"Oh... How can she calm down if she doesn't let me be punished?"

After they parted ways with Ma Hongyang, Qiao Siyu and Pei Yueyue walked out of the restaurant together, but unexpectedly, they met muyunfan who was calling while walking to the cafe at the door of a cafe next to the restaurant.

Qiao Siyu thought that she had been treated in Wei Anfu for more than a year and couldn't accept Duan Xiaonan. He also remembered that mu Yunfan was her former psychologist and had cured her, so he asked peiyueyue to drive first. She walked towards mu Yunfan.

"Doctor mu..."

Mu Yunfan didn't see Qiao Siyu. When she heard someone call herself, she found it was Qiao Siyu, "OK, that's it..."

Hung up the phone, mu Yunfan smiled at Qiao Siyu, "Miss Qiao also came here for coffee?"

Josie smiled and shook his head, "no, I just asked someone to eat in the nearby restaurant..."

Muyunfan really didn't expect to meet Qiao Siyu here. Recently, he has been studying how to make Qiao Siyu recover her memory quickly and completely without being hurt. Of course, the best way is hypnosis, but hypnosis also needs Qiao Siyu's consent and rest assured to let him urge. If he comes forcibly, it's easy to fail, and the consequences are still very serious.

Now seeing Qiao Siyu, mu Yunfan is thinking about how to make Qiao Siyu agree to his hypnosis. Qiao Siyu suddenly opens his mouth, "doctor mu, are you free recently?"

Mu Yunfan raised his eyebrows. Is there a chance?

"I'm an idle man. I'm free at any time. What's the matter?"

"Ha ha... I want to consult doctor Mu about psychological things. I just want to see your schedule."

"Yes, Miss Qiao can call me whenever she wants. I've been sick recently! But not now. I have an appointment..."

At this time, muyunfan was overjoyed. That feeling was what you racked your brains to get. Suddenly he sent it to the door. It was so cool.

Although he really wants to treat Qiao Siyu now, he still needs to prepare a lot of materials. After all, he doesn't know much about Li mochuan and Qiao Siyu. If hypnosis, he must be fully prepared.

Unexpectedly, mu Yunfan was just free recently. Qiao Siyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, "well, it's so late today, I can't consult. Besides, I don't want to disturb Dr. Mu's blind date!"

Blind date!?

Mu Yunfan twitched the corners of his mouth. If he could, he really wanted Qiao Siyu to forget that he was poured with coffee by his blind date in the restaurant that day!

"I didn't have a blind date today. I just made an appointment with a friend..."

"Oh..." Qiao Siyu gave mu Yunfan a look of "you don't need to explain, I understand", and then smiled, "Anxing, I'll call you another day..."

"... OK, by the way, do you have my phone?"

"Well, it seems not!"

So the two exchanged phone numbers. Qiao Siyu just saved mu Yunfan's mobile phone number, and Pei Yueyue drove over. Therefore, Qiao Siyu waved goodbye to Mu Yunfan, "doctor mu, make an appointment another day."

"OK, remember to call me!" during the conversation, mu Yunfan "accidentally" saw Pei Yueyue in the driver's seat, a woman with high cold fan, very delicious!

On the bus, Qiao Siyu repeatedly looked at mu Yunfan's phone number and sighed slightly. Originally, she wanted to be treated by Wei Anfu all the time, but a year later, Wei Anfu still didn't cure her sexual coldness. When Duan Xiaonan repressed her desire and painfully asked her when she could release her body to accept him, she was very depressed.

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