In China, the scheming is quite deep, and some vicious Fang Yehan has completely disappeared.

Just thinking, Fang Yehan's sad voice rang again, "brother Li, I heard that you and Secretary Qiao are married. Congratulations..."

Then she smiled bitterly again, "I always thought I couldn't bless you and Secretary Joe, but now I find that I can do anything as long as you can be happy. In the past, I was too willful and unreasonable, which made you and Secretary Joe have a lot of misunderstandings because of me. I'm here to say sorry. When you see Secretary Joe again, help me say sorry to her. I'll be accompanied by Secretary Joe for the rest of your life I believe you will be very happy, so I can rest assured. "

Hearing Fang Yehan's apology, Li mochuan was even more sorry. Suddenly he thought of the doctor's words. He said faintly: "Han Han, do you have any unfinished wishes or want to do things you haven't had time to do?"

Fang Yehan said with a bitter smile, "my only wish is to see you before I die. Now it has come true. But there is one thing I want to do but I haven't had time to do..."


Fang Yehan raised his eyes and looked at Li mochuan with burning eyes. Tears burst out, "I want to go to church in my wedding dress. Every woman fantasizes that one day she can be a beautiful bride, and I am no exception. Brother Li, can you pretend to be my bridegroom? It's ten minutes, oh no, just one minute..."

Looking at the expectation in Fang Yehan's eyes, Li mochuan's eyebrows frowned tightly and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Fang Yehan's wry smile first said, "I'm sorry, my request is too unreasonable. You have married Secretary Qiao. Even if you pretend to be my groom for a minute, it's really too difficult for you."

Fang Yehan's deep loss at the bottom of his eyes could not escape Li mochuan's eyes. He squeezed his fist tightly and finally said a "good" word.

It was only a minute. If he explained the situation to Joss, he believed that his little woman would understand him.

Fang Yehan was ecstatic, and his big eyes were full of excited tears. "Thank you, brother Li, really thank you..."


When Jin Zichen was sent to the crematorium, Qiao Siyu didn't go. She couldn't breathe because she thought that Jin Zichen was swallowed up by the fire and only a pile of ashes remained.

She went straight home, changed her beautiful clothes and put on black.

Without any appetite, she forced herself to eat something and went back to her bedroom. She called Li mochuan again and again. What she heard was always the shutdown message prompted by the cold female voice.

She was upset and confused. Zhai Lingfeng's question made her frightened.

Li mochuan clearly promised that she would let Jin Zichen go. Why did she appear in Jin Zichen's ward? Was the monitoring really damaged by Li mochuan? Was Jin Zichen's death caused by Li mochuan?

Jin Zichen died between two and three in the afternoon. She called Li mochuan at three. At that time, Li mochuan suddenly said he was going on a business trip. Is it really related to Jin Zichen?

No, no, it's definitely not. All this is a coincidence. If Li mochuan really wants Jin Zichen to die, he doesn't have to take so much trouble to destroy the monitoring and do it himself!

But apart from Li mochuan, who will make Jin Zichen excited and angry to death?

Lying in bed tossing and turning, I couldn't sleep. I was uneasy and afraid.

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