquis's house without any communication. What do you want to do?" Dongguo Muyi looks at bailiyi and his anger goes straight to Xu Wanrou, dissatisfied.

He was not here for a while, but Bai Li Yi was still making trouble in his Wu Mu Marquis's house. He simply didn't pay attention to his Dong Guo Mu Yi, and even more did not pay attention to Wu Mu Marquis's house!

"Since you are so illiterate and I can't ask you anything, I'll have to do it."

With that, bailiyi split Dongguo Muyi with a sharp palm wind, and Dongguo dodged. But the rockery behind him was directly split from the middle by bailiyi's palm wind. "Bang..." with a sound, the upper half of the stone fell to the ground and raised a cloud of dust around him.

Dongguo Muyi immediately began to fight with bailiyi. They were entangled. Between the firelight and calcium carbide, one by one things fell and broke. Nangong Liuyun looks at the two people who are fighting and doesn't intend to help them. Although Dongguo Muyi had excellent martial arts, bailiyi was enough to deal with him alone. He knew the strength of Dongguo Muyi and how deep bailiyi was.

At this time, Xu Wanrou is not as calm as Nangong Liuyun. She looks at the two men who are fighting anxiously. Even though she believes in the strength of Dongguo Muyi, Bai Liyi never shows his martial arts. It is still unknown who will win or lose.

Just as Xu Wanrou was meditating, a dull hum came. Dongguo Muyi was injured. Just now he let bailiyi stab him in the arm.

Xu Wanrou saw that Dongguo Muyi's arm was bleeding. She realized that Dongguo Muyi might not really be Bai Liyi's opponent. Now the situation is very bad for her. She must find a way... Right! Zhong Lijin is still in her hands. She has long found that Zhong Lijin is a weakness of Bai Liyi!

So when Nangong Liuyun is focusing on watching bailiyi and Dongguo Muyi fight fiercely. Completely did not notice the side of Xu Wanrou.

Xu Wanrou turns around and picks up the dagger on the table. Taking advantage of no one's attention, she quietly walks to a corner of the room, presses the mechanism, opens the hidden tunnel, walks in and pulls Zhong Lijin out of it.

"Bai Li Yi!" When Zhong Lijin is pulled out of the secret road by Xu Wanrou, her eyes flash. She only feels the chaos in the room. Looking at the two people who are fighting, she immediately recognizes Bai Liyi. Zhong Lijin can't help but be surprised and screams.

Bai Liyi, who was fighting with Dongguo Muyi, suddenly heard a familiar voice. Looking at the sound source, he found that it was Zhong Lijin.

Seeing that bailiyi was distracted, Dongguo Muyi immediately took advantage of this opportunity to chop bailiyi. Bai Li Yi's heart is full of Zhong Li Jin, and he didn't expect it

At this time, Dongguo Muyi stealthily attacks and is hit on the shoulder by Dongguo Muyi's palm wind. The whole person retreats several steps. Fortunately, Nangong Liuyun helps him at this time.

Nangong Liuyun is naturally surprised to see Zhong Lijin appear. It seems that he and bailiyi's guess is correct. Zhong Lijin's disappearance is really related to Xu Wanrou and Dongguo Muyi. However, as soon as he didn't pay attention, Xu Wanrou came up with this method to influence Bai Liyi. Alas! He's so confused.

At this time, bailiyi and Dongguo Muyi were both injured. At this time, Zhong Lijin was in Xu Wanrou's hand, and they stopped fighting.

"Xu Wanrou, what do you want to do? I warn you, if you dare to hurt jin'er's hair, I will let you die without a burial place! " Bai Liyi looks at Zhong Lijin anxiously.

"Bailiyi..." Zhong Lijin cried powerlessly. Bailiyi had been injured just now in order to save her. Now he still said such words. Zhong Lijin could not help but warm up.

"Bailiyi, I don't intend to hurt your Jiner now. After all, she is my biggest chip, isn't she?" Xu Wanrou changed her previous warmth and smile. She now looks at Bai Liyi with a gloomy face, and takes the dagger in her hand to slide up and down Zhong Lijin's jade neck with a strong sense of threat.

"Xu Wanrou, what do you want to do?" Nangong Liuyun looks at Xu Wanrou and asks. He doesn't like being threatened, especially women.

"What do I want to do? You should know that if I go on like this, I can't escape, but I still have Zhong Lijin in my hand. " Xu Wanrou pulled out a sly smile on her face. She immediately motioned Dongguo Muyi to let LAN Lianhua help her up.

Dongguo Muyi understood, went to the blue lotus side, helped her up. But bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun are still in Xu Wanrou's hands because Zhong Lijin is still there. They watch Dongguo Muyi lift up the blue lotus without any action.

"Xu Wanrou, I advise you not to play any conspiracy and return Zhong Lijin to me." Bai Li Yi looks at Xu Wanrou fiercely, but Xu Wanrou is not moved.

"Let her go? Bai Liyi, do you think I'm a fool? Can I live without her? I tell you, if you don't want Zhong Lijin to be hurt, let us go! Otherwise, it depends on whether you kill me fast or I let Zhong Lijin bleed fast? "

Xu Wanrou said to increase the strength of holding the dagger, Zhong Lijin's neck immediately appeared a light red. Although it was not obvious, Bai Liyi was red eyed.

"Well, I promise you." Bailiyi knew that Xu Wanrou could not be worried now, and Zhong Lijin's life was still in her hand. So he had to agree to Xu Wanrou's request.

"Not bad! Bai Liyi, I knew that Zhong Lijin was your weakness. I didn't expect that this weakness was very important. " After Xu Wanrou finished speaking to Baili Yi, she said to Zhong Lijin, "Zhong Lijin, do you see? Your man really loves you. "

Zhong Lijin has already shed tears. Bailiyi, thank you. Thank you for loving me so much!

"Dongguo, let's go!"

Then Xu Wanrou carries Zhong Lijin, and Dongguo Muyi holds LAN Lianhua. Four people walk into the tunnel. Bai Liyi doesn't move. He watches Xu Wanrou disappear at the entrance of the tunnel. Yes, jin'er is still in Xu Wanrou's hands. He doesn't dare to act rashly.

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