Qiao Siyu subconsciously raised his eyes and bumped into a pair of dark black eyes as deep as ink. His eyes looked at her deeply. She could see her foolish appearance from his eyes.

Their faces are very close, breathing entangled and ambiguous.

Returning to his senses, Qiao Siyu got up in a panic, but he was pulled by Li mochuan and fell back on him.

Josie was angry and just wanted to swear. His hand suddenly came up and clasped her head, and their lips pressed tightly together.

Qiao Siyu suddenly opened his eyes, while Li mochuan closed his eyes. When he closed his eyes, Qiao Siyu only saw his thick and slender eyelashes.

The next second, Li mochuan suddenly rolled with Qiao Siyu in his arms. The original posture of women up and men down suddenly became men up and women down.

Li mochuan's lips not only didn't leave Qiao Siyu's lips, but the original soft kiss suddenly became hot and domineering.

"Well... Asshole... Put..."

The small voice was swallowed as soon as it was exported. Joss regretted that he should not have cared about him. It was his business for him to lose face in the corridor. The more he had no image in front of the employees, the more likely she was to win her revenge. She was nosy and took herself in. There was no one more sad than her.

The anger in his heart grew stronger and stronger. Qiao Siyu stretched out his hand to hit people, but Li mochuan seemed to see her intention, grabbed her two hands and raised them to his head, and his kiss became hotter and hotter

Thinking of being kissed by him every time, Qiao Siyu's eyes were cold and his mouth was about to bite. At this time, Li mochuan released Qiao Siyu and gasped with his forehead against her forehead, "wife, I really want you!"

"Want... Want your uncle's head! Come on... Get off! You're pressing me... Very uncomfortable..." Josie was gasping for breath after being kissed, and his words were intermittent.

Li mochuan got up a little. Qiao Siyu pushed him away when he caught the opportunity. Just thinking of it, he thought Li mochuan was going to press down again. In a hurry, he kicked out!

This kick kicked Li mochuan in the stomach, but Qiao Siyu didn't know it. He kicked Li mochuan down and jumped up from bed and rushed to his office.

When he put his hand on the door handle lock, he suddenly heard Li mochuan's painful cough behind him. Qiao Siyu thought Li mochuan was pretending to be ill and bit his teeth. Without looking back at Li mochuan, he ran out of the rest room directly.

Sitting in the office chair, Qiao Siyu was very confused. He agreed to keep a certain distance from Li mochuan. How could he kiss him again?

Finally, she calmed down. Her mind was full of haunting coughs

Damn it, what's going on? It's going crazy!

No, she just kicked Li mochuan in the stomach, didn't she? He was fine. After she kicked him, she began to cough. Did she kick him?

It shouldn't be. It's definitely Li mochuan. He likes it best!

But did she just go a little too far? They are husband and wife. It's normal for Li mochuan to kiss her. Even if she is still angry and hasn't forgiven Li mochuan, she won't kick others.

Why don't you go and see him? Even if he is pretending, she should cooperate. Otherwise, how can she use beauty tricks?

The plan is not easy to implement bit by bit. There must be no more stubble at this time!

"Oh, that's enough..."

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