Then Xu Wanrou and Dongguo Muyi disappeared in the tunnel.

Lin Zhaofeng saw that the situation was not good, so he wanted to chase him, but he was held by Baili Yi.

"Don't chase me. Now I'm afraid they've escaped. "

"Yes, I'm afraid we can't catch up now. Let's think of another way." Zhong Lijin also said to Bai Liyi.

"Alas! Well, think of something else. " When Lin Zhaofeng saw that Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin were both obstructing him, he gave up. However, he was not reconciled!

"Since, so, Hou ye, jin'er and I went back to the mansion first and left." Bai Liyi made a bow, then took Zhong Lijin back to the mansion.

As soon as he arrived at the house, a servant girl came up and said to Zhong Lijin, "tell the princess that the empress is here. She said she is looking for you."

"Well, I see." Zhong Lijin then waved to that servant girl, and the servant girl retreated. Zhong Lijin thought: what does Shangguan mu'er do?

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Bai Liyi seems to see Zhong Lijin's doubts. He, who had been walking behind Zhong Lijin, suddenly quickened his pace, took Zhong Lijin's hand and went to the front hall.

As soon as they arrived, they saw Shangguan mu'er walking around in the front hall. Now Shangguan mu'er was a little anxious. She heard some news in the palace today, so she came in a hurry. As a result, she never saw Zhong Lijin. I don't know what happened to Zhong Lijin? Is anything wrong?

"Zhong Lijin sees the empress. What's the matter with her coming to our house?" Zhong Lijin leans down and smiles. She just saw Shangguan mu'er's extremely anxious appearance. She can't help laughing.

"Flat! How many times have I said, don't call me empress, just call me mu'er, why do you give birth to so many courtesies when you are good at me? " Shangguan Mur quickly comes up and holds Zhong Lijin's hand.

"I don't feel at ease in the palace. What's the matter? Do you have any discomfort? Did Xu Wanrou hurt you! She also has a tradition with Dongguo Muyi. " Shangguan mu'er pulls Zhong Lijin up and down. Seeing that she is in good condition, she is relieved.

"Poof... My queen! You came from the palace in a hurry to see if I was hurt? " Zhong Lijin looks at the worried appearance of Shangguan mu'er and can't help laughing.

"Li Jin, you! Didn't I come from the palace for you? You make fun of me Shangguan mu'er suddenly raises his head and makes a look that he is not allowed to prepare Zhong Lijin.

"Well, well, I'm wrong. Well, I know you're worried about me." Zhong Lijin quickly comforts her that the girl has become a queen now. How can she still be like this? The modesty in front of her is really pretending.

"Well, all right, but it's said that you are very dangerous this time. Tell me what's going on?" Shangguan mu'er takes Zhong Lijin and sits down beside him. Bai Liyi had been sitting on one side for a long time, tasting tea carefully.

"Well, we were about to succeed, but we didn't expect that Xu Wanrou would use LAN Lianhua's life as a threat and let her escape this time." Zhong Lijin said and sighed.

"Do you mean that Xu Wanrou coerced you with the blue lotus?

But I remember you said that the blue lotus had already been tied with Xu Wanrou in the same boat? Then why does Xu Wanrou do this to the blue lotus? " Shangguan mu'er suddenly wondered why Xu Wanrou did this to LAN Lianhua. Since they were from a boat

"Well, maybe it was because LAN Lianhua suddenly said at the last moment that she had been bewitched by Xu Wanrou, which made her lose her mind. Then Xu Wanrou saw that Lan Lianhua had betrayed herself at that time, so she was angry! " Zhong Lijin looks at Shangguan mu'er and says.

Zhong Lijin thought: Xu Wanrou must have seen that they didn't want Prime Minister Lan's daughter to die like this. After all, Prime Minister Lan's power should not be underestimated in the government and the public. If his daughter died so unknowingly, then he would not be willing to give up. It would be hard for them to explain when the time comes. So Xu Wanrou died and threatened them with the life of blue lotus. It has to be said that Xu Wanrou's move is really good, which makes her get away smoothly.

"According to you, you can't blame Xu Wanrou completely, but Xu Wanrou is a woman with a ruthless mind that ordinary people can't match." After listening to this, Shangguan mu'er thinks that although Xu Wanrou is hateful, the blue lotus is not a good thing. At the critical moment, she will rebel. Who can't hate her?

Just at this time, Shangguan mu'er suddenly felt dizzy in front of his eyes. His heart felt sick and his head was in abnormal pain. Unexpectedly, in a short time, a few beads of sweat appeared on the forehead.

Zhong Lijin naturally noticed the change of Shangguan mu'er. Looking at Shangguan mu'er's hand tightly covering her heart, she was worried: "mu'er, what's the matter with you? What's wrong with you? "

"Li Jin, I don't know what's wrong. I've always been like this in recent days, with headache and dizziness, even nausea..." at this time, Shangguan mu'er has been lying on the table in pain. Zhong Lijin sees that the secret way is not good.

"Come on! Come on, doctor Xuan

Hearing this, the servants trotted all the way to the imperial doctor. Bai Liyi put down his tea cup and looked at Shangguan mu'er.

"Yi, come here quickly, help me to help mu'er to the bed."

So Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi help Shangguan mu'er to the bedside. After Shangguan mu'er lies down, Zhong Lijin pulls out his handkerchief and wipes the sweat on Shangguan mu'er's head.

"Mu'er, if you bear it any longer, the imperial doctor will come right away." Zhong Lijin comforts her.

At this time, the imperial doctor came in a hurry with a medicine box, and Nangong Liuyun came in with the imperial doctor. Nangong Liuyun sees Shangguan mu'er lying on the bed in pain, and his heart aches. Then immediately rushed forward, Zhong Lijin left the bed, retreated to Bai Liyi and stood with him.

"How are you, Moore? Is there anything wrong? " Nangong Liuyun looks at some unconscious Shangguan Mur on the bed and asks anxiously.

"Emperor, I'm fine. Don't worry too much." Shangguan mu'er said something feebly.

"Don't worry, mu'er, it will be OK. The imperial doctor has come and asked him to treat you. Doctor, come up and see the queen Nangong Liuyun comforts Shangguan mu'er, and then calls the imperial doctor up. Seeing this, the maid at one side took out the handkerchief at her waist, folded it and put it on the jade wrist of Shangguan mu'er.

The imperial doctor held out his hand and lowered his head to feel the pulse of Shangguan mu'er. After a while, the imperial doctor withdrew his hand

Looking at the Nangong Liuyun, he said: "tell the emperor that I have just felt the pulse of the queen. I found that the Queen's pulse is disordered and her pulse is weak. I'm afraid it's... Poisoned. "

After hearing this, all the people in the room were surprised. Was Shangguan mu'er poisoned?

"You said the queen was poisoned?" Nangong Liuyun was shocked when he heard the word poisoning. Poisoning? How can mu'er be poisoned? Is it Xu Wanrou? Nangong Liuyun suddenly thinks that Xu Wanrou entered the palace like Zhong Lijin when she changed her appearance last time. Xu Wanrou may have been poisoned at that time. The whole palace was heavily guarded, and the queen was surrounded by people specially arranged by him. The only thing that will not alert the queen is Zhong Lijin. It seems that Xu Wanrou has poisoned her.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi had already guessed a general idea. Xu Wanrou was really insidious, and she actually buried this move in advance.

"Did you diagnose the poison in the queen?" Zhong Lijin asked in a voice.

"Well... Weichen, the medicine is not very good, so we can't diagnose what kind of poison it is. We only know that the Queen's poison is a kind of chronic poison that doesn't attack immediately. It usually takes a while for the poison to attack."

Before Zhong Lijin spoke, Nangong Liuyun raised his sleeves, stood up and looked down at the imperial doctor: "what! You said you couldn't diagnose it? As far as I know, you are the most capable imperial doctor in the whole Tai hospital. Now you tell me that you can't diagnose what kind of poison the queen has. Is it a group of rubbish that I raise! If the queen can't get better, I'll take care of the whole hospital except you Nangong Liuyun's voice is angry. The doctor knelt on the ground and trembled.

"You step back first!" Seeing that Nangong Liuyun was impatient, Zhong Lijin called the imperial doctor to step down. The imperial doctor knew the importance of it, so he quickly bowed and retreated.

"I know a man. Maybe he can save Moore." Zhong Lijin looks at Nangong Liuyun who is sitting on the bed and clenches Shangguan mu'er's hand.

"Who?" Nangong Liuyun looks back at Zhong Lijin.

"You mean Guiguzi? He's running around. I don't know if he's still in the imperial capital! " Bai Liyi, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"Yes, that's him. I'll send for him now. " Finish saying Zhong Lijin then called a next servant to come over, let him go to search GUI GuZi to come.

After a while, the next servant came in with Guiguzi. Guiguzi happened to be in the imperial capital today, so he came to have a look.

"Miss Zhong, where is the queen?" Guiguzi didn't say much. He had come to see a doctor.

"Please." Zhong Lijin opens her mouth and is glad that Guiguzi is still in the capital. Then she pointed to the bed.

Guiguzi looked at Zhong Lijin and nodded, so he went forward to check and explored Shangguan mu'er's pulse. Then he frowned: "this, the poison in the empress is called Qi Du Wu Gu San."

"Is there any way to cure it?" Zhong Lijin asked.

"Alas! This strange poison and bone eroding powder is a very rare chronic poison, but once it breaks out, it can make people feel miserable or even die. And this kind of poison, if you want to detoxify, other people can't make the antidote. I'm afraid you can only let the person who poisoned take out the antidote himself. "

Zhong Lijin can't help frowning when she hears this. Do you want Xu Wanrou to take out the antidote? What can we do?

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