"Is Xiaoyu at home?"

"Miss? She went out after breakfast. Didn't she say she was going to take wedding photos with her uncle today?"

He Yutong's heart sank suddenly, "yes, yes, I want to ask, what time did she go out?"

"Ten o'clock in the morning. It seems Lao Yan sent her out..."

"Do you know where Uncle Yan sent her?"

"I don't know. When I was busy in the kitchen, they left..."

"Is uncle Yan at home?"

"No, Lao Yan went out with the master after sending the young lady back. Miss He, what happened to my young lady?"

"No, no, we were supposed to go to the wedding dress shop together. Xiaoyu must have gone to find Li mochuan first, that's it..."

He Yutong just hung up the phone and frowned tightly.

Emily on one side saw that she didn't look very well and said anxiously, "what's the matter?"

"There is only Aunt Chen at home. She said uncle Yan sent Xiaoyu out at 10 a.m., but she doesn't know where she went... Emily, you call Li mochuan and ask if Xiaoyu is with him. I'll call Gu Jinyan and ask him for uncle Yan's phone."


As soon as Emily's voice fell, Li mochuan came in. Her deep eyes looked around the wedding dress shop. When she didn't see Qiao Siyu, she frowned and said, "where's my wife?"

He Yutong's face became more ugly. "Xiaoyu didn't find you?"

Li mochuan's handsome face suddenly cooled down, "don't tell me, you lost my wife..."

Seeing Li mochuan's cold handsome face, he Yutong shivered, "We were supposed to come to the wedding dress shop together, but around 10:20, Xiaoyu sent a wechat to Emily and me in the group, saying that she had something to ask Emily and me to wait for her in the wedding dress shop first. No, we've been waiting here for nearly an hour. Xiaoyu not only hasn't arrived, but also turned off the phone when calling her... I just called my family, and there was only Aunt Chen at home, Aunt Chen said that Xiaoyu left in Uncle Yan's car at 10 a.m., but now uncle Yan has returned and gone out with Chairman Gu, but Xiaoyu has no news... "

There was another sentence he Yutong didn't dare to say, "Xiaoyu, won't anything happen?"

Hearing the speech, Li mochuan walked to the window with a cold face and dialed uncle Yan's phone. He soon got through there.


"Uncle Yan, it's me Li mochuan. You sent Sisi out today. Where did she get off the bus?"

"Mochuan, Xiaoyu got off the bus on Renmin Road. She said that miss he and miss AI were waiting for her at" Shiquan Jiumei "on Renmin Road. Let me put her on the roadside and go in by herself. It happened that I had to take my master to see an old friend at noon and left. What's the matter?"

"Nothing's wrong. One of Sisi's necklaces fell off. I think she fell on the side of the road when she got off the bus and planned to send someone to look for it." in order not to worry the Gu family, Li mochuan had to lie.

"It's at the bus stop on Renmin Road, but people come and go, and I don't know if it has been picked up by others!"

"Well, I'll deal with it. That's it. Bye uncle Yan!"

Looking at the cold around Li mochuan, the people present couldn't help shivering. He Yutong was worried about Qiao Siyu, so when Li mochuan called, he was not afraid to come up to Li mochuan and heard uncle Yan's words.

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